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This Week's Summary:

  • Redesigned the glossary screens
  • Completed and coded all new glossary articles
  • Cross-linked all the glossary pages to each other
  • Finished hyperlinking to glossary entries in the game
    • Currently there are 123 glossary entries.
    • Keeping an eye out for any additional ones needed
    • Still have to confer with backers on entries too

The Ramble:

So this week was all about the glossary. I re-designed all the screens and streamlined the process of getting in and out of the articles. I'd already redesigned the pages a little but I ended up changing the code a bit more to improve the look further.

Then I completed writing and coding all the new articles. I'd say that I had less than half the articles written and in the game for the demo. There are currently well over 100 articles. I probably still need to add a few more - either things I forgot or else backer-created lore. Multiple backers still haven't given me anything solid to work with.

After writing up all the articles - which took a while - I went through and hyperlinked the articles to each other. That took way longer than I anticipated. But it's done now as well. I think cross linking articles took me longer than hyperlinking the articles from within the routes.

Which I also did this week.

I'm not terribly fussed about making sure everything in-game is meticulously linked. The glossary is unlocked and accessible from the start and is also pretty thoroughly hyperlinked. So I don't have to be careful to make sure the player can see unlock every single article through the game. I tried to link to concepts the first time they are mentioned (or the second time if they are mentioned during a really tense scene and I don't want to break immersion at that point) or that a concept is linked to more than once if it's something I suspect the player may forget.

But ultimately, like I said, I'm not trying to be too meticulous about it. The glossary is there to enhance the lore but it's not really totally necessary to understand the story in my opinion.

Sneak Peeks and Previews:

Again, I don't really have any screen caps to show - I'm not working on screen-cappy things right now.

Upcoming Week:

Having completed the last "big" feature. I now have a long list of smaller features and corrections and additions to make and complete. I'll be working on those in the upcoming weeks as well as doing copious checking and testing of the game to make sure all the errors are found and corrected.

  • Check all the hyperlinks that they are typed correctly
  • Small art fixes
  • Credits
  • BG animations
  • SFX
  • Finish Content Guide
  • Flowchart fixes
  • etc


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