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I’ve narrowed down to this list.

Special interest in “Deaths Game”

I do prioritize newer shorter shows. The older the show, yet maintains popularity the more likely it’ll remain a consideration and added one at a time, like Crash landing on you and Goblin.

Newer shows either get covered now…or never as many lose steam after a few months.

If tne suggestion is over 20 episodes. We will not cover it. Thats too demanding on resources of time and $$$ on the editor for episodes already 60-90 minutes in length lol. (Naturally the intention is to also post on YouTube)



beyond evil

my demon

twinkling watermelon

deaths game

sky castle

save me

whats wrong with secretary kim





Death Game and Vigilante


Twinkling watermelon and death’s game


My demon is actually really good!


Hoping for either Save Me or My Demon 🤞🏾


Deaths Game!!


Twinkling watermelon and Death's game


Beyond evil and happiness


My demon!!! It’s really good!


death’s game is very new so it’s good to start it now than later, and twinkling watermelon is a must!


-whats wrong with secretary kim -twinkling watermelon -my demon


Death's Game


Beyond Evil and Sky Castle. Really great well written and well acted shows! 👏🏾

Zero D

Death game


my demon is new and so good yes please

Tam Tam

Beyond evil and death game




Death's Game short and recent good for a quick watch while still new and popular, story is epic.


I'm good with anything that's chosen but, I'm really happy to see Happiness and Save Me


Death’s game and Twinkling Watermelon


What's wrong with secretary Kim!!!!!🔥

Holly Mai9

My Demon, Mouse

Randy Cooper

Deaths Game and Twinkling Watermelon. Also enjoying My Demon but not quite as much. 🙇

LightMyPath Star

I love everything on this list!!! 👍👍👍 that should keep u busy a while unless something breaks the mold and needs immediate coverage I say you are cover for a while. Love some of the classic suggestions as well so a little bit for everyone. Hopefully 🤞 this pleases most in here


i love Mouse and Happiness.!

Koel Rosanna

Mouse is a great show!

Alex Turnbull

What's wrong with secretary Kim is very entertaining I'd love to see you check that out. I've yet to see mouse or save me but I hear they're pretty good.


Sky Castle is top tier!

J Man

Sky Castle is one I wouldn't mind watching with ya'll. I've never seen it, but heard it was the king of all Makjang KDramas. I hear it's similar to Penthouse. Death's Game is a good one to replace Worst of Evil since it's not a romance one, is short, and very exciting. Twinkling Watermelon would be a good one to replace CLOY with


Death game, Vigilante, Hapiness

Lis (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 02:02:21 Mouse and vigilante
2024-01-13 03:12:23 Mouse and vigilante

Mouse and vigilante


Beyond Evil and Mouse


Mouse, Beyond Evil and Vigilante


What’s wrong with sec Kim and mouse

rytova ar

Beyond evil for sure

Sabrina Dias

I like this list, it has a bit of everything and very good dramas I reaaly liked Vigilante, My Demon that is still airing is having a lot of attenttion rn, death's game too because of the amount of known actors and the plot is rather unique if you think about it


What's Wrong with Secretary Kim

Olive Abum

#1 Death's Game is an interesting spin on reincarnation. Ive only seen the first half but it was so good! Its also getting a LOT of buzz rn #2 SKY Castle is so so so good, such great acting from all the cast and male leads from Uncanny Counter and Extracurricular are in it! #3 Mouse is like a thriller that has such great twists and emotional scenes! #4 What's Wrong With Secretary Kim is a romcom that's lighthearted and really funny characters. I really enjoyed it and it also has the main villian from Uncanny 2/lawyer from Woo Young Woo!


Definitely beyond evil

Royal Yaya

What's wrong with secretary Kim, deaths game, or sky castle. Deaths game and sky castle aren't romances from what I remember.


Mouse or beyond evil

Lavarus Bell

Mouse or Death's Game

Austin Cochran

My demon is a true rom/com and is great

Angel Johnson

Beyond Evil, Save Me, or Sky Castle!


