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Ohhh, we not only get almost an entire episode dedicated to our mysterious Liu Xiao (and learn his "Superpower"), but the players in this "game" are shaping up and somehow, Cheng Xiaoshi's dad might be involved? Meanwhile, Lu Guang seems to know some things that "go down" in Bridon, and the game is being set...and I'm not sure I'm ready, y'all!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/RrwE19zx7zMiyMXzmRKj2S? 

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LINK CLICK Bridon Arc: Episode 2 Reaction! THE PROLOGUE?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/RrwE19zx7zMiyMXzmRKj2S? **ROULETTE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Ohhh, we not only get almost an entire episode dedicated to our mysterious Liu Xiao (and learn his "Superpower"), but the players in this "game" are shaping up and somehow, Cheng Xiaoshi's dad might be involved? Meanwhile, Lu Guang seems to know some things that "go down" in Bridon, and the game is being set...and I'm not sure I'm ready, y'all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #linkclick #romaniablack #linkclickbridonarc Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

The moment Xiang slid his cards to the side like that my eyes squinted. Especially after the pink-haired girl immediately folded and the other man got up to whisper to him. A subtle gesture but it is an action some groups will use when working together to secretly pass information about their cards to another player/other players. Same for the way he taps on his cards later. Even fidgeting with their chips or the way they put the chips into play can be used as a message to any colleagues at the table with them. The presence of the long-haired woman at the bar, and with the way the others interacted with her, I did wonder if she was like Vivian in Episode 1 of this arc; the honeytrap to bring the table some fresh blood they could con money from through a poker game. Only in the case with Liu Xiao it feels like he was the one setting a trap for them. I did giggle at your reaction to them playing the real kind of Russian Roulette. Definitely makes me question both men's personalities. And originally I did wonder about Liu Xiao playing along with it because he really didn't seem like that kind of risk taker (with his own life) from the little we've seen of him. But once they show what exactly his power is I realised he wasn't taking as big of a risk as I thought (provided he was fully aware of Xiang's ability). Never thought we'd be getting a portable (human) ECG machine in this show though 😆 I don't know if Xiang is related to Liu Xiao or if Liu Xiao simply used the term 'uncle' to show respect for his elder. In China it is common to refer to older men as your "uncles" and older women as your "aunties". But I definitely don't know enough Chinese to know the difference on them being familial or if Liu Xiao simply being respectful. Same for later when Qiao Ling calls Cheng Xiaoshi's mother "Aunt Shao". I had the same thought about Liu Xiao's ability with heartbeats. It did make me thing of a potential comparison between Lu Guang and Lan Wangji. Stoic face, but the heart is in turmoil 🥺 I may need FanFic after this arc is over where Liu Xiao hears the disturbance in both Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi's heartbeats when they're around each other 🤭 Cheng Xiaoshi calling for Lu Guang's help is equally cute and painful, especially with how quick Lu Guang drops everything to go save him 🥺 But hiding from Qiao Ling behind Lu Guang has to be one of the most adorable things Cheng Xiaoshi has done 😆 I adore the red strings of fate inside Lu Guang's mind palace and I'm just going to force myself to be blissfully unaware of how much pain that place likely holds 😅 I loved the effect of Lu Guang remembering how their conversation about the photograph went before only for a news notification (of Xiang's arrest, which going by the beginning had something to do with Liu Xiao) to distract Cheng Xiaoshi and change how the event occurred previously. It definitely left me wanting to know what this change means, why it happened, and if Liu Xiao somehow got involved with Xiang at the beginning of the episode in order to create such a change to the timeline. And we've now got names for Cheng Xiaoshi's parents: Cheng Weimin and Shao. But my what a spider's web that's been weaved, connecting these things together. Like you said, as sad as Cheng Xiaoshi looks at that bridge, the animation for his facial expressions is just so good. But I'm just gonna forget all the pain and focus on Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang just being there together on a bridge whilst the sun sets...🥰 Lu Guang's nightmare with Red Head definitely gave me chills. Also after that nightmare he said almost the same thing as when he went into that bird photo (the mark of Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi's meeting), and repeatedly told Cheng Xiaoshi he was fine/okay 🥺 Also someone on Twitter pointed out, in that scene Cheng Xiaoshi switches between wearing a long sleeved top and a short-sleeved one whilst sleeping on the bottom bunk. It could be just an animation error, or a background clue that Lu Guang hasn't simply gone back in time just once. Red Head being voiced by Miyano definitely seems like a suitable casting for the Japanese dub, especially after that after-credits scene! Red Head giving just the right amount of eccentricity a Miyano Mamoru character often has 😆 Though that did make me go and look to see who are the Japanese voice actors for the previous seasons and now I really want to re-watch it in the Japanese dub 😂 They got Murase Ayumu (Hinata from Haikyuu!!'s seiyuu) to voice both Li Tianxi and Li Tianchen! 🥺 And Nakamura Yuuichi (Gojo's VA) voiced Qian Jin 😍 Sadly the Japanese dub for this arc isn't scheduled to release until April so haven't seen any news on who has been cast for the new characters. Definitely agree that, in comparison to the other powers we've seen, Liu Xiao's heartbeat-reading ability does not seem that strong. But honestly his ability makes a lot of sense for how he seemed to be the chess master moving all the pieces in Season 2. His ability allows him to take a step back and allow others to do the work when necessary. The bug Xiang throws at Liu Xiao, alongside his chewed liquorice, looks a bit like a cicada to me (or at least how they typically look in animated form as I've never seen one in real life). And, after turning my laptop 180° (my brain decided that was easier than taking a screenshot and flipping the image 😅), I'm pretty sure the initials on the bug are P.H. With you on liquorice being disgusting, though I do like the taste of aniseed (my tastes are strange, I know 😂). The series, if they can't kill us with our multitude of questions and by giving us pain, will kill us with all the touchy-feely and soft moments between Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi 🤣

