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Is this my favorite episode so far in the series?! Surprisingly (or not) so! The "Buddy Cop" dynamic of Laios and Chilchuck and the friendship and comradery that gets development between Marcille and Senshi - plus all the humor and action?! I was in awe, y'all! This was so much fun to watch! Plus, the meal this week is something anyone can make! Cheers!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/zEyqZVsZV5UaYmqSXrNKDp? 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Delicious in Dungeon: Episode 7 Reaction! KELPIE PORRIDGE?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/zEyqZVsZV5UaYmqSXrNKDp? **WATER-LOGGED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Is this my favorite episode so far in the series?! Surprisingly (or not) so! The "Buddy Cop" dynamic of Laios and Chilchuck and the friendship and comradery that gets development between Marcille and Senshi - plus all the humor and action?! I was in awe, y'all! This was so much fun to watch! Plus, the meal this week is something anyone can make! Cheers! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #delicousindungeon #dungeonmeshi #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



To my knowledge, I don't think it's ever clarified whether the Living Armors actually create the armors or inhabit existing ones. Both are plausible, but my personal opinion is that the latter makes slightly more sense, since it's a lot of metallic matter for the mollusks to create or mold (on top of other flourishes made of non-metallic parts). The old castle would obviously already have suits of armors laying around, and it's much easier for the mollusks to just use them and maybe adapt them as needed, just like the Mimics inhabits boxes and chests.


The parasite! 😭 with all the sushi I have consumed in my lifetime, I have never had an issue as far as I know. Of course being aware that the sushi is prepared properly is key and so is food safety! So I googled the temperature and time fish should be frozen to insure that parasites are vanquished! Freeze fish at 0 degrees for 7 days or flash freeze at -35 degrees for 15 hours. So make sure and ask before you buy fish for homemade sashimi! Usually it will specify on the package. But still ask! 😅 We do have some Unagi (ell) in the freezer right now…. It’s cooked already though, just needs to be heated up, it’s ready to eat! Unagi and rice, yum!! Oh, I’m a big fish egg person! I love caviar on toast, in sushi, on rice and fried fish roe! Yum! Childhood memories, cleaning squid! My mom would make paella with squid in it and other things. I really liked doing that. It was a bit tedious as you had to skin them and well, dissect them, I always thought their beaks were interesting looking, like a parrot. Giant Squid in it’s natural environment: https://youtu.be/T_JRvek84JU?si=EPwfrqxg-vVCvrbu Usually for porridge, Husbands half of the family eat congee. We do not usually make that here, but we could. We usually go out to the neighborhood congee porridge place for that. So what do we usually have in the Moomin household? We have a dish called Mujadarra. It’s a middle eastern dish that is more of a pilaf, but, it’s porridge like as well. The recipe and video: https://youtu.be/LSLSugEhmGo?si=pdPm60t7279eKd42 • 1 cup coarse bulgur wheat • 1 cup green or brown lentils • 1 tbsp chili paste (harissa) • 2 liter water • 100 ml olive oil (1/2 cup) • 2 onions • 2 tsp salt • 2 tsp chili flakes (optional) • ½ cup yogurt to garnish (optional) • Chopped fresh mint to garnish (optional) 1. Wash and rinse the lentils throughly and let it drain 2. Transfer into a pot with 1 liter water and bring to boil 3. Bring to low heat and cook the lentils covered for 10 mins until they are tender but not fully cooked 4. Drain the lentils and set aside 5. Roughly chop 1 onion and cook in a pan with 50 ml olive oil until they are until golden brown 6. Next, add the chili paste and stir and cook until fragrant 7. Add 1 liter water, 2 tsp salt, stir to combine and bring to a boil 8. Once boiling, add the lentils into the pot and cook for 5 minutes 9. Add 1 cup bulgur, stir, bring to low heat and cover the lid 10. Cook for 15 mins until the liquid is absorbed 11. Turn off the heat and let the pilaf rest lid covered, to absorb all the liquid and steam 12. Cut 1 onion into long slices and in a separate pan, heat up 50 ml olive oil on low heat 13. Fry the sliced onions until golden brown and caramelized about 15 minutes 14. Add 2 tsp chili flakes, stir and turn off the heat 15. Whisk ½ cup yogurt for garnish (optional) 16. Transfer and serve the mujaddara in a plate. Garnish with yogurt (optional) on top 17. Add and garnish with the caramelized onions with spiced oil 18. Optionally, garnish with fresh mint leaves So this is the recipe I follow, do I follow it exactly? Of course not! I usually get the pressure cooker out to cook the lentils. It’s just faster! This is a staple in our home for those days we want to have something that is not meat based and is still loaded with protein. For when I make oatmeal, I always add salt to it. It is pretty bland so I can see doing a savory version of it. I’ve always wanted to do the overnight oats, but I haven’t done that yet. Pomegranate can be very light in taste. It’s a good texture though. I think your porridge is pretty adventurous! You did a great job and I don’t know if I would have put those ingredients together if it was not inspired by a show! I have not made soap. I would love to make soap, and as we know, cooking is part chemistry and part creativity! One of these days I’ll give soap making a go and probably mess up royally! I did find that fantastic video about some of the oldest soap makers in Lebanon: https://youtu.be/2YVb4s1DGzw?si=2jpTh-KPyvrg3R4n and yes, Senshi cleaned up magnificently! I just love the developing relationship between him and Marcille. As a Gen X’er, I remember the landline phone in the hallway and the kitchen. But I would not want to go back to those days. Having said that, when we have tornadoes that knock out cell towers, a land line is the way to go! I don’t have a landline. 😆 Great episode as always! It’s wonderful to see your cooking skills improve as we go along! Can’t wait for next week and pumpkin soup is fantastic! Curious as to how you do yours. Take care and stay warm!


