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One thing about me. If you're gonna sing well, I am SAT.

It's a shame people are distracted by their "visuals" and not paying attention to the MUSIC. They're acting like this is Shrek and his children. These boys are cute and singing their faces off.

See you on tomorrow - whatever that means, is such a great vocal with some nice layered harmonies that add some nice moments of dissonance at times. Like who does that on a debut album??

On top of that the little acapella moments in other songs? You lot will get sick of them cos I will reacting to EVERY SINGLE THING THEY DO.

I want a Killing voice infact.





If you like them this much, then I HIGHLY suggest you watch LOUD. It’s the competition show where most of the members come from. It was a collaboration between JYP and Psy where they took trainees from JYP and PNation and basically made them free agents while on the show. Each company got to basically choose their trainees at the end and form their own teams. These boys specifically have been in the lab for 3 years. The show was heavily focused on individuality as artists, SKILL (whether it be dance, singing, rap, performance, etc), and overall ability to deliver. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. The PNation (Psy) group from the show is TNX (formerly The New Six)


Personally, Amaru was one of my one picks from the beginning of the show. Vocally he’s so diverse, strong and unique. Also an 05 liner like Ni-ki and Japanese as well. Overall the boys have been vetted for years and this is a great introduction into the world!!


Even if it’s not for the channel/patreon, it’s great for getting a better feel for the personality of the group/members.


Got7 album incoming?


Nah that bridge + outro to see you on tomorrow had me ASCENDING!! Especially after seeing you live and what the chat was saying I wasn't expecting something like that oh my god THE VOCALS

elijiah vinegar

I loved this album i don’t even listen to the Kpop scene anymore it seems like a trend to always hate on the new group


Are you turning into a JYP STAN? I think so, personally I hated mm great because of the chorus but because of you I might re-listen. The things I do for you😫 This is not related but would you be going to a skz concert this year?


i also got the same first impression with Mama Said but now okayyy you grew but yes Like A Monster is the main cuntress of the EP

Eleanor Carys

Kind of, sort of need a JYP Nation Concert this year. KickFlip and NEXZ could do some great collab stages together and I think it would be a great way to introduce their newer groups, like SM do at their yearly concerts. Because to me it seems like not many people know or care that they've debuted, but I think they have a lot of potential!


I feel like I said I was recently. They're COOOKINGG man. Hehe i'm such a good influence. And no I won't be!


I watched LOUD all those years ago so I was definitely excited (especially for Keiju and Amaru), however listening to 'mama said' turned me off. So GLAD you reacted to the album because I wouldn't have discovered 'like a monster' if you hadn't. What a SONG! I'd definitely watch their variety alongside you. Seeing a group grow from debut is really special.


That bridge and outro on see you on tomorrow took that song from a 5 to at least a 7. The vocals!!!


I am so loving kickflip! I also was taken back with tracks such as Like a Monster, Knock Knock, and See you Tomorrow but I love the whole project! I'm glad you enjoyed it and guess I was one of a few who thought you actually would because their vocals? Those lower tones? I'm so looking forward to more!


honestly they did remind me of BND at first but...

Chloé Hoarau

This is kinda random but reactions like these make me really glad I watch and interact with your content haha. Cause this really isn’t a group I would’ve checked out on my own and yet, here I am, watching a 45” reaction to their music. The way you pick out certain elements or members; from the vocals to the choreo is really pertinent and helpful. You’re good at putting into words the things I unconsciously like and gravitate towards. Anyways, love them and excited to hear and see more from them!


I checked these guys out because it was my first time finding a group pre-debut and I honestly wasn't expecting much, but here I am already waiting for their signed albums to come in because I want this talent in writing. I like all of the songs, but like a monster really just hits the right spots and the vocals are serving already. I'm excited for what's next!!

life of nicole

Omg I had the exact same reaction of "A BRIDGE?!", what a sad world we live in that a bridge is shocking 😭😂 There's something about how, obviously I can see some similarities in recent groups, but the distinction for me is they're actually giving them the opportunity to show their vocals more - like, they're keeping in runs, adlibs and higher notes for them, rather than either putting them so far back in the mix you can barely hear them, or omitting them all together. (Although I'll never say no to more adlibs, I'm an EXO fan, what do you want from me 😂) It keeps it exciting, I'm so over songs where the last chorus just sounds exactly like the first chorus, let the singers sing god damn it!! hahaha


Thank you so much!! Love comments like these cos it helps me stay true to myself knowing it's clicking


YES! They're REAALLY singing and showing off in a way that is sooo refreshing!

Shana (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-31 02:57:03 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)
2025-01-25 19:47:55 wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)

wow i'm so happy you reacted to them, i've been waiting for their debut since their survival show in 2021 and most of us almost felt like they'd never debut... getting emotional seeing them so grown and finally achieving their dreams, and with such a cool debut at that ! i'm excited to see more of them on your patreon/youtube channel (and ofc i'm always here for jyp reactions anyway lol)


Thank you for reacting!! So fun!! Hope to see more kickflip in the future!

Mica Ferguson

I'm late to this reaction, but I am so glad you did this reaction and I follow you! I was not a fan of Mama Said and Umm Great, so I def wrote these guys off initially, but I remember reading your post when you dropped this a few weeks ago and decided to come back and check out the album and I'm glad I did! Like a Monster is fantastic!