Amalia Jungclaus

The ability to read heartbeats to tell if someone was lying makes me think of Toph from atla. She could do that too, but she couldn’t tell when Azula was lying due to how skilled she was at it. Makes me wonder if he’ll ever meet someone like that. I’m glad I’m not the only one trying to figure out just how many times Lu Guang has looped and where we started watching him and what the heck is going on with this timeline 😩 Thanks for the video!


Oohhh, that is a great tie-in to Toph! And yes, I wonder if LG or someone will be able to fool him - that's a great note to make! And yes, this series is slowly dragging us down into the rabbit hole with it, isn't it?! *nervous chuckle* Thank you for the comment and kind words!


That is a fair point about the “honey trap” for her at the bar – I liked the set up with Liu Xiao in this episode - it almost felt like an “Ocean’s Eleven” reference and set up. The Russian Roulette moment was just making me TENSE as hell. I kept waiting for the gun to go off on Xiang! A PORTABLE ECG MACHINE - I LIVE XD I can see how “uncle” was just a term of his age for Liu Xiao, though, too. Fair! I’m starting to see that more as I’m watching Word of Honor now, haha!! And oooh, the fan fic idea? Uhm, yes! Also, I’m writing this as I’ve already watched episode 4, and you might already have the foundations of that, right? 😛 This show making me weak in the knees for CX and LG’s interactions? STOP SHOW. PLEASE. UGH. haha!! They are too adorable! And yessss, the red strings of fate! This show knows what they are doing. Oh yeah, Episode 3 and 4 I will be talking ALL about thissssss…with the “interruptions” and changes in this season so far. I didn’t connect that QL was talking about Cheng’s MOM saying she didn’t want Cheng to know at first - I thought she was referring to her mother to Cheng in the third person, but that’s good to know! But yeah, WHAT A SPIDER WEB. The animation on Cheng’s sadness is just SO GOOD but heartbreaking! And the red head just SCARES Me. NOPE. I am pushing for the red head to be voiced by Mamoru! 😛 I think I remember Li Tianxi and Li Tianchen being voiced by Murase, which works, since he’s voiced female and male characters before! Of COURSE Gojo’s VA voiced QL! Of courrrrrseeeeee – but I’ll be curious to see who they cast for these roles. I feel LX is one of those people that has a very convenient but not totally strong ability, but is willing to use others to assist him and is relying on his Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent to persuade others and manipulate them. I’m curious what the P.H. means….so we’ll see on that! But yeah, UGH, this arc is setting up ALL THESE QUESTIONS and things, while also giving us LG and CX heartbreaking shipping moments to make us suffer all the more….yay? 😛Thank you for the comment and kind words!