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Here's a first look at the line art for Sabrina Chloroformed.  I listened to the feedback, and went with her newer outfit from Leaf Green, with a slight modification to include some boots.  I think it works well.  

The villain is a female Team Rocket grunt (easy to draw).  I'm trying out a different pose, where we get a glimpse of a chloroforming aftermath.  The cloth is a few inches away from Sabrina's mouth, and her eyes indicate heavy sleepiness.  

It's an experiment with some new ideas, so I hope you like the outcome!




I think the trouble here, is that with her eyes still fairly open, it gives the sense that the chloroform didn't do it's job. I think I would have preferred something to this where the cloth is still on her mouth, so as to create the sense that she's giving in. As it is here, it just looks like her assailant stopped mid-way through, which doesn't convey the same feeling. Also, the cloth is kind of hard to see as of now. I might recommend altering this pic so that the cloth is still on her mouth.

Sleepy Comics

Awww okay, sorry you're not a fan of the final outcome. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time to make massive alterations. It is what it is. Next time!


I think this will turn out quite nice!


Indeed! its a different way of portraying this type of scene, For the comment Mr. DLOTS made I too would really like to see those things included into a future piece. That does not take away from what excites me about this one though!

Mad Man with a Pen

I love that you're trying out some new stuff SC. Doing a post cloth scene would be great, especially conveying her dazed state.