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You've all been so helpful in choosing these thumbnails. I'm always using your advice to make adjustments, like in this case.

In the poll yesterday, the green background won but based some of you're comments I'm thinking maybe it won due to the layout and not the color. So here, for the Red Thumbnail option, I simply took that winning layout and made the background Red (hopefully taking the best parts of both). 

That may not have been the best way to explain it. Simply put, I'd really appreciate it if you were to vote again between these two options. The green one is the one that won before, the red one is the same but with a red background. Both options are attached. 




Even though it’s a bit of an overload for red in my opinion, I still voted for red because it’s more catchy and I think it’ll lead to more engagement. I’m impressed with how well you designed it considering it is red on red. The black outlining really helps.


Thanks Ken. I went with green in the first place because I thought it would be too much red as well. But the shadows do seem to prevent everything from blending together. Unless green wins here by quite a bit I'll probably be going with that one.

Cousin John

I think the Red is far more eye catching, so I voted for that one. I personally like the green one better, but if I'm browsing youtube, I could see the Red being more appealing to click on.


Appreciate the help John. It's hard to pass up an opportunity to use a nice, eye catching, color like that.