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This episode focused on Tahomaru and dammit, show...making him not only likable but amping up the red flags for bad things to come!? Noooooo!

This episode make me really fall for Tahomaru's character and really worry for him! Now, show...why can't we let these two brothers just...talk things out? Get along? Have nice things?

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/mnYQJHzpZkWSA3NDnZHHzy?

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Romania Black - DORORO: Episode 10 Reaction! THE STORY OF TAHOMARU?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/mnYQJHzpZkWSA3NDnZHHzy? **BROTHERLY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This episode focused on Tahomaru and dammit, show...making him not only likable but amping up the red flags for bad things to come!? Noooooo! This episode make me really fall for Tahomaru's character and really worry for him! Now, show...why can't we let these two brothers just...talk things out? Get along? Have nice things? PLEASE?! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #dororo #dororoanime #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I have always liked Tahomaru. He does view himself as serving his community in his protecting them from that crab! Of course he is also protecting his father’s legacy. Unfortunately he only knows half the story of the land he serves. It’s a good thing he is not a brat. I’m so glad he is fundamentally different from his father. You can just see the train wreck coming a mile away! 😭 Ugh… Daigo! Yeah, I think his temperament benefited by his association with Mutsu and Hyogo. Of course they are in service to Daigo, but have forged a friendship of sorts with Tahomaru. They seem to have grounded him a bit. And then we just see a glimpse of Hyakimaru! I just feel terrible for them both. Last time I had crab was for my birthday. We had a crab boil and it was fantastic! That village just needs a big pot. They may have failing crops, but now they have fresh seafood. Problem solved! Enjoyed this reaction! Looking forward to next week!

Anime Annie

Amazon Prime putting ads during an episode just feels like trying to infuriate people into paying the extra money to watch without adverts. Such a money-making scheme. Barely a minute in and I had to pause the reaction to laugh at the Titanic reference for the poor villager on the broken piece of wood 🤣 But yes several of the water scenes reminded me a lot of the Waterborne Abyss in Gusu too! I reckon Wei Wuxian's inventor mind would have a fun time meeting Hyakkimaru and seeing how he fights and all his prosthetics. This Opening would definitely work so well with Banana Fish. Equal amounts angst, action, quirky moments, and pain 🥺 I love Tahomaru piecing together things. It shows he's quite intuitive to piece together Daigo's expression before he left for the Hall of Hell as being related to the boy with missing limbs. I find it so intriguing that the demons' form of communication with Daigo is through fire and light. The way they showed the images of Hyakkimaru growing up is almost like a mirage in the steam. This show really does a good job of reminding you which senses Hyakkimaru has gotten back, and the progress he's made since meeting Dororo. His smelling the blood on himself means he now knows when he's dirty and when he's cleaned himself enough. It shows the independence he's gaining as he regains his senses and his control/understanding of them all. Definitely an important point in both the fact Tahomaru doesn't continue his questioning, but also how he went about it in the first place. He had Hyogo and Mutsu grab the man and drug him. He doesn't look injured (at least not severely), and he isn't being tortured for the information he holds. Drugging him to try to gain answers is definitely a gentler approach. Same for later when he tells Hyogo and Mutsu he wants them to live and doesn't just accept their willingness to die for him 🥺 Which by the way, with the commonly held beliefs of that time in regards to the dead needing their limbs intact to ensure they were whole for eternity (hence Jukai giving the dead on the battlefield prosthetics), Mutsu and Hyogo's willingness to blow themselves up in service of Tahomaru not only shows how far they're willing to go for him in this life, but that they're willing to sacrifice their eternity after death. The change to the tree as we go into a flashback of baby Tahomaru is such a great choice in animation, and really helps show how the landscape (alongside the people) has changed as time has passed. But yes baby Tahomaru is a cutie and furthers my need/want to protect him 🥺 Tahomaru definitely stands out with the red clothing, but from my knowledge of clothing during that period of time it also highlights how well-off his family is. Such a red dye I believe was made from benibana in Japan, and was an extremely expensive dye. It also feels a little tongue-in-cheek for Daigo's son to be dressed in red as red was also related with Buddhism. For ritual purposes the colour red was associated with being a talisman, and could defeat demons and malevolent spirits or disease. Due to the oxidisation process on the dye over time the colour did fade to orange, and so now bright orange is the more commonly associated colour with Buddhism and such rituals. We love us an actual competent and caring young master! 😂 Also his willingness to not only help the common people, but also to tell them in turn that he needs their help really shows he's not like a lot of more pompous people of status. It is a shock that he isn't a snobbish character, considering his upbringing in comparison to Hyakkimaru's. He also really shows off his smarts this episode with the creation of the sluice. Though I do always laugh at how he gains the insight that there are multiple smaller lakes in the area by looking on at the area from a higher viewpoint (atop Hyogo's shoulders) 🤣 But also the fact that he comes up with such a plan in the same place he used to run to when he needed to get away from his home really made me want to root for his plan working 🥺 Which, if the people had listened to Tahomaru and left it to him instead of throwing the rocks, then Bakemonogani may not have considered grabbing such massive rocks and using them to break the sluice gate. That meeting of the two brothers is such a frustrating tease. Like thank you Hyakkimaru for saving Hyogo by appearing at the right moment, but it definitely made me want more. The potential of having to harvest earlier is also made worse with the threat of war from the Asakura. In times of war that's when food can become a lot more scarce and the stores tend to get used up quicker. If they have to harvest early then they won't have as much to feed their people and/or soldiers.


I really love Tahomaru’s character! And I feel for him with all the factors on his upbringing, especially around Daigo! But yeah…DAIGO. Ugh. I definitely have a sense of dread surrounding these two brothers and what things could mean for them going forward *sweats* Ooohhh, a crab boil – I do love a crab boil – I don’t live near an ocean, but there areeee several rivers so we do have some crawfish boils hahaha! That said, I do love crab, too! Thank you for the comment and kind words! *sweats for next week*


Yessss, I mean, I grew up with cable, so commercials don’t bother me, personally, but yeah, a definite money scheme. The water ghoul reference in this episode was sending me, too, though! Maybe Tahomaru’s VA being Sing’s VA as well from Banana Fish just adds to the reference. I feel for Tahomaru - he’s getting it but he’s been raised with Daigo as the “great dad” to him so I’m sure it’s going to be hard for him to go against the principles of a man he was raised by and looks up for. But at least Tahomaru is not as severe (yet) as his father in how he tries to investigate and find information - i just want him to retain some of his innocence. 😢And Mutsu and Hyogo being there shoudl be good for him, but I’m still worried for the future for all of them. But BABY TAHOMARU - ADORABLE! That’s a neat note about the Buddhism tie to him. Thank you for that! And yes, the demons communicating through fire and lightning is really good to see in play. I feel for Hyakkimaru, too, with all the progress he’s made. And yes, the little details of how he’s grown as well! I love how Tahomaru and Hyakkimaru are both trying to do good - why can’t they have nice things?! I’m at least glad that he subverted my expectations this episode! And yes, WHAT A TEASE with the brothers meeting, I agree! And Hyakkimaru saved him so…interesting interesting! And I like how the environment is affecting the plot throughout here as well, which will impact everyone’s decisions in this as well – Thank you for the comment and kind words! *sweats about next episode*