The mangaka truly did research a lot. Laios can't eat the giant squid since they are full of ammonia. They keep ammonia in the muscular tissue to enhance buoyancy. Real life people tried to eat them before, it's not good

Anime Annie

I'm confused by the Living Armour too. Honestly I had thought of them potentially more like hermit crabs with going along and finding a new shell to inhabit too, than things like molluscs or snails etc. who create their own shells. But Laios does liken them to molluscs so just as snails, molluscs, and oysters etc. have different kinds of shells, for the Living Armour creatures their shell possibly takes the form of armour 🤷‍♀ I love we previously got the detail of there being toilets, and now get to see them doing their morning personal care 😂 Definitely with you on I want to see Laios with a beard. Doesn't need to be Senshi-level of a beard. Maybe just a light shadow of stubble 😍 With a beard and a bit longer hair he could have some Daddy energy...until he opens his mouth fanboy-ing about the dungeon monsters 😆 I have to say Senshi and Marcille in this episode give me such Legolas and Gimli vibes 🤣 Especially when Senshi acknowledged how much effort Marcille put into making the soap for him 🥺 Also gotta say Senshi is very farmer-like to me with being willing to butcher Anne. I was waiting for your reaction to Laios not recognising Kabru but recognising the Kobold 🤣 But Laios is a man of many talents with being able to learn that song! Even if he can't quite keep in key, he is a good singer. My favourite part is definitely Chilchuck trying to stop Laios in his desire to indulge in eating creatures 😆 Alongside Marcille digging her own grave by going on about how tasty octopus and squid are. That Free Willy comment for the Kraken made me giggle 😂 Especially with the later scene of the Kraken going through the air above Senshi. Agree with you on the parasitic worms. Show is getting a little too real with that inclusion. And it's a definite no from me on eating it 🤢 Though Laios being the one to get hit with the parasite does seem like karma for being just too die-hard about trying to eat anything and everything. Ron Swanson comparison to Senshi fits oh so well! 😂 My dark humour came into play when you were talking about your cow Maggie 😅 All I could think of was the European seasoning brand Maggi, which also has a couple of recipes for giving your beef burgers a bit of added flavour 😂 Pomegranate sounds like a good substitute for the salmon roe. Potential rural issues again, but boba pearls could also work 😁 The rogue Huckleberry shot was adorable, but him fleeing when on camera did make me think back to your struggles of trying to get him to co-operate for your Christmas photo 🤣 Porridge for us I don't think we've ever done it with savoury toppings. Typically the toppings would be honey, jam/jelly, or various kinds of fruit. Savoury-wise I'd say pomegranate goes really well with lamb (at least from what I remember when I was able to eat lamb), but I also have a couple of chicken dishes I add pomegranate to for my Mum and her partner, and it's a really nice addition to a salad. Seems like a healthy dish that was easy to make, but also good and hearty for this time of year.

Amalia Jungclaus

Excellent video! I too love the Marcille and Senshi bonding here, the clean hair helping with magic is such an interesting little tidbit about the world. Next episode will have to work hard if it wants to follow your rule of 8! Thanks for the video!

L Freya

Favorite episode yet as well, for sure! I went into One Piece LA blind - and it was one of the best TV shows of 2024 for me. I've recommended it to co-workers that also went in blind, and they loved it and showed it to their spouses/family and who also loved it. The show just has such a feel-good attitude to it, a breath of fresh air and it's so great! Phenomenal performances and a great mix of comic style camera work and outfits with live action. Resurrection magic discussion / rant was enjoyable. I don't know why everyone likes to correct people over things like that so much, but I guess if you've invested decades of time into D&D or RPGs where there's specific rules for everything, maybe that's why. It's definitely uncommon for people to just come back to life and have it be no big deal like it is in this show! Senshi getting all the attention from the camera (and by attention, I mean all the crotch shots) every episode is hilarious and wonderful. I think it's a nice reversal on how less reputable shounen anime typically treats girls with camera angles, and Senshi just owns it as well!


