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I was not sure if I would be "getting into" this Yaoi from the 70's (which I thought 90's and was oh so wrong) but OH. MY. GOD. This story took me by the heart and body-slammed me into the pavement!

The characters, the themes, the ANGST! I was floored and riveted from start to finish! I know this is a long one, y'all, but you NEED to read or hear this story! It is an instant classic and fave of the Januyaoi catalog!

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


JANUYAOI 2025 - The Heart of Thomas: Manga Reaction! INSTANT CLASSIC!

**HEARTWARMING & HEARTBREAKING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I was not sure if I would be "getting into" this Yaoi from the 70's (which I thought 90's and was oh so wrong) but OH. MY. GOD. This story took me by the heart and body-slammed me into the pavement! The characters, the themes, the ANGST! I was floored and riveted from start to finish! I know this is a long one, y'all, but you NEED to read or hear this story! It is an instant classic and fave of the Januyaoi catalog! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #TheheartofThomas #Januyaoi #romaniablack #yaoimanga Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I have a very small Moto Hagio manga collection. I have read this years ago but I do not own it. When I was looking into trying to get a copy, it was going for around 300 bucks. I have not watched the video yet, but….so I’m about an hour in and you are enjoying the story! Yeah, that’s what happened, first page is a steep step! 😅 Right now I’m working my way through Moto Hagio’s The Poe Clan. I’m sure I’ve posted this before. The mangaka of this time period were referred to as the “ year 24 group “ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_24_Group. I have tried to collect or read many of these vintage manga. They can be a challenge to find, but some are being reprinted. There has been a bit of a revival of these works. I find a lot of the subject matter just as brutal as Berserk at times. (Kaze to Ki no Uta is pretty brutal) It is not sugar coated at all! The design of a lot of the male characters was based on a child actor Bjorn Andresen. Just picture Griffith and everyone who looks like him. He was big in Japan as they say. Unfortunately, Bjorn Andresen was also abused and taken advantage of, kinda messed him up. They did a movie about him. I have not seen it. https://youtu.be/movf4weZq30?si=i0eCu0wGiR_JTc50 One of my favorite Moto Hagio story is called Iguana Girl. “ This is the most messed up school! “ Yes it is! Thanks for reading The Heart of Thomas for us! Enjoyed it very much!


Loved the reaction and discussion! Another excellent Januyaoi entry and a foundational work. 🥰 I was glad to see you had a great time with it (even though personally I am not too fond of it). Honestly, though it comes up in the little afterword you read at the end - I kind of wish the copyright page info at the front had included the original serialisation/release date of 1974. I personally would mentally prepare differently for reading a queer work from the 70s. It is also really interesting as it is probably one of the most written about manga works (academically) – especially since 2012 when that authorised translation was published. The random Monster location connection tickled me! 😆 Looking forward to the next entry! ❤️ Have set aside a chunk of time for it! 😆


Thank you for the comment and the kind words! I really LOVED this foundational story - that's SO interesting you're not fond of it! I was definitely confused by the date it was published - yeah, the 70's you have to prepare for a different tone and way of handling the subject matter for sure, but I was surprised at how eerily...timeless? Some of the aspects are! The Monster connection was out of NOWHERE for me, but any tie in to Monster is ALWAYS appreciated! And *sweats* yeah....the No Love Zone reaction and discussion was so much longer than I anticipated initially! Hopefully you all enjoy it!!


That is awesome about that manga collection! That is INSANE on the cost - I hope whoever sent this to me just had it in their collection (I think that was the case) because I would feel for anyone spending that amount just to send it! But YES, the story really hooked me from the opening chapter and then I just got more and more invested! I’ll have to put the Poe Clan on my list! But the Year 24 Group, yes! That is so cool - I need to maybe look into their works - and haha, good to know I suppose that Kaze to Ki no Uta is “brutal,” I wanted to go in blind and haven’t watched it yet, so we’ll see how that goes! 😛 That’s good to know about the reference and YES, I can see the Rose of Versaille and the Griffith connection as well. I’ll also take note of Iguana Girl! Thank you for the comment!