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Michael Obert

Short and sweet; Will Nate be Chloe's secret weapon? Can't wait to find out ❤️ (And, also, the plane? Is this Trish handiwork?)

Sascha Schiffer

Ohhhh he will be the game changer 🤘👍


More like RagnaROCK N ROLL!!!

Jef Vinson

Remember Star Wars where Han Solo came in at the last second and saved Luke from Vader? I'm thinking something like that.


How I imagine Chloe would react if Nate told her about the offer: "Half a million?! To fuck HER?! Babe, take the deal! Hell, I'll upgrade it to a threesome for free if she wants."


Nick Fury vibes here!! 🤩

Graeme Mcnamara

Liked the pulp fiction reference, CSM, nice touch.