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  • scene_cooking_01.webm
    00:00 / 00:00
  • scene_cooking_01_MOBILE.mp4
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Happy Friday everybody! I hope you had a good week! I've been finishing one of the remaining scenes of the intro before I move on to the NSFW scenes, so here it is!

There are still a few details to polish on the animation and the environment is still lacking for now, but there will be some news on that aspect very soon so stay tuned for that! The intro segment is now almost two minutes long! This is longer than any animations I've made before!

That scene also definitely took me the longest to animate out of all of them so far, but seeing all the scenes starting to connect together is a great feeling! And I'm very excited to be finished with that part of the animation! And I hope you are too!

Next week I will be finishing the last scene from the intro as well as starting on the NSFW scenes, so I might have an image to show~ But for now I hope you have a great weekend!

(hi-resolution animation attached below, get the MOBILE version if you are on a phone!)


HQ animation version of the post below!
HQ animation version of the post below!


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