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Oh. OH. OH! This chapter was INSANELY GOOD and I am 100% in LOVE with Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua's developing relationship, and how utterly SHAMELESS and yet HILARIOUS Airplane's monologues and actions are -- if last week was a gas, this chapter was EXPLOSIVE! I am head over heels, y'all!

Can we please talk about this chapter and these two!?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Scum Villain's Self-Saving System: Novel Chapter 96 Reaction! AIRPLANE SIMPING FOR MOBEI-JUN!?

**SIMPING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Oh. OH. OH! This chapter was INSANELY GOOD and I am 100% in LOVE with Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua's developing relationship, and how utterly SHAMELESS and yet HILARIOUS Airplane's monologues and actions are -- if last week was a gas, this chapter was EXPLOSIVE! I am head over heels, y'all! Can we please talk about this chapter and these two!? Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #svsss #romaniablack #scumvillainsselfsavingsystem Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I think the key moment between them is when Shang Qinghua is fanning Mobei-Jun, it’s one thing he was not ordered to do nor something he has to do Mobei Jun will be fine if a bit uncomfortable. Mobei-Jun just told him being could is his natural state would it now having this man who just learned he needs cold going out of his way to be kind. I totally believe he woke up.

Amalia Jungclaus

Thank you much for the video! It was a real treat to see you having so much fun with SQH and MBJ’s dynamic!

Anime Annie

Twelve Days of Christmas you're supposed to receive presents, instead you had to wait to receive this gift of a chapter 😂 As for your emotions for Chapters 89 and 90, you are completely right that you should be able to work through your emotions, and also have such an emotive response to a story. There are plenty of times when I've just had to stop reading something to scream into a pillow (sometimes out of rage, other times out of grief or pain, but most frequently because the characters are being ridiculously cute or stupid). It's part of being human to feel those kinds of emotions with a well-written story. I feel like I can also understand and empathise with your feelings for this story in particular because there were multiple times throughout the entire story where I closed my book and battered the wall beside my bed with it (again not just from rage or pain but simply because the story made me emotional in both positive and negative ways) 😅 Your not wanting the fandom's negative opinions to be brought up until the end of the story is not a selfish request in my eyes. As you've said that's down to you being a content creator. If you're aware of there being these negative feelings (whether the person has just alluded to them or gone into detail about the specifics of their negative opinion) it could change your own way of viewing the story as a whole or parts of it, before you get to the point where that person's negativity stems from. For example, in Psycho-Pass after you'd seen Mika do a few things that triggered my annoyance with her on my first watch I told you I disliked her for those moments, and then it gets added on to as Season 2 progresses (and then my feelings around Mika changed with the later content, but to tell you I like Mika during Season 2 [when on my first watch before her growth I didn't] would have felt like a spoiler). And once Season 2 was over we were able to discuss why the fandom don't tend to appreciate that season, as well as what the show could have done to prevent the negativity within the fandom surrounding Season 2, but also what they did that we enjoyed about the season. By asking for the negativity to be held off until the end of the series (or season) that simply adds to you being able to go in completely blind, and to me is just another part of keeping you unspoiled for the content ahead. Your comment about if anyone doesn't like your feelings about the series (or other series) then they can just quietly leave did make me think so much about being a FanFic writer. Is it potentially a generational thing? 🤔 That if there's content we don't like we accept that that content just isn't for us and quietly back away/close the page. Whereas some younger generations I do find are more outspoken about things they don't like and, in a lot of cases, putting the onus for that on the creator. I'm more of the mind if I read or watch something that I didn't like then I simply think "Not for me, but can see why other people would be interested/like this", close out of it and continue on with my life. Also just want to say how brave you are to open up as you have about your own experiences, and how sorry I am that you've had to go through that 🫂 I'm so glad talking about it has felt liberating for you, and I hope you continue to feel like your channel and discord are places you are free to talk about your feelings and experience. I did see the comment in question after you had, and so can understand completely why you'd feel hurt by it. I hope there are no more comments that invalidate what you feel about what you've survived. Also hope that having been able to address it out loud, it has left you feeling at least a little better mentally and emotionally ❤‍🩹 I completely get how other stories that touch on the topic of SA you haven't had the same kind of visceral reaction to because of the way they've either delved into the topic or how they've resolved it, in comparison to SVSSS. I've read and watched a few things that explore domestic violence and not been triggered by those scenes, but I was with Link Click because the portrayal just felt too close/similar to my own experience as a child. That has not changed my opinion of Link Click as a donghua, if anything I praise them for being able to portray such a thing so realistically. But I know I will not be able to watch those scenes again because of my own experience. And being able to discuss that last year in your discord with you and the other Link Click fans helped me accept that not being able to watch those parts again was totally fine, and better to do for my own mental wellbeing 💕 Shang Qinghua suggesting he'd be Mobei-jun's lackey/scullery maid and then quickly changing to spy makes me laugh. It kind of shows that he's fine with seeing himself beneath Mobei-jun (status wise, not bedroom-wise 😏) to be willing to perform such menial work, before he seems to catch on that he has position in this world that he can do something of a higher status for Mobei-jun. To me it reminds me of moments when Shen Qingqiu forgot his persona as a Peak Lord and acted more like Peerless Cucumber. Even though Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky has had longer to accept himself as Shang Qinghua, it does make me wonder if part of him has held on to who he once was. An advantageous slip of the hand definitely had my NSFW brain perking up 🤭 I love Shang Qinghua not being able to carry out his murder plot because he'd created Mobei-jun based off of his own predilections 🤣 Also might say something about me, but I'd probably fall more under "Great Master" Airplane's tastes than the generalised opinion for a stallion novel's male protagonist being a "pretty boy". And yeaaaah no hiding the allegations on Shang Qinghua's feelings for Mobei-jun's looks. Also getting my beloved "and there was only one bed" trope 🥳🤣 Highly agree with you on that "masochist" comment directed at Shen Qingqiu 🤣 The way Shang Qinghua came to be hugging Mobei-jun is described perfectly paints a picture of the scene in my head and makes me laugh so hard. Our author turned Mobei-jun into a cooling body pillow 🤣🤣🤣 I cannot imagine how hard it is to read out loud all of Shang Qinghua's completely heterosexual thoughts on Mobei-jun and his body 😆 The laugh I let out of me when you said "neck is better than I thought we were gonna do" for where the rope got tied to on Shang Qinghua 🤣 So kinky Romania!!! 😝 But my NSFW brain felt sooo validated when Shang Qinghua's thoughts went to the same place. Whiney, hungry Shang Qinghua is equal parts kinda adorable and annoying. I can completely understand why Mobei-jun would be fine letting him go get some food. When Shang Qinghua can't think he follows some more stereotypical female gender normative tropes/traits. With Mobei-jun it was suggesting he'd basically be a maid for him, and with his Wei-shixiong he fainted like a damsel in distress so as to avoid needing to come up with a plausible story. And then he cries crocodile tears before the peak lords (again, another common trait given to female characters over male characters in a lot of stories). Shang Qinghua's shamelessness really helps set him apart from Shen Qingqiu as the protagonist for these chapters. It definitely makes for a very entertaining read to see the story prior to Shen Yuan transmigrating. Mobei-jun and Shang Qinghua's dynamic definitely has a different feel to Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe's. I feel like because they aren't teacher and pupil, there isn't quite the same negativity for their power dynamic even though Mobei-jun is much more powerful than Shang Qinghua (both in terms of physicality but also status). Also the idea of a shameless character melting the heart of an ice demon?? Yup, sign me right up! 😆 This, I believe, is our first encounter with Wei Qingwei. Oh my god, yes to the Addams' Family comparison!!! Shang Qinghua's shameless crocodile tears is so much like Debbie 😆 But also he really is the Iago of SVSSS 🤣


