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I agree with your perspective on the Buffy comparison. I know there are connections between The Vampire Diaries and Dark Shadows (human Caroline was so much like the flighty, insecure Carolyn Stoddard, among other similarities between the shows) because people who worked behind the scenes on TVD were DS fans. So it stands to reason they would also have been into Buffy. While not being a direct copy, I feel that TVD pays homage to both Dark Shadows (the original series from the 1960s) and Buffy while still being its own show and having its unique lore.


I don't know if Dark Shadows the original series would play with today's audience. It's slower paced, being at its heart a Gothic, supernatural soap opera and focusing more on atmosphere and mystery. For the first couple of years, it was in black-and-white, and they rarely stopped filming for flubbed lines and scenery malfunctions, because they were on such a short deadline, being a *daily* show. It's also very, very long compared to today's series, again being a show that aired daily for 5 days every week, even though the episodes were only about 20 minutes long with the commercials taken out. But Dark Shadows will always be in my heart. I even love the first year (streamed as "The Beginning" on Amazon Prime) when the supernatural was limited to ghosts, haunting atmosphere, and....a creature of folklore I will not name just in case someone decides to watch and not to spoil it for them. Then Barnabas Collins the brooding, charismatic vampire brilliantly played by the late Jonathan Frid, arises into the world and the show truly comes into its own. The movie Dark Shadows is, to me, a travesty. It's a mockery of what Dark Shadows was. It took the campy-yet-mysterious feel of the show and trampled it beneath heavy feet of absurdity. Being that it was Frid's last onscreen appearance, it truly saddens me.


I have an abiding love of David Selby from Dark Shadows.

Ashley Cruz

This is the stepping stone for delena magic , I love Stefan but he was right “I practically drove you to it” because he did & the min he decided to take her on that bridge & threaten to drive her off I had no sympathy for him anymore . That was a tragic moment in her life so for him to do that angry or not it was very insensitive. & I understand what Klaus did to him was horrible but he had no right to use her as a ploy to get him to send his hybrids away . I still love Stefan but they are just not meant to be together , Damon let’s Elena be her true self , Stefan wants to change her .

Andrea Dcosta

Next Episode OMG cant wait something special awaits :)


Personally, I have always felt that Elena has loved Damon more than Stefan, since early-ish S3. She loves Stefan, of course... but they have not been the same since the end of S2. In my view, she fell in love with Damon a good while ago. She only chose Stefan at the end of S3 because it was the comfortable, more 'appropriate', and loyal choice. Not because it was her heart's real desire. But because Stefan 'saved' her... and to avoid the judgement from herself & her friends for wanting Damon. Once Elena became a vampire and the compulsions wore off... she knew she'd met him first and felt something for him. And as Damon said... he wants Elena to be human again if that's what she wants... but either way, he loves her just the same. Stefan wants Elena human again... for her sake, yes, but also his own.