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The video this Wednesday will be about PepsiCo and how it's bigger than most people realize. Could sure use some help in selecting the thumbnail for it. Pretty much comes down to if it would be more attractive to show the can or the bottle. Let me know what you think. Both options are attached. 

*By the way, thanks for the help in selecting the one last week for Five Guys. The video went over really well so I think we made the right decision.



Mark Gould

I personally think the can has a more “classic” look than the bottle, in my opinion. If I was scrolling on YouTube looking for videos about soft drink companies I think I’d be more likely to click the can


For some reason, when I think “Pepsi,” I think of a can, but when I think of “Coke,” I think of a bottle.


I agree the can is more nostalgic, but the sweating bottle is more appealing and likely to get my click. I’m NOT a Pepsi drinker, so when I order a Coke, PEPSI IS NOT OKAY! 🙃


I'm agreeing with everyone who said "can" here. Lewis Black had a great bit about Coke and Pepsi. "Can I have a Coke?" "Is Pepsi OK?" "Pepsi? What kind of dump IS this?"