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Michael Obert

OMG, Trish Backstory is amazing! Also, why do I get the feeling Saskatchewan is her safe word? (Oh, wait, she probably doesn't use safe words) 😆


Trish being a Mind Goblin again.

Jef Vinson

Ok. I've changed my mind. Trish needs a standalone series. Her family seems to have this Forest Gump effect where she just happens to be in a place where a key event is happening in the world. Next she'll tell a story about how her grandmother talked JFK into taking the convertible into Dallas instead of the armored car because "The weather was nice."


Looks like things went from a stealth mission to a rampage. Also, I like how it implies that Trish's hair color might be natural, and that would probably be one of the least interesting things about her.

Jef Vinson

It also implies her family had piercings before they became popular.

Sascha Schiffer

This shit is so funny 😂. I tip my hat CMS, this is so well done 🙏💪. And the detail with the painting of Schloss Neuschwanstein, grandios 😁😉


Her bloodline is like if ruined orgasms were people. Impressive really, I love how she looks genuinely disappointed that she didn't get cut

Kawaii Ray

I think Trish is definitely the anchor being of the CMS universe. Next she's gonna talk about how her grandfather introduced the idea of a really big wall to his Soviet Union bosses. I freaking love Trish.


You ever see Lost Boys? That's the horn I hear.


Ok Trish, your family has some explaining to do… 😂

Graeme Mcnamara

Trish and Amber the real dynamic duo




These two definitely have a thing going on. Yikes, Viper might just be a match for Trish... she was ready to crave her a new one. O.o Side Note: Trish's bloodline started WWII... the mad lass. xD


She's a fucking menace!!! I love it!!!


I still demand to see the german chick naked! :)