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This is going to be a video about how Smucker's has expanded beyond jams and now exists mostly as a pet food company. It's a interesting video but I've been having trouble with the thumbnail on this one. I think thumbnail 1 better expresses the idea of the video but maybe doesn't look quite as appealing. What do you think? (Both are attached).




With a name like Smucker’s, it’s got to be good!


The red is closer to how I always see their products. I had some Smucker’s grape jam on my PBJ for lunch today.


You're right red it kind of their color. I could never get behind that grape jam though. I tried cherry for the first time about 5 years ago and never looked back.


I can’t put into words why but I like the green one better


I voted for the first one so there’s more of an idea on what the video is about. Also, I always associated Smuckers with Jelly and Uncrustables so reading that they are mostly a pet food company now is a shock to me


My wife likes the green one but I'd like to hear what you have to say.


It may be just my experience with Smuckers; red feels more natural. Not only is it a more eye-catching color, the visual indicator of switching to pet food may draw more attention.


I voted for green simply because when I saw it my reaction was “Oooh pretty.” So for me it was more eye catching


Thanks for the advice. There's definitely a few unexpected things like that in the video.


The green one looks nicer and leaves more to the imagination regarding the switch.