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I had to hear the song in full after the killing voice!

She's so amazing as per.



Kavai Katoa

where's junkyu's episode?


I've only really listened to her 2007 "고백하기 좋은 날 (The Perfect Day to Say I Love You)" and 2008 "Someday" albums so i'm not sure how much her sound has evolved since, but she debuted with a more guitar-driven/pop-rock sound so if you were interested in hearing that style from her i'd recommend those.


In my opinion, her newer albums highlight her growth as an artist, songwriter and producer the most. It's cool to see her continue to learn, evolve, and make music for today's time, despite having a 20 year career. That said, I recommend 'End Theory: Final Edition' and 'Growth Theory: Final Edition'. These albums feel complete and cohesive. What I mean is that the song choices and track order work together so well, the album feels like a journey or a story. It shows how meticulous she is when creating these works.

hayun lee

agreed. her older albums esp supersonic were always cohesive, but her last 2 were honest to god masterpieces. its amazing how shes still able to grow and bloom as an artist despite being 20 years into her career.

hayun lee

god i wish i could switch brains with you at will because even the best translations of her music only capture 60% of her artistry. her lyrics are just so beautifully written and it elevates the listening experience to such a deeply emotional level i wish i could share with everyone somehow 😭

Junkie Junk

I love Younha, but what I dislike about these "lives" is that it's always incredibly edited or they just use the recorded version of the audio, so it's never a true live. Younha has the capabilities of singing the song but these programs always have to have this air of perfection. Either way, I still think the MV witht he lyrics is worth a watch, it's incredibly touching and beautiful.