TWWOK: Chapter 1: Frosted Whispers tw: gore. Help me pick which door! If you read! (Patreon)
Hi hi! Love y’all c: will post more audios probably tomorrow, for today am trying to write some more! If anyone is interested this is a continuation of my first draft of the book I’ve dreamed about since I was small!
It’s a bit less grizzly of a chapter, taking a slightly more lighthearted approach to it. Still a few disturbing scenes and conversations but nothing as terrible as last chapter imho. Hope you enjoy the banter between characters c: I find the dynamic between them to be really fun if not holding a lot of nuance.
As always to anyone who reads thanks so much! I hope you enjoy c: gonna try and make the full first draft over the next few months. Thinking it will be 20-30 chapters at this rate. But no promises yet!
Also for those who don’t like the tragic/dark themed stuff I have a few other things I wanna write in my spare time too c: like some drama stuff and romance pieces c: so don’t worry! Maybe I’ll make audios of them too! Much love!