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Glad I got my answer to the question regarding what "her closet" is lol.

This was really cute!

Soul is so CUTE I can't take it. Theo is also hilarious. Most of their outfits were solid too for sure.

I will be doing more of their variety stuff at some point I'm sure.

Maybe a concert too but we'll have to see.

Enjoy !




Luv p1harmony reactions💜

maya k

i’ve watched all these kpop idols dress me videos bc the concept is super cute and fun but this one is definitely my fav!! they are so likable and their chemistry is so funny!

Nina Sera

They def have my favorite overall looks. Also I love Jiung saying you’re the only you being who you are is enough and Keeho immediately following with actually we’re all insignificant specks of dust in an infinite galaxy so nothing matters😭


Can you do the aespa one