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Percy Jackson ep 3 uncut

Watch "Percy Jackson ep 3 uncut" on Streamable.


Sne Msomi

Yayyy 2 in one day 🔥🔥

Brooklynn Turner

Idk if you guys knew this but in the original mythology of Medusa (atleast in the one I read growing up) it was just as she said. She loved and prayed to Athena. She was loyal to her. But then Poseidon thought she was beautiful fell in love(?) and SA’d her. And even though Poseidon was the one who forced himself on Medusa, Athena cursed Medusa to lose her beauty and turn those to stone…..that story is so crazy and sad to me. Which is why I love that Percy mom told him about how not every monster is a monster and not every hero is really a hero.


Let me ask and this will be the deciding factor of whether I watch this or not. Is this series "woke" or "agenda pushing" in any way? Also I remember percy jackson the movie from years ago so is it cool and worth me watching in the somewhat same way that movie from years ago was? I don't know all that much about this stuff besides the movie I watched while I was growing up. I cannot stand any of the agenda political bullshit that shows are more and more pushing these days in hollywood and other companies. If it has that stuff at all I want to know before going in.

Randy Cooper

Medusa actress is in Black Sails. Absolutely beautiful and comfortable acting completely nude.


I was asking the general audience in the comments as well. Although if you don't think I will like it I will just assume I won't. The main thing was if it was pushing an agenda like a lot of the other series do these days. I understand though


the author has had these labels alleged of his latter works, and this show is a retelling of the series that better matches the authors current thoughts and not a recreation of the books. Some changes in ep1 include the sword can now sense monsters and his mother no longer suffering DV from abusive step-father to protect her son and instead is a confidant person and with the step-father who seems like a buffoon. Lastly the author has immediately called people racist if they complained about character casting while being an author who gives more vivid descriptions of characters then most authors in his work.


If your asking if it has outside “agendas” then no. If your wondering if its “woke” answer is well the author is so probably yes. It’s certainly not pandery or shoehorned in though it is natural to the work.


Well there is no way of know the “original” weather it’s SA or consensual depends on the specific telling of the myth. Either way though Poseidon faces no consequences and the women is solely punished the SA just makes it worse if it’s that version.

The Law_v1001

Honestly it's more inclusive with the casting then the books are which it should be from what I hear of the books. But nothing noticable. It's telling a story just from a kids point of view.

The Law_v1001

Medusa just minding her business and these people attacked her. She was just minding her business and offered food. Murdered her for being fine

The Law_v1001

She offered to stop them from stopping him all I heard. They could have just left instead of playing in the basement. They was trespassing at that point. 🤣

Cj Ami

I know dis comment a joke, but they didn’t go outside because of Mrs. Dodds the fury 🤠