Happiness, or Sky Castle, a bit more heavy or serious in a way, different from the romantic comedy or slice of life dramas that have been coming out lately, so I think you guys would enjoy as well!

Aileen Basia

it's my favorite korean show of all time.. idk if i should be calling it a drama tho haha




happiness would be such a different show but ik ur not going to get a majority would be nice having a slight horror/zombie plus the romance

ms deepanjali

Deaths game cuz its new and 12 eps. Makes it easy for you. Happiness or my demon as second choice


Happiness & Twinkling watermelon


Beyond Evil, PLEASE, best pick out of these. It's a popular show that won many awards in it's release year beating Flower of Evil, It's Okay to Not Be Okay and Extracurricular. It's a much darker show that would run nicely alongside the light Crash Landing On You.




Happiness and whats wrong with secretary Kim


Mouse is such a great underrated drama. The plot is very interesting and keeps you entertained and curious as to what is going to happen next. There aren't a lot of people who watch it either although it is a great drama. Happiness and all the other dramas are great as well, but I could watch Mouse over and over again and never get tired of it. I think the other ones are a bit overhyped as well aside from Save Me, Beyond Evil, and Mouse which are the ones you rarely see. Another great one that is underrated is Blind, but overall Mouse is top tier for me. P.S not putting any of the other dramas down because they are amazing as well. It’s just an opinion.

Shalini Sinha

Death's game, happiness and my demon

Verse Virus

For me, it's Mouse, but others are good too. But for me, Mouse is top of the other ones listed; the plot and characters are excellent. Mouse is a thriller and suspense genre. It has 23 episodes with an average episode of 60 to 85 minutes. The last three episodes are less than 60 minutes.

Norkis Massiel

I just starded Death's game and I have to say that, I'ts amazing!! It has a good cast along with an incredible story, plus is only 8 eps, each episode like 35 to 45 minutes. In my opinion It's the perfect drama from this list for you to react while reacting to a romance kdrama. Also Twinkling Watermelon is the one for a romace type of drama, cause it has some other plots that are more interesting, and its 16 eps. I'll say that this two you would enjoy.

Kevin Gonzalez (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 02:02:21 Twinkling Watermelon was one of the best drama's of last year, it was such a good story!
2024-01-13 05:20:26 Twinkling Watermelon was one of the best drama's of last year, it was such a good story!

Twinkling Watermelon was one of the best drama's of last year, it was such a good story!

Asi Dus

MOUSE please!))) And Death Game also incredible❣️

Kingz Leon

Death's games short and sweet. Episode are between 45 to 60 minutes.


deaths game and happiness are easily 2 of my fav kdramas ever would be great for reactions to.


Beyond Evil please. It’s 16 episodes all around 60 mins


Twinkling watermelon and Death's game perfect combo


Twinkling watermelon and Death's Game is my suggestion


Death game and Vigilante are so good


Twinkling watermelon - best slice of life, suspense, mystery and romance of 2023 Death's Game - short drama that contains various emotions with a perfect ending

kun st

Save Me 💯

tomasso stilton

What wrong with segretario kim

Rosey Martinez

Save me- a lot of people watched it and have their own opinion on it, the acting is fantastic it’s a show that has 16 episodes and you guys would really enjoy. Twinkling watermelon-enjoyed the show really good and wouldn’t mind to see you react to it. My demon-can’t get enough of it.it’s so good and the main lead is the guy main lead in sweet home and interesting ,you guys would enjoy it.


Please consider adding My Mister on your list. It has 16 eps and available on Netflix. The story is about friendship and struggles. It's right up your alley. It's also one of the highest ranked KDramas of all time. You would love it, I'm sure. The story is phenomenal and the acting is top notch. It's dark and sweet at the same time. You will both laugh and cry watching this drama. It's a masterpiece. Also, the leading actor for this drama sadly past away a few weeks ago. He was one of my favorite kdrama actors. He will be missed. RIP

Richard Gaus

Twinkling watermelon cause the lead actress is the best friend from Business proposal and Happiness because it has the Lee Mi-Hyun from moving and Minhyuk from Strong Woman so i think you guys would like plus its action survival.