I do love One Piece’s live action so much! I cannot wait for season 2, and as a long-time One Piece reader - it’s cast SO perfectly! <3 *nervous laugh* I am glad you enjoyed my resurrection magic rant! I can see why those that are self-described experts would do that…but I just ask y’all humor me as someone not familiar with the genre and just trying to have a good time watching the show! 🙂 So I appreciate the consideration and understanding you give, here! I just love Senshi and all the attention he gets - if he’s our “fan service” rep, I’ll gladly take it! Thank you so much for the comment and kind words!


Thank you so much for the comment and kind words! I LOVE Marcille and Senshi bonding! It's so sweet and adds layers to both of their characters! And ooohhhh, I was SUPER happy with next episode, so I can't wait to talk about it with you all! Thank you for the support! Rule of 8 timeeee!!!


Yessss, the parasite - *shudders* - I haven’t ever had an issue with sushi, either, but I know that it’s prepared properly at least at a restaurant - it’s one of the reasons if I make onigiri, I make sure it’s vegetarian or with cooked meat in the middle. But thank you for that tip on sashimi! That is GREAT to know! My brother LOVES Unagi, but it’s a little too “fishy” in its taste for me. That is also wild and really cool about you cleaning squid as a kid! That’s “hardcore” as the kids would say, haha! Although, as someone that cannot eat crawfish boiled because their “eyes” stare back at you, I’m not sure how I would feel about seeing a squid’s “parrot mouth,” hahaha!! Giant Squid are SO interesting, though! I was so intrigued by them in high school/early college; there was a major news story about a giant one found in Japan in the early 2000’s and one of my public speaking class speeches were about giant squid…also, pirates of the caribbean was big at the time, so Kraken! 😀 I’ve been tempted to try congee but I’m not big into “soupy” porridge; I want it “thick” so I wasn’t sure if I would like it. But the recipe honestly sounds really good, ESPECIALLY with the chili flakes! AND MINT?! Interesting!! Definitely going to save this recipe, though, so thank you! I agree, if it doesn’t have some flavoring added, porridge can be a bit bland, but the idea of “adventurous porridge” sounds worth investigation and experimentation! ;) And I do like pomegranate seeds a lot but they are light indeed! Soap making would be fun to do - luckily, I have a LOT of friends currently making soap in their spare time, so I end up with their “samples” for free a lot, haha! Agree, though, that Senshi and Marcille’s developing relationship is so wholesome and sweet! I love how they’re finding similarities in odd places with one another! It’s funny you mention a landline; I don’t “miss it,” especially during the dial-up days when you couldn’t be on the internet the same time as on the phone (oh, the fun work arounds) but during an emergency, it wouldn’t be a bad concept at all! Thank you so much for the comment and kind words! Having made the pumpkin soup for a future episode, hahaha, coming up in a few weeks - it was…an adventure! 😀Thank you and stay warm as well! Waiting for the “thaw” as we speak!


I thought of them like hermit crabs as well! I’m glad I wasn’t the only one! I love seeing them doing their morning care as well! But yessssssssss, *strokes chin* just a little five o’clock shadow would work for me! Look, maybe Laios with daddy energy and fanboy knowledge would be TOO MUCH power! I really love the idea of Senshi and Marcille like Gimli and Legolas! I think I note that in a future episode but I am 100% with you on that one! But I am loving their developing relationship! And Senshi gives ALL the Ron Swanson/Farmer vibes in this series! Honestly, I have nary a pitch, so I really thought Laios was a great singer! But yes, if Kabru could only be a werewolf, then I’m sure he’d get Laios’s attention!! But Bless Chilchuck…our boy is being TESTED with Laios! And self-phrophecy with the Free Willy moment! The parasitic worms, though? NOPE. At least maybe Laios learned a lesson! AHAHAHA the seasoning brand! XD That is actually really funny! It’s been a while since Maggie Burgers were a thing, but that is really good to know! Oohhhh, Boba Pearls would be really cool! But yeah, the pomegranate was a good choice! I would definitely do that again! Maybe add some sugar to it! And ahahahahaha – OH - Huckleberry HATES the camera! He hates having his photo taken - mainly because he only sits still…when he is sleeping. XD So yeah, any chance I can catch him on camera, I shall! But yes, it’s the same over here - usually it’s nuts, jams, fruit, or honey/maple syrup in it! Savory was different for me! Ooohhh, I LOVE lamb, actually, so that would actually sound really nice! And yes, I definitely feel like getting into a porridge kick now, haha! Thank you so much for the comment and kind words!