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It's the penultimate episode and...uhm....well...we're meeting a NEW character in the 11th hour, and Adamant has SECRETS, y'all! Phos now has to decide if they're going to pursue answers or have blind faith in the status quo...and which is the right choice?!

I can't believe we only have one episode to go! HOW?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/zaASwwM7EpP7zFLknDpsxQ?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Land of the Lustrous: Episode 11 Reaction! SECRET?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/zaASwwM7EpP7zFLknDpsxQ? **SUSPICIOUS HEADPHONE WARNINGS** It's the penultimate episode and...uhm....well...we're meeting a NEW character in the 11th hour, and Adamant has SECRETS, y'all! Phos now has to decide if they're going to pursue answers or have blind faith in the status quo...and which is the right choice?! I can't believe we only have one episode to go! HOW?! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #landofthelustrous #LOTL #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Yes to reading the manga! This anime is only the tip of the iceberg! And yes, do not overload the schedule you want to enjoy it and not make it a “job.” I just finished it and it took me like a whole year, mostly I didn’t want it to end, and my schedule was packed. No worries, we will wait! If there is anything Berserk has taught us is patients. Shiro, I think it is very dog like as we have seen. I just adore all the little Shiros! Before you google it, yes, you too can buy one! ( I do not have one😭) Shiro brings up a lot of questions about Adamant and what his connection to the Lunarians is. I shed a tear when Shiro was at peace and evaporated. The last part of Shiro we see is a tongue licking the hand of Adamant. I’ve had pets in my life that I have loved and hope I gave them a good life. We currently have two elderly rabbits and one of them is not doing well. I know we are doing our best with them. We will miss them when they are gone. Shiro reminds me of a pet who has been put to rest by Adamant. Who the hell was Shiro? Thanks for looking up the significance of the number 108! I was unaware of its significance, learned something today! Phos wanting to know the truth about Adamant. The fact everyone knows something is up with him but has decided to remain silent is keeping the status quo. Well, we know that is not who Phos is! As much as she has changed, she is still Phos at the core. Phos has been to the ocean, comes from the land and now wants to go to the moon. It’s the logical next step. In the eleventh hour, we get Pad! Now that we are at the end of the anime, we are discovering all these mysteries! This is one of my favorite episodes of the anime because it hints at a layer of mystery that has just been discovered. It makes you want more! Great reaction! Im bracing myself for the last episode! I’m also looking forward to the manga!

Butthead faxe

hii is link click ep 3 coming tomorrow or 3&4?


Just episode 3 - every Link Click episode is one at a time on Sundays at 12 pm CST. Episode 1 was only longer because that's how it was released. Thank you!


Also, please respond on Link Click videos for Link Click questions so my mods can get this to me at a reasonable time. You caught me seeing this at the right time or my mods for LOTL wouldn't have told me about this until later in the week.


hearing that youll continue with the manga makes me very happy!


LOTL and Bloom Into You were my first manga I’d ever read because I couldn’t keep sane with these endings, same as you 😂 Even to this day and after all the stories I’ve read since, they still remain my favorite manga series. It’s funny how you picked up both so close together haha. I’m especially excited about this one tho, there’s a reason fans BEG for another season :)


Thank you so much for the comment and kind words! I'm SUPER excited to start the manga!


Ahhhh, I'm very excited for that reason! I cannot wait to dive into the manga so thank you - I can't wait to start!!


I’m actually getting excited to dive into the manga, especially realizing how we’ve just started the series, it feels like! But thank you for the encouragement to take my time! I’m honestly REALLY excited and feel really motivated to dive into the manga, but I’ll keep that in mind with my schedule! 😀We’ll see how I feel after reading that first volume! The little Shiros are adorable! And ooohhhh, that’s good to know that they are out there for purchase - I’m not sure I want to make my dogs jealous, though, hahaha!! But yes, so many questions about Shiro and Adamant’s “knowledge” that the gems don’t have…and oohhh, that’s noteworthy about the tongue licking him. Awww, you have rabbits! I have a friend with a pet rabbit and they seem so sweet! And no problem with 108! I’m all for us learning together! And yes, Phos is so curious! I love that part has remained the same about them!! I mean, if you’ve been to the bottom of the ocean, why not do the opposite now? 😛 And PADDDDD - I cannot believe that we’re getting a new character at the end of the season! And YES, as excited as I am for Episode 12, I am really looking forward to seeing the manga after this! Thank you for the comment!

Alexandra Q

Land of the Lustrous is a show that never stops being fascinating. Those little Shiros were adorable! I really need a plushie of those now XD Adamant really is not making himself any favors by just trying to ignore acting so familiar with Shiro in front of Phos... really, any answer would have been better than trying to pretend it didn't happen. You know, Cinnabar still being undecided over if to just trust Adamant blindly or keep their reservations works so well because, well, Cinnabar is the gemstone that is least close to Adamant seeing as how they spend all their time isolated. We've never seen it but, how exactly is their relationship with Adamant? I don't think we've seen much of Cinnabar interacting with anyone that isn't Phos. Phos wanting to know the truth... it seems to me that Adamant has shot himself in the foot. It was Adamant who told Phos to create an encyclopedia, to record and investigate the use and importance of all things, to become inquisitive; and while I can't say that Phos ever took that job too seriously, as they didn't like it, it might very well have opened that inquisitive door in their mind; and inquisitive door that is now making them want the truth more than they want to keep the status quo of not bothering Adamant. It's just a fun little connection. After seeing with Antarct how the gemstones are born, and how some of those gemstones don't make it to be born, it's interesting seeing this new gemstone who was born with the wholes in their body. Seems like they weren't fully formed but still managed to be born, which I'm sure tells us something about the process of how, exactly, the gemstones came to be, but I don't quite know what it is. Seeing Phos making those gold replicas of themselves to distract Shiro is so interesting. They have changed so much since we were first introduced to them, and it almost feels like they have become a completely different person than they were; and them creating a mirror version of themselves is a very interesting way to focus that, they are the same being, but they are wholly different at the same time, clearly different for all the thin, the gold, connections they will never be able to erase. I really can't believe that we're upon the final episode of the season... it's a good thing that there is a manga to keep us going. P.S. What I meant with asking if other gemstones could also fuse with other elements/minerals is that, yeah, it makes sense that the Lunarians want to merge with the gemstones and the body and would be able to because they once were the same entity, sure, they can fuse and merge with other beings in that sense; but that is, in a sense, part of themselves so the merging isn't too surprising to me, even if I'm not sure that doing that would be a good idea. What I meant was more was that because the gold and other elements are separate entities from the gemstones, never before having being a part of them, I wonder if it would as easy for the other gemstones to merge with them as it seems to be for Phos. Or do they need to want to change for it to be possible? I don't know any of these answers, but it's curious to me with all the thematic elements the story touches upon with change.


The shiro plushes are super adorable, I agree! And yeah, Adamant is really suspicious as well; I agree. I definitely talked in the discussion about Cinnabar and Adamant and what we know so far. We’ll see what the series shows us! Same with Phos seeking the truth! And how they’ve been changing too, so I don’t have much to add since what you mentioned I’ve talked about in the discussions. Pad is definitely interesting and I have lots of questions about them, but we’ll see in future episodes and the manga, maybe! I definitely am excited about the manga, though! Thanks for the comment! We shall see what the series gives us moving forward in terms of answers!