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So, Sleepaway is done! Well, almost. The text is all done, the layout is all done, and all that's being worked on right now is the art. 

Meanwhile, I've spent the past week on a small farm in Colombia with my dad, doing some mental health recovery and writing games. My current projects, while I wait for Sleepaway, have been Kid Impossible (which I just released on Itch here) and an as of yet unnamed Princess Mononoke PbtA game.

While the rules for GMing haven't yet been typed up, I'm going to share the Google Doc as it currently exists for my 3$ and greater patrons, which will be in the next update by the end of the day. It's currently ready for some rough playtesting, which is what I plan to do once I get home from Colombia.

Thank you all, and see you around!


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