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God San is SOO loveable and comes across sooo genuine I'd love to meet him.

This episode was fantastic. I'll always commend them for their liberal forward thinking especially coming from such a conservative country.

The outfits ate OVERALL!!

Loads of fun. I'm missing some ATEEZ variety shows.




I’m so excited I recommend this heavy; love their personal styles. OK, putting my producer hat on I think that most of the clothes are her clothes or at least 50% of them are. There are often a lot of repeats but I imagine that anywhere from 50 to 25% are probably rentals of interesting pieces that she likes and whatever rentals were not used or chosen by the idols goes back immediately, and whatever was stays for the rental period. Or they actually could be all of our clothes. There’s also the option that she cycles in sections of her closet to not overlap as much, but there are overlaps. Lol hope that helps

Fer Jimenez

Happy new year ♥️👏🏻


Haha yeah so in the p1harmony ep which is older at the start she confirms it's not really her closet which makes sense!

Akshi Ankita

Happy New year..!!! I think Hoshi once said they remind him of a younger seventeen 😀😀😀😀

Akshi Ankita

I think the performance maybe a part of the seasons

Lea Dan

Wooyoung i love you but what is that she ain’t going to perform baggy jean 😭


Seonghwa and Mingi ATE!!

Nina Sera

I think she meant the space wasn’t her closet? But I think a lot of the clothes are bc she mentioned in another episode that it’s a pain to bring everything back and forth from home lol. I’m sure they bring some stuff in to fill it out but some of it has been there for years

Nina Sera

Not we both hit rewind at the same San moment in Bouncy😂


I feel like was is a really great program for them to go on since they're such a stylish group (except for San - still love you though babe lol). My favourite outfit of the episode was probably Mingi cause it had great impact and she looked stunning in it, but in terms of what I would actually be most likely to wear and feel comfortable in is Yeosang's

Amerie Marshall

Okay. So, I have been watching this show for a while now, and basically, at the beginning, some of the clothes were hers, and the rest weren't, but now those are all of her clothes. Which is crazy, but she has said multiple times that she has a shopping addiction. I also think she leaves some of her clothes at home.


I loved this. I miss you watching Ateez haha. They are all so cute. Natural fashionistas except my Himbo Sannie <3. It's ok, he has D&G to dress him and he looks great when they do. You should have watched the Bouncy KCON performance! They all looked amazinggg during that. I need them to come back with more variety content. We have been deprived! Wanteez please come back 🥲 I need them to do a North American fan meeting. I want to see them dressed as Aniteez and performing covers and singing old songs we haven't ever heard them sing on stage 😭

Em Whit

Omg yes to Ateez variety shows!!!! That would be so fun!!! Yunho killed that solo 🫶🏼 Ateez will forever be kings of live vocals and performance


if you are down to watching boynextdoor still their dress me is hilarious. if not, so is zb1


16:05 I THOUGHT THE SAME THING HELPPP I WAS LIKE "this mf needs to drop his routine cause WHAT??" but the jeans are just hella oversized LOL