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The part 2 wasn't as great as part 1 but still enjoyable, I'm in love with Sungho's voice man!

I'd watch more singing variety stuff of theirs though, i want to hear more. I Pray their music really has moments that showcase these vocals, they may have it already, I just need to discover it.

Now regarding that MAMA performance. I GET IT! They looked sexy, suave, gentlemanly and grown, it was perfect styling and they performed with such confidence and EASE!! You can see that they practice singing live and it shows in their eyes and how well they command the stage.

Super impressive!!




They make performances fun. Like I legit couldn’t stop smiling during their mama. They just genuinely have fun which I think a lot of idols have trouble doing


Also their mma performance was really fun too, idk if you can tell if you watch it but they kinda look angry and are loud cause the back track is too loud.


Thanks for the reaction <3. They did a good cover of 'Last Christmas' last year if you want to get more of a taste of their vocals without listening to their current music!


i looove sungho sm! hes so talented and definitely underrated in not only singing but dancing too. they came out with a new song recently called 'if i say, i love you' and sungho on the live stages for it is my favorite. something about his dancing for that song is just so good. not only that but he's also incredibly sweet and goofy!


Their music isn't really my taste but god are they captivating. both in their performances and variety! i'll always stop to appreciate them when someone puts them on my tl they're my boy-in-laws <3

Reagan 💚

taesan just has that face man. personally boynextdoor has so much potential and can really sell a performance so hopefully their music in the future gets better because currently they fall a little flat if i'm listening to them without either the music video or live performance. they can really perform though and their variety content is super entertaining.

life of nicole

I feel like obviously nobody can like every single group, there are gonna be groups whose music might not be to your personal tase (a general you, not just you specifically 😂), but if this is how they perform, and this is how much personality they have, I don't think I really mind! haha Like of course if they both lined up - the music and the performance - it's top tier, but I would much rather this than the double negative of music thats not to my taste AND the performance being sub-par, if that makes sense? haha


omgggg u posted so many!! EVERYONE CHEER !!


As a BND music enjoyer i also hope that they release music to your taste. When it comes im so excited for ur album reaction LOL. I always look forward to your bnd reactions cause youre thankfully not afraid to say your opinions which just makes the reactions so much more enjoyable when you enjoy the content rather than the constant WOAAHH often seen in other reactors. Also you probably wont be as interested but boynextdoor just revealed their concept isnt just "boynextdoor" but actually they are all 6 personalities(?) or emotions in one person (taesan) experiencing growing up and the stages of love. Idk i just think it makes their identity as a group stronger.


Thank you!! Yeah I can't wait for the day they do that man. Ohh okay that concept makes sense considering how Taesan carries himself lol


I'm begging for them all to go on Lee Mujin service honestly, especially Leehan and Sungho. I'd even take an episode of them together, their duet of Don't Go by Exo lives in my brain rent free still. I could be wrong but I think the main reason Taesan went on Lee Mujin service first is because he is known as the music obsessed member. I think he would probably jump at the chance to go on a show where he can talk about and show music he loves because he's so passionate about it.

Love Hoseok

Ngl, man. I’m a sucker for a good performance (one of the only reasons I’m still hanging on to Le Sserafim 😭). I wasn’t interested in BND at all until watching this. Now I’m curious lol

dhdh fhdhd

idk if you’re ever going to react to their new release but i feel like you would enjoy the dance practice especially the dance break