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 **HEAPS OF LOVIN' HEADPHONE WARNINGS** If you are looking for THE reaction to No Love Zone, then here you are! I had no clue walking into this little OVA that I would get sucked into the story and the characters like I did, but here we are! Strap in, gear up, and settle down for the longest Januyaoi review I've done so far! *whew* But it is worth it!

LINK TO OVA REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/piQYmbF9o5uSFdA5Skm8kD?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!



LINK TO OVA REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/piQYmbF9o5uSFdA5Skm8kD? **HEAPS OF LOVIN' HEADPHONE WARNINGS** If you are looking for THE reaction to No Love Zone, then here you are! I had no clue walking into this little OVA that I would get sucked into the story and the characters like I did, but here we are! Strap in, gear up, and settle down for the longest Januyaoi review I've done so far! *whew* But it is worth it! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #NoLoveZone #romaniablack #Januyaoi Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction & discussion! Happy to report I survived the whole thing! 😂 Thank you for going through both the animation and the manhwa – this is something that’s been on my long-list for a while, and I had tried a bit of the manhwa, but it didn’t fully catch my eye (due to some content tags). So I don't think I would have ever finished it without the help of your reaction. 🥰 Eunkyum’s little fang was the cutest throughout and him being somewhat of a disaster was really endearing. I loved his group of friends and would have liked more of them in the manhwa. One of my favourite details was ep5 during the 'confession' scene in the car – where Eunkyum’s eyes are hidden but in the reflection they are visible as he speaks. The switch up to baby!Jihyuk was really well done and I’m glad we got some of both of their internal monologues. Yeah, the drunk sex – not a fan. I’m glad there was more detail in the manhwa, but overall still too much reluctance kink from the creator. It was good to see they talked through things after at least and got a bit better at it throughout the manhwa. At the same time, the line: ‘So you’d rather suffer than trust me?’ – very fitting for Eunkyum. Love that we got a really sweet ending! 🥰 The interview with the creator was also a good time. “Grocery store music at 2x speed” for motivation is so specific and hilarious 😂 – I’m gonna try this for something really tedious I need to work on soon. And the little illustration of Haejun reading all the nonsense comments. 😂 Also, I’m definitely going to check out the tiger and bunny spin off. Happy Januyaoi winter holidays with this one (and thank you, Santa!Jihyuk)! 🥰 Looking forward to the next entry! ❤️


Oh, thank you so much for the comment and kind words!! And yessss, I’m so glad you took the time to check it out - thank you! I’m glad that the reaction helped you through it! Thank you! The little fang of Eunkyum! Yes! I really loved him and his friend group - I agree, more of them in the manhwa would have been nice! That is such a nice point about the confession in the car! The series does a few things that are really stylistically well done and powerful throughout. Honestly, getting Jihyuk’s perspective in this was really important and helped sell the communication between them. I am glad someone said it, too! I don’t like the trope of drunk sex and the “reluctance kink” doesn’t sit well with me, too; I am glad you agree! But yes, at least they talked through things and were able to communicate and understand each other. I am glad that it all led to a happy ending with them that DID feel earned by the end of it! I thought the interview was REALLY great! I love getting the inside perspective and thought process with mangaka and this one for the manhwa did not hold back! I honestly had not thought about the 2X grocery store music but that is hilarious! Also, the Tiger and Bunny spin off is really cute! The next entry is SO GOOD and I can’t wait for it! Thank you for the comment and kind words!