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We've concluded initial testing and addressed/ fixed all of the pressing issues/ bugs. the game is now being prepared for a Steam release, which will then be followed by the final version Affect3D release. As part of those preparations, we're composing a gameplay trailer to go alongside the main trailer, which is ad-lipped by Marie. She's addressing an audience that may be less versed in 3DX, that's why she goes over stuff, most of you already know.

We're hoping to get some feedback from you guys. We're looking to cut it down to 1.5 and 3-minute versions. Which parts do you think are the most interesting/ should be cut/ are missing?

Here is the link https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ceqqso7dfwun1vexyotbc/2024-03-27-av01_gameplay_trailer_draft_1.mp4?rlkey=2y1n9wy2xmg5t74o3nhqrzkr4&dl=0




I'd say the stills of the fight immediately after receiving the gloves would make sense along with some of the animation of the first scene with Eclipse (I'd say with scene audio, as that can appeal to some audiences). Additionally, highlighting the two major conflicts of the plot, the city and Eclipse, would show that there is a greater span to the story. The stills of the sewer sequence might show the contrast of not just being in the city above. I feel like maybe hinting the monsters too may add some interest to the trailer as well.


Keep 0:00 to 1:44. From 1:44 to 2:14 can be cut out of the trailer. This is needless explanation for those who do not have any previous experience within the 3DX arena to inform people about the genre. Everyone who is exposed to gaming knows that models can be manipulated in 3D and made however you want them to be. It would be better to spend the time explaining what FUTA is and showcasing Eclipse as a FUTA character and the cock dimensions as she is so happy to see Solar. Keep 2:15 to 4:06. Too much of the story and events that play out are being revealed in this trailer. Its important to not give too many details out as to the flow of the overall gameplay so the people can experience the events and not have them be spoiled for them. 4:07 to 4:33 can be cut out. Start at 4:34 with the audio starting at “the Nexus Gloves which will play a role”. This way you are explaining about the gameplay itself which would reveal enough about the style of gameplay and what the player can expect without revealing too much of the story and the events. Cut out 4:48 to 5:05. This is unnecessary. Start at 5:06 to 5:11. Cut again at 5:12 to 5:19. Start at 5:20 to 5:29 so a player can see type of adrenaline based storyline situations may occur. 5:30 to 8:34 should all be cutout as information that is too revealing and not relevant to conveying valid information to the player/purchaser of the content to make them decide to make a purchase. Start at 8:35 to 9:02. Cutout 9:03 to 9:15. Start at 9:16 to 9:53. This is a good section where you are explaining what FUTA is and mixing in previous works advertisement. Cut 9:54 to 10:21. Start 10:22 to 10:32 this shows what the animation quality level is and what the purchaser has to look forward to having performed the work of waiting and making selections. Cut 10:32 to 12:00 can be cut since this is revealing way too much. As the finishing sales point 12:01 to 12:34 can be included. Cutout 12:35 to 13:22 unnecessary excess. Keep 13:23 to 13:32. Cutout 13:33 to 14:03. Keep 14:04 to 14:17. Cutout 14:18 to 14:44. Keep 14:45 to 15:04, this can be the closing point of the sale. 15:05 to 19:27 can be discarded as not adding value to the sales pitch. The trailer would have to be approved of to be viewed I believe on a platform like Steam with the nudity, so nudity and adult subject matter warnings would need to be given in the description of these trailers, and an agreement selection that the person is of age to watch them.


In the opening, stating that you can play each character is very misleading. I would probably just state that they are main characters


we'll cut it down in size to just a couple minutes most likely, so yeah, good feedback and suggestions players don't even see the page unless they've enabled sexual content afaik


there's no mention that you can play both characters, I think stating that Cerene plays Solar and Lanessa plays Eclipse is what you're referring to?... we'll edit that, to make it less confusing


I honestly don't think this is needed, but you do you. Imo a gameplay trailer should show some 1-1.5 minutes of uninterrupted gameplay including moving from one scene to another and some choices (and a glimpse of their different consequences) and a little bit of animation. This way players will understand what's the meat and bones of the "game". This gameplay should probably come from around the start of the game and not have anything specific to different endings, this way you won't spoil anything from the story. After the gameplay part, you should also be showing the variety of environments in smaller segments as to not spoil anything. So what are the timelines here? March is almost over and this was supposed to release in February. Now it seems like the Affect3d release, which where patreons are getting it, is being delayed because you want to get those Steam $$$.


I don't really post here much, but since I don't see many people around here from the forum days I thought I'd at least say goodbye to you. Hopefully Miro makes porn again eventually.


makes sense and yes, we'll cut the trailer down to a couple mins game is ready for release, it's just down to the release scheduling now, we'll announce specific date once we have it, current estimate is May 1st in the meantime we'll kick off the next project though and start posting new content, so we're not wasting any time


So.. game is ready for release... but will come out in at least 1 month? If that is the case it's another nice example on you people crapping on the patreons that have supported you for more than half a decade. Good job!


we've worked hard on polishing the game so the last thing you want is rush the release, it needs to follow a short release and marketing process and then eligible patreons get the free update... we're keeping you up to date as we get concrete info and get to post new content in the meantime... sounds reasonable to me


I guess you see this as un-released, while I see this as you withholding an update to something that we already own, and in most cases have supported monthly for years. And sorry, but one extra month for something that is done, is not a "short" process. At least if you're going to talk about the new project and show art for it, it will be something.

Matthias M.

The best thing is to show the two profiles. A quick look at the city. Please show transparently how to make a decision with a mouse click and that the game also has animations. The camera seems a little shaky from time to time. The best sentences in the game are 'I come with gifts' or in the Trailer 'Be my hero and fuck my cock'. I think is very good you do an IATA 18 years logo, that you do publish in Germany, too.


Hey any news on this or the next project? It's been all silence for 2 weeks now...


Any updates?