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GOD this was SOOO goood!!

Even though I'm sooo familiar with his voice, he managed to showcase how versatile his voice still is!

Singing a full english songs and not avoiding any of the difficult parts was fantastic! I also LOOOVED the duet omg. I'd love for them to release that honestly. PLEASE!!

I gagged so much!





Please react to Treasure Junkyu’s Mujin if you can 😊

SpacedOut Vy



Yesss! I knew you’d love that duet. I had to skip to the duet, first, to watch the reaction, and then started at the beginning. Haha that unison blend before they break off into harmonies. Gorgeous.


i don't think there's words in the english language that can explain how much i love this mujin service episode and how much i love onew and shinee for being singersssss...yep!


I was excited for you to react to this one!! It's such a TREAT to hear singers who have such good ears, and know how to sing so well with other people, sing together. The way everything just clicked was so satisfying!! While watching the Ordinary People part I realized Onew and D.O are alike in that they don't really speak much English but they can work an English song cover like it's nothingggg. Onew has some great covers from the olden days that only exist on YouTube in like 240p lolol. Side note your freaking Gummy imitation took me out LMFAOOO I rewatched at least 3 times


HAAHAHAH i forgot I did that and yes it's amazing how they sing english sooo flawlessly


I've been waiting for your reaction to this! Onew's voice is just so pure, in every way that he sings whether in his falsetto or in his chest voice. It's hard for me to describe but it always feels like it's just soaring and with so much ease. I think he'll always sound youthful both because of his tone and also technique. (I think D.O. has a similar quality to his voice too)

life of nicole

My favourite thing is how he just looks like he has so much fun singing!! It's infectious 🥰


Onew was the first person I thought of once I learned of LMS, truly a master of his craft!


Completely agree w you about their chemistry, I caught myself thinking it strange that Mujin didn't call him hyung because it just felt so natural lol

Joe B

At 36:20 when Onew switched from falsetto to chest(?) I gagged. So beautiful!! The way he was harmonising with Mujin made me tear up for some reason?? Mad. Definitely up there with fromis Seoyeon’s duet for me.


i cried watching him T_T


this was so beautiful god reminded me just how much i love jinki's voice, its unlike anything else and i was GAGGED throughout the whole nessun dorma and the duet

Dory G

Finally got Onew on! Also SM's main vocal coach had limited availability and SM would have seniors train with rookies. Taemin and Kai got a few dance lessons from SuJu's Eunhyuk until they outgrew him. And Taemin's 1st vocal teacher was Onew (Jonghyun actually worked with D.O first). Taemin finally got an official slot with SM's famous coach in 2009 when JYJ left SM. We believe he got Jaejoong's old slot. Lol SM lore is wild.

Lee Maldonado

This became my favorite duet!!! Their voices complement each other so well and they blend so nicely!!


In 2021, a vocal coach asked Jinki about his switch to falsetto and he said, to paraphrase him, that it was never a problem for him. Mad lad! I really hope you can react to Flow and Connection albums, released by his new managemeng, Griffin Ent. He co-wrote and co-produced them!


I'm not sure if you've listened to this song called 'The name I loved' (2009,Year of Us). If you haven't, may be can consider to check it out. This song is Onew's duetting with Kim Yeon Woo. I find them quite similar in term of tone, singing style and techniques. As I remembered, Onew mentioned he received some vocal lessons from Kim Yeon Woo. FYI, Kim Yeon Woo is one of the winners in King of Masked Singers Korea and I'm a Singer. Really love his voice.