Lee Coleman

I think a show for the Director would be good so Reborn Rich


too bad you didn't consider the K2 but twinkling watermelon would be a nice one


Death's game


Reborn rich


Twinkling watermelon!!!!


Twinkling watermelon and deaths game both are so good


Death's game, Twinkling Watermelon ✨️🍉




Save me!

Ida Olsson

✨🍉Twinkling Watermelon 🍉 ✨

Ida Olsson



My Demon :)


Death's Game and Mouse


death's game and vigilante

Paula Muniz

Newer shorter shows: my demon or death game


Really want you guys to react to death game & Happiness

Emanuel (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 02:02:21 Would recommend What's wrong with Secretary Kim as its hilarious & the same male lead as the MC from Itaewon Class. Also My Demon, purely coz of how good looking both leads are lol - same male lead as the one from Sweet Home btw
2024-01-13 14:42:40 Would recommend What's wrong with Secretary Kim as its hilarious & the same male lead as the MC from Itaewon Class. Also My Demon, purely coz of how good looking both leads are lol - same male lead as the one from Sweet Home btw

Would recommend What's wrong with Secretary Kim as its hilarious & the same male lead as the MC from Itaewon Class. Also My Demon, purely coz of how good looking both leads are lol - same male lead as the one from Sweet Home btw

J Man

✨ 🍉 Twinkling Watermelon!!! 🍉 ✨

J Man

I don't know if I ever cried as much watching a KDrama as I did for Twinkling Watermelon


🍉Twinkling watermelon 🍉 please cause I just finished it and I give it a 10/10🔥

Makenna Richard

Beyond Evil! It’s a short (but great) one relatively! 🙏🏼


deaths game and save me

raeven b.

I vote My Demon!


Twinkling Watermelon plz!


Death Game (I really liked it) , Beyond Evil (top tier...It was an epic show) , twinkling water melon ( I'm in love with this show), Mouse ( it's intense, kept me on my toes) & Sky Castle ( it was a great show...one of my all time favs) but if you want a more intense show try ( the world of the married) or if you want comedy try ( Mr Queen). An Honourable mention is Vigilante ( it was a good show....you might like it).


death game is a must watch for me, mouse is good as well


if you are interested in the older shows, happiness and sky castle highly recommend!

MDJLit x

SAVE ME!!!! I’ve been waiting for you guys to watch it😩

Bran Bran

I agree. It's a must must watch. This gift of a series came out of nowhere and deserves all the praises it receives.

Bran Bran

Mouse will have you on the edge of your seat. This one hits different. Most of the shows on your list are pretty popular and being reacted to a lot so most will be well received. Here are a few other gifts that deserve praise...Why Her; Again My Life; Bad Guys Vile City.


whats wrong with secretary kim


top 3 from this for me are Save Me, Vigilante, and Death's Game.

Deepankar Raha

What's Wrong With Secretary Kim


Death's Game was amazing and I would love seeing you react to it!


mouse then save me


whats wrong with secretary kim


Mouse or death's game


I recommend One Ordinary Day with Kim soo hun


A Kdrama that i feel was underrated is The Good Bad Mother



Kasia Patrick

My demon and twinkling watermelon have my vote but I lean more towards twinkling watermelon as it’s has a bigger focus than just romance like my demon does.

Trevin Ahiatsi

Twinkling Watermelon, Death’s Game, Vigilante, Na d What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim got my votes

Squishy Rabbit


Squishy Rabbit

And I'm thank you to ya all no one recommend THE GUEST I think I will forever gatekeeping this. Lol (sarcasm)


Be cool to see them check out older titles like Healer or OH My Venus


then Mouse & Death game would be nice

20-056 Kaushik Rajbongshi

I would recommend the kdrama 'Kairos'. This show is insane. It's a gripping sci-fi thriller.