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WHAT a season finale! Everything comes to a head and I was flailing, fangirling, and screaming at all the wild moments -- y'all, this was so fun!

My brother and I speculate on the future of the series and check out all the characters' League Legends' "skins" and just vibe with this incredible final episode! It's been a RIDE!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/zGFeAcfUtUkGmLewft75dJ?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania & Bro: ARCANE Season 2: Episode 9 Reaction! THE DIRT UNDER YOUR NAILS!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/zGFeAcfUtUkGmLewft75dJ? **GRITTY GOOD HEADPHONE WARNINGS** WHAT a season finale! Everything comes to a head and I was flailing, fangirling, and screaming at all the wild moments -- y'all, this was so fun! My brother and I speculate on the future of the series and check out all the characters' League Legends' "skins" and just vibe with this incredible final episode! It's been a RIDE! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #arcanereaction #arcane #romaniablack #arcaneseason2 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Jayvik nation... How we feeling? I'm just gonna say, their scenes are beautiful. Though JayVik are archenemies in game, their ship (in game version) was also popular, their story were also very interwinded and the hate seggs potential are crazy. The friends to rival/enemy kind of ship


Overall the writing in this season was much weaker than season 1. This was more spectacle over character development and story. It was strangely rushed, not because they needed more time to wrap up plot points they set up in season 1, but to wrap up plot points and character arcs they inexplicably introduced halfway through season 2. I think I loved the Jayce/Victor and Vi/Jinx storylines the most, so that should have had all the focus in the conclusion instead of an entire episode dedicated to Ekko and a finale that was mostly Ambessa and Mel. That said I do love the ending for Jayce and Victor. I like that they decided "let's be gay together in space forever" and it actually solved all of their problems. The most tragic part of the finale is that Jinx knows Vi won't give up on Vander (we know as the audience that he's completely gone at this point) when they're on the ledge because she knows that Vi never gave up on her. I think your brother helped make this a very fun reaction series, I hope something else comes along that you can watch together.


Yessssss, I have since this episode fallen down the JayVik rabbit hole and I haven't looked back! I LOVE a good rivals/enemies to lover ship, so this season really scratched that itch for me!! <3 Thank you for watching with me and for the comment!!

Christopher Pettersson

I was going to make a long post on all the nitpicks i have, all the ways season 2 didn't go the directions i wanted or wasn't to my tastes and just slap a disclaimer on top that i did like it overall just not to the extent of the first season (and how could i dislike a season that gave us pitfighter Vi?). But you seem to enjoy it much more and there isn't (yet) a comment vibing with it as well as you did so i'll keep it mostly to myself. Let me know if you want argue about it or hear all my nitpicks and i shall oblige. :P Ok let's start with character deaths, at the start of season 2 i knew which ones where champions in the game and i was not expecting so many of them to die, that's why i was especially surprised Embessa died while Mel lived as Embessa was made a champion in the game and Mel not (as far as i know atleast)... although, do we really think any champions who seemingly died here are truly dead? Is "Arcane" a different dimension/timeline to the game universe so they can have deaths here without it impacting the game? But as we already have different timelines, time travel and just magic in general they'll always have ways to bring people back, although i like you (and Cait) might suspect Jinx wouldn't need any of those to turn up again. While for myself prefer the Jayce and Mel matchup, i like the naive, idealistic (some might say himbo ;)) Jayce warming up the heart of the calculating and scheming Mel with his golden retriver energy and genuine affection for her, but i'll allow the Jayce and Viktor ship to sail as how could i ever wish to take all that happiness from you? :)


You know, while I feel maybe the writing was “weaker,” I honestly enjoyed this season much more than season 1. I felt the writing in season 1 was super solid and “classic” but didn’t really cover any new ground with symbolism or tropes that I hadn’t already seen in other series like Attack on Titan, or modern cinema. It was just a really good exhibition of classic narrative choices. And there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s why so many enjoyed it! But Season 2 makes it a spectacle, with the shipping, and the twists that were really fun - I enjoyed it a lot since it was doing new things, whether they landed or not. I agree with you that it felt definitely rushed in places - I think they were trying so hard to keep with that 9 episode model of season 1, when they could have easily expanded to a 12 episode season and maybe that would have helped with the writing, too. But as a JayVik fan? LOVED IT. So happy that we got this conclusion for them! And Ekko was really a GOAT, wasn’t he? Would have loved more with Ambessa and Mel, though! Ahhh, that’s such a good point about Vi and Jinx, though. I hadn’t thought of it that way, so thank you for mentioning that! And yessss, my brother was so much fun to have with this series! He definitely will be watching the live action One Piece with me – and if I do Fate or JoJo’s he’s definitely said he wants to join in on the fun! We shall see! Thank you for the comment and watching this with me this fall/winter! It was a lot of fun!


