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Apple Truffle (Truffles), as requested by multiple patrons~

Truffles is the dear darling daughter of Apple Bloom and Snails, conceived during a summer fling. Rather than force a relationship, AB and Snails decided to raise lil Truffie as friends and co-parents, which worked out really well for Truff, because presently she has four parents that adore and spoil her. AB, you see, went on to marry Diamond Tiara (whose attitude toward her stepdaughter is something like "I've only had Truffles for a day but if anything happened to her I'd kill everypony in this room and then myself") , while Snails eventually settled down with Snips (who plays the part of Truffles' aggressively fun/irresponsible uncle-father figure).

Despite her childhood love of baking, Truffles surprised everyone when her special talent turned out to be ecology. Adult Truffles is a scientist with an immense passion for studying the natural world, especially how ponies fit within it. She can often be spotted helping Auntie Applejack cultivate new variants of crops, sometimes creating entirely new species, playing god with enough maniacal glee to make Starlight and Twilight proud. Truffles is very sorry about that new bio-engineered crop of super-mega-death plundervines that ripped the family barn off its foundation. That project got away from her a little.

In her spare time, Truffles can be spotted baking with Miss Cupcake, catching and observing all manner of terrifying insects, teaching science lessons to foals at the local library, and repeatedly pondering if her humdrum (if satisfying) existence is enough for her glam rock superstar of a girlfriend, Prima Donna (who you'll see soon).

The fruit bat is Truffles' pet, who Imma let y'all come up with a name for




SHE AND DONNA ARE DATING???? I've missed Truffles so much my HEART Lop really said happy holidays TO YOU


Ah YES! I missed Truffles. Wouldn't have guessed her to be an ecologist but I love it! The first thought I had with her fruit bat was Snapdragon


OMG IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS, im literally so happy that you redrew her and brought her back to life and now there’s an appLEBLOOM HEADCANON ??:&;&>;;&:


Does she still have a crush on Oddball?


Of course not, Truffles used to babysit him. :) In all seriousness, no, that ship is dead and gone. Looking back on it it felt like a mean-spirited joke at Truffles expense and the age gap is very uncomfortable. :/ Truffles views Odd as a sorta surrogate little brother, nothing more


Oh okay. lol Im sorry I didn't know they had an age gap😅




“glam rock superstar of a girlfriend, Prima Donna” I LOVE THEM


Aww, Truffles is so precious! And as for a name for her pet, how about Dragonfruit or Kiwi?


Aren’t Prima Donna and Truffles technically related?


I feel like Strawberry would be a cute name for the fruitbat ^.^

The Marvelous Mistake

Always good to see more of Truffles! Her little bat strikes me as a "Fritter."


So great to see Truffles again 😊 she is adorable!


I think the fruit bat looks like a strawberry so that should be their name.

Gigas Frostburne

ohhh how cute! if you're still looking for names for the fruitbat, I got quite a few fruit-themed names. I think Pitaya, Guava, and Melon are very appropriate

Haley Riggs

Sir Strawberry Shortcake the fruit bat.

cactus bastrop

excited for truffles' doctorate dissertation, "ecological roles of fruit bats: comparing bat-fertilized fruit orchards with the bayesian statistical method"


She’s so cute)