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Big O!! Lol


I think Jerry confused Vito for Gotti. Vito literally caught a body for Sanji lmao


And to Pat, even though y'all don't read these comments, Bathing after showering is what you're supposed to do. Bathing when you're dirty is nasty, brother. Sitting in dirty water and allat.


34:34 one of the few times I felt like slapping someone 🤣 how could you think Annie Frank had anything in common with that THOT???

Daas Nahk

Thats a very country to country bit, in north america its very common to take a bath then shower vs in asian countries where the opposite is expected.


brook going crazy next sunday


Oven sama the true goat of this arc


I see. I learned something new today. Thanks for clarifying for me!


Wellz knows what’s up Big O!!!




Wellz would spoil the Ceasar Clown reveal joke lol, pat and jerry didnt even realize till he said something too ha. "Gash-hiko" had Luffy dying lol prolly the 1st time someone else said a nickname / someones name wrong and made him laugh, usually luffy is the one to bake someone with a wrong name/nickname now I wonder if he b trollin n jus says their name right when he respects you, ha

James Wiggle

thank goodness for full reaction

Black Alazemi (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-23 15:31:01 jerry they already showed the first son its perospero, they showed him 100 times, jerry as always most clueless
2022-11-07 11:27:47 jerry they already showed the first son its perospero, they showed him 100 times, jerry as always most clueless

jerry they already showed the first son its perospero, they showed him 100 times, jerry as always most clueless


this is true, he may be annoying af but we love him lol