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This Wednesday's video is going to be about the success of Five Guys Burgers and Fries. People have been responding well to these fast food/successful videos and figured this would be a great addition to that. Having a little trouble deciding on the thumbnail though.

It's between a white one and a red one. Their branding is famously simple so unfortunately that's leading to a bland looking thumbnail. The white is more recognizable and on brand but there's more happening with the red. Just wondering what everyone here thought. 

Both options are attached below. 




Even though I feared it would be too harsh without actually seeing the logos, I vote red. Given the logo’s checkered elements, the primarily white version looks too generic and diluted.

Mark Gould

I think red makes for a better thumbnail


Frankly, I like the white better, however, I think the white will be too washed out as a thumbnail.

Kevin Furr

White seems more burger-shop to me, I can just see a cook in white uniform flipping patties. Not sure about the YouTube aesthetics.


Deff red