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Summer baby stuff! Let's get it outside!

I honestly have been doing short workouts in the heat and to the point. I train every morning with a hike/walk/run plus these little jammers thrown in there for spice. 

WOD 1:

1 mile warm up 


50m~ sled run there and back 

10 burpees 

50m~ sprint there and back

20 kettlebell jump squats 

4x: - core

40 Russian twists w/ med ball

20 v- ups 

40 mountain climbers 

20 toe touches 

WOD 2:


1/4 run 

8 back squats

20 walking lunges w/dumbbells 

20 slam balls 

WOD 3:


12 lat pull downs

10 lateral dumbbell raises - slow negatives 

- fifth set: drop set lateral raises 10, 10, 10, 10. 


8 pull ups 

8/8 alternating single arm flat dumbbell chest press 

12 seated dumbbell shoulder press, every third rep slow negatives. 

-200 jump rope-


20 rear delt flyes 

20 pushups 


20 chest flyes 

20 plank w/ needle pull through - or weight on the ground and opposite hand reaches under and pulls weight through to other side, repeat. 

WOD 4:


20 jump squats

50m sprint 

20 upright rows w/kettlebell 

40 alternating jumping lunges 

20 kettlebell swings 

c/d 800m easy run 


20 superman 

40 bicycle crunches 

10/10 single leg v-ups 

30second plank 


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