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Oohhh, show, you can't in the 10th hour introduce a new version of the Lunarians that is THIS terrifying! When did this become a horror anime?!

This episode featured three of my favorite gemstones and put them into the most horrific scenario...and then you end the episode like THAT?! SHOW. WHAT.

I was not ready for this one!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/WP2UnWafiNV8LhHqW4PE2Z? 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Land of the Lustrous: Episode 10 Reaction & Discussion! SHIRO?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/WP2UnWafiNV8LhHqW4PE2Z? **DOUBLE-VISION HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Oohhh, show, you can't in the 10th hour introduce a new version of the Lunarians that is THIS terrifying! When did this become a horror anime?! This episode featured three of my favorite gemstones and put them into the most horrific scenario...and then you end the episode like THAT?! SHOW. WHAT. I was not ready for this one! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #romaniablack #lotl #landofthelustrous Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Oh man! You were horrified! On a lighter note, I finally got around to reading the last chapter of Land of the Lustrous. 😌🙏. It’s wonderful. Oh Shiro! Causing trauma and mayhem! The whole dynamic between Bort, Dai, and Phos was just heartbreaking and then for Dai to go through what they went through. At least they have the ability to put Dai back together. But now there are two… lunarians. I have always loved the design of the lunarians, they are soft in color, beautiful and elegant and, nightmarish at the same time. I love Shiro, from all those arms, legs and eyes to that fluffy tail. Can’t wait to see next week’s reaction and yes, just two more episodes! It was fun watching you squirm. ☺️


There is a LOT of Buddhist iconography and symbolism in the series. The mist circle Dia sees makes me think of an enso circle — a symbol that represents many things such as spiritual enlightenment, purity, emptiness, the cycle of life, imperfection, etc depending on if it’s drawn as an open or closed loop. It is specifically practiced in Zen Buddhism. The shape of their island is an example of what an open enso circle looks like. Also, the jellyfish have been shown many times lighting up all over the place throughout the show. Just about every episode really. They even keep them in their pond they’re all over. It’s just a detail that gets overlooked. Def not a spoiler lol. Had to defend myself a bit haha


I was a definitely freaked out by this episode at first, but glad that it got…better? hahaha! And I’m SO excited to dive into the manga! But yes, SHIRO. What chaos and mayhem! It’s really sad for Dia to consider putting themselves in Phos’s position and questioning their worth - what a theme with these gems! I just want to be advocates for them all! But the idea of multiple lunarians makes me wary, absolutely. I agree, there is a softness to their design but that almost amplifies the creepiness of them! The idea that this particular Lunarian has “fluff” and hair that’s more…tangible? Is interesting as well! Hahaha, I was squirming a lot this episode! Horror is not my forte! But thank you for the comment and kind words! I appreciate it! Yes, it’s wild to think there are only two episodes left!