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With Metroid Prime 4 the most likely game to accompany the launch of the Nintendo Switch 2 (and with listeners asking about the origins of "Metroidvania") Frushtick thought now would be the ideal time to revisit the history of the game that started it all.

If you learn one thing from this behind-the-scenes history, make it this: that miracle Metroid got made is a miracle. A long development, limited initial resources, big changes, and last-minute tweaks converted a nugget of an idea into a beloved long-running series.

In the back half, we set the gambling odds for potential Switch 2 releases. What are the chances you see a new Earthbound in the first few months of Nintendo's next handheld console? Listen to find out!

Our list of potential Switch 2 releases

  • Metroid Prime 4 
  • More Mother/Earthbound 
  • New 3D Mario 
  • Newer Super Mario Bros.
  • Zelda: BOTW + TOTK 4K upgrades
  • NEW Paper Mario 
  • Kirby’s Dream Course 2 or full Kirby spinoff 
  • Mario Golf Advanced 
  • Pokemon "Golden" 
  • More Golden Sun 
  • New Donkey Kong Country

The original Metroid box art

The original The Legend of Zelda art

Other stuff!



Anthony Layton

I’m not gonna lie. When hearing Metroidvania, I understood the Metroid part, but not the vania part. After this episode, I feel so dumb. Yet, enlightened.


Are these 2 resties episodes the episodes for the two biweeks or are they bonus episodes

Thomas Barker

I wonder if Plante is talking about Ultros 14 minutes, 15 seconds into this episode? Such a gorgeous game… loving it so far (have sunk a few hours in). Hope y’all cover it in the future since I don’t hear any outlets talking about it!


How do you distinguish the search action genre from souls-like? I’ve never played dark souls, but I am told that my favorite games are search action with souls-like combat/revive characteristics (hollow knight, blasphemous 2). Where is the venn diagram overlap? Would I like dark souls if I loved those other games?

Kyle Barnes

I finish this episode and immediately see news that sources are pointing to Q1 2025 for the next Nintendo Switch


Yep. This is the Resties episode for Tuesday, plus a bonus one. And then we will be back to our regular schedule of two a month in March!

Brendan Linwood

I was surprised you didn't include a prediction of another virtual console being added to Switch Online alongside Switch 2! What do you guys think are the odds that GameCube gets added to Switch Online for the new console?

Ethan Holland

Guys THIS is the console version where we get a sequel to world famous video game classic Kid Icarus: Uprising, right guys! ... Right? :(


If we must wait for Switch 2 in 2025, then we deserve more Icarus!


Great ep Resties! Love the history lesson 💕

Melissa O'Neil

I think I mostly understand Metroidvania, but I think more examples of popular recent metroidvania’s would be helpful! Is Spirit Farer like a pseudo search action game but the action is very chill? Or does it need to have fighting?


Such a good question. Honestly, Spirit Farer is sort of a mish mash of lots of genres and hard to define. Technically a metroidvania doesn't need combat, but examples are rare. This developer is prob the best creator attempting this:



Directional Joy

Loved the history lesson. Knew some already but the restaurant credit tip, at the end, was news to me. Keep it up, Resties!


Search Action is a great alternative but I feel like I'll look stupid if I ever use it. Metroidvania is so entrenched. I feel like Castlevania got into the name because it was the second major franchise to do it, like how Souslike for a while was called Soulsborne because Bloodborne happened. But in a post Elden Ring world it makes little sense to give Bloodborne naming credits

Thomas Kent

Two critical aspects of souls likes are having a dodge roll as well as a stamina based combat system.

Charmanderson Cooper

Great episode! I love these video game history deep dives. Not going to lie, I joined the Patreon mainly for the hot fresh Resties episodes. Looking forward to all that sweet Unicorn Overloaded content!


Love The Resties and I especially love this episode. I’m a late Metroid fan because Dread just got me absolutely hooked. I’ve been going through the backlog and this episode was amazing insight.

Brian Haworth

Nintendo will 100% not do something as generous as the $10 upgrades we’ve seen from other platforms. I expect a Switch 2 release of BOTW or TOTK to be at least a $50 separate purchase with no discount for previous buyers. Pokemon has so much brand cachet that they could get away with a full $60/$70 rerelease of S&V that just fixes the graphical issues of the Switch 1 release.

Jesus Areyano

I like the idea of filling out the encyclopedia. As a casual gamer there is a lot of terminology in some of the reviews that go over my head. I always appreciate the way you all break things down.


I am one of the people asking what a Metroidvania game actually is, and the combo of Search Action Game and Russ’s explanation cleared a lot up. Thank you! I knew it was a combo of Metroid and Castlevania because duh, but I’ve never played either of those so that meant nothing to me.

Ceasar Gonzalez

Love the episode and the history lesson! I'm also glad I can add "Fameecom" to the rich tapestry of Russ Frushtick pronunciations. He even almost tripped up Chris.


Loving the resties history dives! Something that came up in this episode that I think would be super interesting (if there's enough for an episode) are password saves in early games. How they actually worked/the pros they offered over save states (if they were being used after that was an option/etc, I realized I'm now very curious


Aren’t most Zelda games big one map geargated games? Is Ocarina of time a 3D metroidvania?


They have a lot in common! There's a wild Reddit thread of folks debating this question!




I knew generally what metroidvania meant, but since I don't like these type of games and don't play much of them, I wasn't aware of the specific aspects of the game that are on the "checklist". So yes your definitions helped 👍


Listener-dependent? Listener-mandated? Listener-contingent? Listener-reliant? Idk. Maybe one of those.

