June Head Vomit (Patreon)
I look at this section as whatever the fuck I want to write in here can go here. a lot of my rambles, self exploration, and studies get thrown down.
I want you to understand the importance of being truly open to yourself..
when we write the truth comes out. it is highly intoxicating for our brain to purge out all of what has been held within it.
it's dangerous when it's out of control.
but what is control? do we actually pose this? can we control ourselves?
to a extent, yes.
humans want to feel in control but in actual reality we are never in control.
I tell myself I am. even when I wasn't.
nowadays I do feel convinced I am in control.
but I am not.
I am just whole.
when you know yourself and I mean that - in and out- the good and bad- you are open and accepting of you - you will then get access to a better life - to more color - you will be able to see, feel, and be more.
consistency is higher than perfection.
it will always remain number one in my books. I am to be consistent with producing a life that I want to be in and those around me would want to be in.