Hahaha, oh, I know that it’s not a perfect season at all! 🙂 In my comment to Lynden, I thought season 1 was great - but while everyone was hyping it as perfect and a flawless masterpiece, I was like, “I’ve seen this symbolism, tropes, storytelling in countless film and some anime like AOT” so it didn’t blow me away like it did for others. But I really enjoyed it and consider it a very VERY good measure of storytelling. But, I love having fun when I watch a show and this season did that for me. It wasn’t going to be season 1 2.0 (how could it when you’ve run through all the classic narrative archetypes already), so I enjoyed the shipping and just having fun with the symbolism and all the threads and callbacks. I do agree, though, that the season needed to be longer to tie everything together and properly explore some of the plot lines they introduced. I do think that being “constrained” to 9 episodes made them rush and not develop some plot lines the way I would have liked. Pitfighter Vi, though? LOVED. Ahh, and see, I’m glad my brother didn’t spoil me too much on champions in the game, so I wouldn’t know who would live or die! I do know that Mel’s been made a champion but I haven’t watched the cinematic that was released yet - I’m waiting for my internet to come back for that one! And the fact that the game has different “storylines” throughout could lend to that theory of multiple “universes.” Honestly, with Jayce being such a disaster himbo, I feel that Mel deserves better! XD I am not opposed to a threesome with Jayce sandwiched between two mages, though! ;) I think anyone that says Viktor and Jayce don’t have chemistry after this season, though, are really denying themselves…hopefully not because they can’t “accept” a gay ship, because it’s RIGHT. THERE. Honestly, by the end of season 2, Jayce had really cooled with Mel and the ship just wasn’t there with the chemistry anymore - Mel’s moved to better pastures, it seems, and good for her! Thank you for the comment and kind words and following with me this season!

Christopher Pettersson

Yeah season 2 has the problem that you compare it to season 1 that was much tighter constructed and had all things tied together much better. But as you say season 1 has many ingredients you've seen before, but i often don't mind tropes (tropes are often tropes for a reason after all) if they are expertly made. I like to compare it to Fury Road, on paper really simple story with character progression one have seen countless times before, but so deftly made and so engaging that it's one of the best action films of all time. My biggest problem with season 2 is that it introduced to many characters that felt to me like what i like to call "non characters". Take Loris, we see him join Cait's strike team, walk away when she went a bit fascist, instead join Vi down at the pitfights, leave her too when she went to self-destructive only to die in the last fight without any of them noticing or having some closure with him at the end. Isha felt like she was just introduced to get fridged. And Maddie with her nonsensical betrayal and immediate "punishment" with bullet to the head immediately made her and her reationship with Cait a non thing. Even Fish Guy felt like a non character to me in the end, but atleast he gets to survive, so he has the potential to graduate to "real" character in the future. Now that might be the spin-off from Arcane we didn't know we needed "From the police files of Piltover" starring officer... Fish Guy? yeah the fact i don't know his name doesn't reflect well on his "non" status in my mind. Yes, Mel and Jayce just kind of fizzled out this season, which can happen with a relationship but this wasn't a real relationship, it was written by writers, so they decided to do it like that. And yeah, i didn't get the platonic vibes here with Jayce and Viktor, but there is precedent i guess, like with Eren and Armin ditching their respective romantic prospects to go away bromancing in the afterlife forever (although i'm sure their are plenty of romance shippers around for that one too). But now i see you have gone and uploaded a DanDaDan reaction, i'll head over to that one at once. And i can tell you now, i'll have very few complaints for those ones. :P


I definitely like the well made tropes like what Arcane does with season 1 and Fury Road is a great example, too! From a reactor/discussion standpoint - I like talking maybe about more ambiguous/flawed/open-to-interpretation things – discussing and reacting to obvious symbolism and tropes (even if expertly done) doesn’t lend to me saying more than “here is the great trope and it is well done” - you know? It’s not a complaint, just something I experienced in that realm. That said, I LOVE Fury Road as well, so I 100% agree with your sentiments on it! And non characters - I can SO see what you mean there! Loris, Maddie (even), fish man, Salo, I totally get what you mean about there could be more done with their characters! But yes, at least fish man livedddddd! 😀My brother and I were convinced he wouldn’t; Arcane showed us! ;) And yesss, the relationship was definitely the product of its writing! You know, though, I could see the romantic subtext and underlying sparks with Jayce and Viktor, but never “really” got that from Armin and Eren throughout the entire series - after the chapter where Armin’s like, “See you in Hell,” I did get it and got it maybe more in the manga, but maybe I was too attached to Armin and Annie at that point to “literally”....jump ship. 😛 But oooooooh yes, there’s a LOT to talk about with DandaDan, so I’m excited for it! Thank you for the comment! I’m excited you’ve been watching that one! yay!

Christopher Pettersson

Yeah i can understand that the reactor perspective is different from when watching solely for one's own enjoyment. In the same way i can feel sometimes that when i comment it can come of as more negative than intended, as i focus on things where i feel i have some (negative) criticism (i could have gone on another rant about red-shirts here :P) or have opinions that differ from the majority. One just doesn't feel as compelled to comment on things you find "ok" or merely "quite good". Even "in hell" i don't quite see the Armin/Eren thing, but i won't stand in anyone's way. :P But i can understand if people saw Jayce and Viktor all from the very beginning, just personal preference for Mel instead. And not that Viktor doesn't have style but Mel is hard to beat.


Hahaha the red shirts, nooooooo! I do empathize more with the red shirts, thanks to your comments, though! Yeah, I want to enjoy what I watch, which is why I'm so strict with spoilers because I *loathe* people not trusting me to figure things out on my own or letting the show explain it through my experience -- but yeah, the reactor lens puts a different spin on it for sure. And it's fine for folks not to like things that I did - I always say, you can tell me you disagree, just don't expect me to change my mind and agree with you back, haha! Hahahah, I don't really see Armin or Eren either, but I'll give folks the benefit of the doubt for it - who am I to deny a ship in the harbor?! And yeah, Mel is lovely...I'm just not attracted to female characters that way, so my preference is skewed I'm sure.

Christopher Pettersson

And i'm sure my preference for Mel isn't skewed at all, just 100% logical and fact based conclusions based on the evidence showed, and in no way influenced by my own biases, tastes and predispositions.


Hahahahahahahahaha -- I hope I'm seeing that comment in the way you intended it, but fair! :D