Just Bugs Podcast

I totally thought you guys were saying surge action game this whole time and didn’t think twice about it..

William (Biggggg5) Mason

Really for me, the difference between a metroid-like (or search action if you prefer) and a MetroidVania was the rpg elements. The Metroid games don’t have levels, grinding, gear, builds etc. everything you find (typically) is a direct upgrade to what you had. Whereas you take something like Symphony of the Night or Bloodstained or even Hollow Knight you have more granular choices. This is in addition to the other qualifiers mentioned in the episode.

David Wright

As mentioned I think the term metroidvania is so much in the gamer zeitgeist that like souls-like it just gives a good cross generational vibe of what those games are trying to do gameplay wise. Search action I think is more succinct but feels too sterile and dose not offer up anytype of emotional expectation in the type of game play. Racing, shooter, platformer, fighters,ect had the fortune of being coined by the masses early. I think if the English speaking world had been exposed to the term search action more in its infancy it would be more widely used.

Jake Steuver

There’s one term I’ve been hearing Russ throw around a lot, usually at the beginning of an episode, and I don’t know what it means. Sounds something like “MYYYnameisrussfrushtickandiknowthebestgameofthewEEEeek”. I hear it every week and can’t for the life of me figure out what he’s talking about.

Taylor Moore

Listener funded 😁


I’m guessing the confusion around Pelé’s name and inspiration for Samus is that although Pelé ‘s given name was Edson Arantes do Nascimento, he spent almost the entirety of his playing career at Santos, the Brazilian football club - which I think in the episode you mentioned the Metroid team thought his name was Santis Arantes do Nascimento. Anyways, fun episode and great history lesson!


I do think the term Search Action is clearer and better, but I worry that we as a society do not talk enough about Metroid and Castlevania and their impact on me personally, so I will continue to use Metroidvania 🤪

Caleb Ackerman

I'd love to get a history of Actraiser and then a b segment on other games that nailed the two genre style (meaning two genres that don't go together like action platforming and city sim etc)


On the topic of metroidvanias / search action games I think y'all did an excellent job explaining the definition. My concern with calling them search action games is that that isn't really as good SEO as metroidvania is even if it is otherwise a better name. Think about it this way, if someone who wasn't familiar with either term heard the besties or anyone else talking about games that sounded interesting to them and they decided to look on steam for other games of the same genre Metroidvania is the term used everywhere. I think it's too well established at this point to try to change it.


I'm curious to hear you all talk about your video game genres that you gravitate towards. Like a ranking of your favorite genres to play. We all know Russ loves Metroid Anisa, Justin card games like slay the spire and Chris likes the Criterion collection. Love the show. Happy to support on Patreon

Mysterious Pirate Rat

I finally figured out why I love these Resties deep dives and I can't believe it took me so long. They remind me of the History of Fun! Tbh, I listened to that way before I knew who you 2 or the McElroy's were. Didn't put 2 and 2 together until now!

Mike Sklens

You could sign off by saying the show is “thanks to the support of besties like you” PBS style.

Bill Davis

Loved the episode. Regarding the Mother 3 predictions, I thought this video was very useful for giving a legal reason that we have never seen it officially localized outside Japan. I also just love this channel in general for its legal perspectives on video game topics: https://youtu.be/if64VlLa5Oc?si=WBqsUKNnrU3a6pkG.

Emily Lewis

Some term clarification ideas… I would like to know the genre differences in an RPG vs a JRPG. I know the J stands for Japanese, but like…are they different besides just where they were made? What exactly is a Souls-like? Is it just the chance of dying and losing your loot from that run? How is it different than a roguelike?

Emily Lewis

I thought it was Metroidveinia for a while. Like “in the vein of a Metroid game”.


Awesome thanks for the dive into Metroid and the interesting behind the scene facts. Bit teary though as looks like Switch 2 ain't coming till 2025 (rats)

Notes Reviews

This was great! One term that I've seen and would love a bit more explanation of is roguelike vs roguelite, what each means and how they differ. Thank!

Theresa Karasek

Russ has infected me. Chris said "Mario" and I thought "hmm that sounds wrong" 😭😭

Tessa H.


Kyle Van Son

Loved this convo, would love for you to continue talking Metroid History. Maybe it's the next series you all play like Metal Gear! No Star Fox mentioned in your Switch 2 expectations? I actually put the appearance of more Donkey Kong pretty likely given his popularity in the Mario movie and the new ride coming to Universal!

Kyle Van Son

Oh, and in regards to video game esoteric terms: I think it was an old Besties episode where someone called Metroidvania games "mapformers" like platformers which then begs for a dissection of "platformers" because that too is a nutso term for a game about jumping.


Really appreciated the deep dive into what the term Metroidvania means and how it originated. It's a term that I mostly understood, but had a difficult time defining. I also never knew why it was tied to those two games specifically. I also appreciate the fun fact about Metroidvania being a portmanteau of two portmanteaus. This is the kind of pedantic nerd fact I love.


I wish I had listened to this back in February so I could’ve dropped this tidbit at a better time. Metroid 1 had a saving system! Most Famicom Disk System games could save to the console. The battery and password saves being in Zelda and Metroid respectively were introduced because those games were back ported to the cartridge based NES for international markets.

Nick Ostrem

incredibly late comment but I was always under the impression that Metroidvania as a term wasn’t initially coined to be a genre name but to differentiate SotN and the Iga handheld ‘Vanias from classic Castlevania.