WIP Train #13 - Bloodlust: Lanessa - Subtitle! (Patreon)
Last year in December we posted WIP Train #7 to gather some ideas for a subtitle for Bloodlust Lanessa. We got a huge response in the comments section so thank you to everyone who left suggestions! :D
We did an internal brainstorm as well and I had a few ideas of my own. We ended up picking a subtitle that I think suits the plot very well. We've also decided to go with 'Bloodlust: Lanessa' instead of 'Bloodlust: Cerene' for this release because Lanessa is the focal point in the coming episode of Bloodlust. So without further ado...
The title for the release is going to be Bloodlust: Lanessa - Blood Crown.
What do you think of the subtitle? We really gravitated towards the word 'crown' for the subtitle, so you can whip out your plot theories for what we've got planned :P
Also, check out the logo in the banner! The new logo is still a work in progress, but let me know what you think so far :)
Here's an alternate version of the banner. Also, the blood on Lanessa's mouth is just there for artistic expression. It's not foreshadowing anything for the story.
Special thanks to everyone who left ideas for the subtitle in WIP Train #7!
I guess I still ended up grabbing the 'lead subtitle specialist wordsmith' title... :P but I do want to do a special mention of subtitle ideas that we liked, so here goes :D
Nice ideas hall of fame - top 3
- Bonds of Dominion - Chrissy
- Dark Alliance - Ryne Drogemuller
- Crimson Court - Matthew Bassett
Just for laughs hall of fame - top 3
- Queen of the Donged - Charles Westfall
- Blood Star of the Dark Eclipse - David J Rideout
- Tristan - the musical - borsten borsten