Ahhhh, thank you so much for the comment and the kind words!! I LOVE their dynamic so much!!


Yessss, that moment where SQH just did it because he thought it would make Mobei-Jun feel more comfortable - I wouldn't be surprised if that made MBJ take note in that moment! I can totally believe that he fell a little in that moment! :3 Thank you for the comment!


Yesssss, the gift of a chapter is a Christmas miracle!! 😀 Thank you for the kindness about those chapters - I totally agree with you! And oohh, I should have just bapped the book against the desk! But I appreciate you understanding and noting that; I haven’t had a visceral response like that with nearly anything I’ve read, so maybe it’s a sign we care when we do that! And thank you about the fandom comments, too! You get where I’m coming from and that means a lot! Psycho-Pass is a great example to compare to, yes! And as someone that’s written a few little fanfics, I can get that as well! Maybe MXTX was channeling that as she wrote this! And YESSSSS My best friend and I have talked about how the younger generation is really awesome for having boundaries and being adamant about expressing those, BUT they are sometimes really outspoken about *every* little thing, often times negatively more than positive. I absolutely feel that! And finally, thank you - I don’t have a lot of words, but I really am grateful for your comments before getting into the chapters. Yeah, parasocial relationships are many things, but they have allowed me to be able to share and talk about topics that I have not felt comfortable doing so with those that I see face-to-face. Thank you, again, for your consideration! I have been able to move on from the comment, so that has helped. I’m definitely a “let me say this and then move on” type of person. These Danmei and Donghua getting us really into our emotions - I can absolutely see with Link Click and I agree that Link Click handles the subject matter in it with such intelligence! At least my view of SVSSS overall hasn’t been diminished by those select chapters. SQH was HILARIOUS in this chapter! And yesss, the connections to SQQ are really there, especially in how they appeal and think of their *ahem* Demon Lords in question. And yes, any slip of the hand connecting to the potential NSFW outcome! 😛I just love SQH admitting that MBJ was based off his own standards - it’s weird - I have very specific “things” that attract but I do love a stoic giant dude like MBJ vs. whiny like LBH can be. But still, it is adorable that SQH cannot kill MBJ because he’s “too beautiful.” I love that SQH as an author has all these tropes circling him in these extras! And I LOVE how MXTX writes these scenes and the “voice” she gives for SQH as the narrator. And yes, the way that it’s supposed to “sound” so serious, but he’s literally oogling MBJ the entire time haha! And oooh, the book WENT THERE with me! I know how kinky MXTX can get! SQH does tend to fall into some stereotypical female tropes at times, which is always interesting - I love how MXTX takes gender norms and explores them in her works. But man, SQH being so shameless while SQQ tries to save SUCH face, haha!! I love the difference between them, especially as they are the “narrators” of the story! And I love how the two “couples” are so different in this story, too! And yes, sign me up with their dynamic as well in this! It feels so fresh and I love it! Okay, that is good to know that Wei Qingwei hasn’t really appeared before now; I couldn’t remember them! And YESSSSS, I’m so glad I’m not the only one that sees SQH as both Debbie Jellinsky and Iago! Haha! Thank you so much for all your support and kindness with your comment! I’m SO excited for these last sets of chapters to come!