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  • wip_4.mp4
    00:00 / 00:00



Hey! As previously mentioned, I have been putting my efforts towards my big animation! So here is a little snippet of it!

For this one I was going with a new experimental style I made for that scene only, as it will probably make more sense in the context of the whole animation! I'm very happy with how it looks though, but let me know what you think! It also gives you an idea of the size differences that will be going on in the 'later scenes'~

This week I'll also be focusing on SFW stuff primarily as I really want to get the intro/sfw scenes done so I can move my focus to all the NSFW parts afterwards~ I only have about one scene left to polish and then another one to fully animate and the SFW segment should be complete! But the scene that's missing polish is fairly long (relatively speaking), so polishing it is going to be a lot of work, but nonetheless I can feel the progress being made and that's very exciting!

Then I'll move onward to the NSFW scenes and transitions, which I'm aiming to make about 4 of, but depending on how much work it will be, there might be more or less!

That's all for now, I hope you're looking forward to the next updates! And have a good week!



Jex the Kobold

Aw its ok Tatsu! I is smol too! Q.Q