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"Leave your house now and get yourself into town. We're going on a boat! i'll pick you up from there, just get there!"

This was my unexpected change of plan this morning when my friend Petra audio'ed me. I had just finished a 2 hour editing lesson when I heard this audio from a friend. I literally grabbed a bag and started shoving it with a towel, purse, sunglasses and quickly got changed and headed out the door!

There are so rarely hire cars near me, because I live in a touristic area, but today there was abundance, so I went into the app, beep beep opened the doors and drove into town. Such an unexpected surprise, and one where I feel this sense of "but I'm supposed to be working" "should I be doing this, when I already had a couple of days off?"

I coach people to live a life that you create, where you are the boss, you follow your heart, and yet these old voices (probably my dads) creep in with "what are you doing having fun, you're supposed to be working" "money doesn't grow on trees" "you'll never get anywhere if you don't work hard" and yet once i was on that boat full of friends and their kids, jumping into the blue lagoon and laughing, I remembered that life is too short to hesitate. When someone invites you on a boat trip to the most beautiful clear waters, completely for free, you say YES!

I am now very very hot, my skin needs soothing from all the sun, so I am sitting here with a fan on me, even though it's midnight. But now the summer is here, the nights are the best time for me to....I was going to say "work" but I want a new word for work. Work has so many negative connotations, it comes with fear, and guilt and worry. I want to unlearn these ways. I have a friend that calls work- play with purpose, but even that is not enough for me. I feel that work could be abolished altogether if we only do what we love. I love being a storyteller, sharing stories and content, I want to feel inspired to make content. I want to create and share with you because I am moved to, because I have something to say, or because I have made something I think you'll love, not because i feel obliged, because I should. I know I have probably touched on this before. But I feel it needs repeating. Why else would I be on Patreon, if i wanted to be part of the old world system?

On that note, my next offering to you, is 3 or 4 Naked Virtual Reality videos I have made for you. I am excited to invite you into this virtual world. In order for you to see what I see, it turns out I need a special adaptor, which I will be acquiring tomorrow (Tuesday) or (Wednesday) at the latest...and then you will get to join me dancing inside my virtual reality world!!!

Thank you for signing up for my content. I appreciate you. I think about you. And I am always designing content for you that I cannot wait to share,

Suze ;-)



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