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I was FLOORED by this two-parter, y'all! Definitely the bloodiest episode so far, but Natsume expressing his concerns as Tanuma gets more and more involved in the world of yokai -- as a dark plot unfolds within the yokai world...and the more unlikely person shows up to help them all out!

I was in LOVE with this episode set and there's so much to talk about! LET'S GO!

LINK TO PIP REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/DjvKL4wjQekHBJaKpHqdiD? 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - NATSUME YUUJINCHOU Season 4: Episode 6-7 Reaction! THE GAP BETWEEN HUMAN & YOKAI?!

LINK TO PIP REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/DjvKL4wjQekHBJaKpHqdiD? **TAG TEAMED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I was FLOORED by this two-parter, y'all! Definitely the bloodiest episode so far, but Natsume expressing his concerns as Tanuma gets more and more involved in the world of yokai -- as a dark plot unfolds within the yokai world...and the more unlikely person shows up to help them all out! I was in LOVE with this episode set and there's so much to talk about! LET'S GO! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #natsume #natsumeyuujinchou #natsumebookoffriends #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction & discussion! Welcome back Whiteboard-kun! 🥰 Adore these episodes. “Thank God for Tanuma!” Yes, 100% agreed. 🥰 Despairing!Natsume in the jar was just a constant delight, as was delinquent-Madara!Natsume. 😂 Especially all the comedy around how ‘impolite’ (or more informal) and un-Natsume-like the way Madara spoke was and then would attempt to 'correct' himself. I also love the dub’s approach to something this complicated – which was all about snark in the intonation. Tanuma was a badass and I loved the continuation of his and Natsume’s constant competition – who can be more protective, the only kind of competitiveness I accept. 😂 Loved their final conversation – specifically Tanuma’s approach of covering all the bases. I think he knows by now how Natsume will try to wriggle out of ‘involving’ anyone, or sometimes jump to conclusions which are emotionally the more negative ones. (And this speaks to a specific flaw Natsume’s pathological self-reliance causes – he does sometimes assume the worst of people, even the ones who have not given him reason to think this way. Yes, it is a trauma response, mistrust and self-preservation, and we see him actively working on it – but it is still not a great way to think of others.) Tanuma goes: if you don’t like my asking, say; if you don’t want to answer, say; I’m glad you told me (about seeing yokai); I don’t want you to regret that decision; I was so happy you told me; I would be hurt if you wanted to take it back. And then giving Natsume space to think it over. All the things he could think of! What else can I say other than – Tanuma is The Best! 🥰 Cannot wait for next week! 💙 Rule of 8!


Yessss, the rule of 8 has not let me down yet, but this episode set was a great lead up to it! Ahhh, Tanuma is such an angel and support for Natsume! I felt for him having to watch Madara in his form being so snarking! I’ll have to go and check out the dub for this for sure, now! And hahahaha, who can be more protective: The relationship. Literally! I’ll take that type of competition, too! But that is such a good breakdown of Natsume and Tanuma’s relationship and how he views him. And Tanuma giving all the best things to say…seriously…he is the BEST! UGH…these two, I want to bottle them up! Thank you for the comment and kind words! I’ll definitely have to note your comment in a future intro! 😀Now, onto the rule of 8!