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I've uploaded my top 26 K-pop releases on my hottakes channel.

Once again, a STRONG year for music. I've listened to the songs on this list SEVERAL TIMES and i'm STILL not sick of them.

I HOPE 2025 is strong too but 24 will be tough act to follow.

Can you guess my no.1 artist?




Also Let me go is 2023 but yeah i discovered it in '24 lol. My other no.1 was boyz ii men dreams. I listened to it sooo much last year but obviously a very old song.


HOPING TO SEE FLO IN HERE… my girls served this year




I don’t know most of these songs but I will be giving them a listen cause your taste is 👌🏾!!


YESSS LOVE RAVYN !! she’s so underrated it’s actually insane, i saw her live to i was so surprised her tickets were only like $50 usd


Ok most might’ve been a bit of an exaggeration 😭


ravynnnnnnnn has my whole heart ugh birds eye was my #1 album and like 5 of the songs made it into my top 10 songs of the entire year

Reagan 💚

i am so in love with pretty much everything that khalid releases so i was so happy to see that he made your list! i also hate when a girlie that i can't stand serves Cunt (cough addison rae cough) but it is what it is. i loved a lot of the music in 2024 so hopefully we can keep the momentum

Vinícius Oliveira

OHHHH you're so real for this ranking! Love is Blind, Everything We See, Bending My Rules, Breathe Me and Made For Me were on heavy rotation here as well. Multiplatinum in my spotify HAHAHAH Now omw to your other channel to see the kpop one

Joe B

This is how I find out Khalid is queer LOL great list


Yesss Khalid does NOT miss! Yess i hope the momentum continues too


Oh baby where you been?! There was a big twitter blow up last month or 2 when he eventually came out cos some guy exposed him lol


surprised and happy to see sabrina here lol! you referenced her in ur enhypen no doubt reaction and i was really interested to hear ur stance on her


KHALID AND RAVYN LENAE YESSSSS I really dont play about those two!

Betty Ndaba

Ohh that Usher song LOVE LOVE ❤️


LOVE TO SEE IT! many titles I already knew and loved, but few titles I didn't know which is what I'm here for!! New good music always makes my day better!!! My personal (non k-pop) favourite was the Empathogen album by WILLOW, don't know if you know it or if it's your genre! "Symptom of Life" it's been on repeat for me!!!


Anyone got a link to the top kpop releases? idk i think i'm blind i can't find it😭 Will def be tuning into some of these artists this year, the songs sound too good. And good to know it wasn't just me who was magically in their white girl era LOL


Honestly I didn't listen to as much of nonkpop music this year, but one thing that stood out for me was an OST from a video game, some of my favorite songs of this year were from that. 'Color Your Night' from the soundtrack of 'Persona 3 Reload' is such a great track, the female singer ATE in this album on every song she's on, and the bassist too! Also "When the Moon's Reaching Out Stars" from Persona 3 Reload OST is such a good vibe!

jai jai

i love that you love a GOOOD beat


Love all of these !!! At least i’m not the only one in my white girl with a guitar bag😭 Only time i was shocked was the Selena Gomez comment omg - i loved her on calm down😭


LOOOOOL TBH i just wanted to make a joke. I don't think i've even really listened to her version haha


LOL omg that’s actually so wild to me, that song went triple diamond in my car 😂

Deme Dacosta

I was so annoyed at how slept on tyla’s ablum was.