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This week was SO. MUCH. FUN. We get Marcille AND FALIN backstory and then we get Marcille fighting to save her comrades! Marcille has grown on me so much this episode and this was such a fabulous continuation from Episode 7...but now...how are we going to help Marcille and everyone else?!

LINK TO PIP REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/tCdhJ7pPhQztU5PXBeLLih?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Delicious in Dungeon: Episode 8 Reaction! RASPBERRIES & GRILLED MEAT?!

LINK TO PIP REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/tCdhJ7pPhQztU5PXBeLLih? **FLASHBACK'D HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This week was SO. MUCH. FUN. We get Marcille AND FALIN backstory and then we get Marcille fighting to save her comrades! Marcille has grown on me so much this episode and this was such a fabulous continuation from Episode 7...but now...how are we going to help Marcille and everyone else?! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #romaniablack #Dungeonmeshi #deliciousindungeon Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Alex Kornejo

Not 100% percent sure on the timeline but early Trigger made Little Witch Academia, so Berserk might have been the one shouting them out rather than the other way around. P.S. I used to love liver as a little kid, when I first tried it, it made me proud that none of the other kids liked it but I did, liver with mashed potatoes sort of became one of the dishes my mom made when she was specifically cooking something for me, then I grew up a little bit more and learned what a liver actually is, and I haven't touched the thing ever since...


I love liver! I have always loved it, even as a kid! I like the texture, the slightly metallic taste, the fact that some people wouldn’t touch it at all. The way you cooked it is pretty much the way I cook it. Sometimes my mom and I will go out to have it at the local diner. I also love pretty much all the organ meat that people have traditionally used in their cuisines. Chicken feet at a Dim Sum? Yes please!!! Pigs blood? Steak and kidney pie? Menudo? 🤤 I even like pig ears! Plop! https://youtube.com/shorts/gTDmy81mcDs?si=F3KcvB5U2bwf3yn- So in Chinese dishes, meat will be marinated in some kind of alcohol to help with the “meat” smell. Usually Shaoxing wine is used. I do this to pork all the time. Now, I have never grilled liver, but I believe I’ve had it like that out at a Chinese BBQ place. Honestly I can’t remember but I can picture it. I did find a few stir fry recipes that use liver as the protein of choice. This one is from Uncle Wang! https://youtu.be/luwEoHJGnbE?si=f0lbhCjaKAa7h0qa it goes fast! The alcohol he uses is a beer! Hahahaha! I love it! And I may try to make this. Now a fruit to throw on the grill that is fantastic is pineapple! Mmm so good! The sugar in the pineapple will caramelize and taste even sweeter! So good! So, eventually, I would like to try more recipes from anime or other shows, kinda like Babish. Husband did one from the Simpson, the Klahv Kalash! (Without crab juice!) https://youtu.be/zMnmS43pLUw?si=JRCpesZir4bv1cH4 So it ended up being great! He basically did a kofta recipe. It was fantastic! I eventually want to do the herring and pumpkin pie from Kiki’s Delivery Service. Do you know how hard it is to find herring? That isn’t in a can? It’s difficult. I love the ship between Falen and Marcille that you are developing! It’s like watching a photograph develop! This was a nice little flash back and shows who Falen is in 10 minutes or less. Plus that undine is not playing around! Well, let’s see how they get out of this! Is the liver enough? Great reaction as always! Yeah, I think you either love liver immediately, or you don’t. Plus your brother was really trying to push your buttons! 😂 Gummy Worms!

L Freya

This series is incredibly fun to re-watch! I think this is my fourth watch of it now, and it's been great to listen to your discussions and reactions. If you ever wonder about how reacting influences a series' sales - anecdotally I have purchased Trigun and now Delicious in Dungeon manga set (though that hasn't arrived!), so I think your passion and enjoyment really shines through the videos and is a positive for everyone including the anime studios! I look forward each week to the now recurring comments about how well the humor lands each episode! It totally does! And of course the shipping, because I might as well be Zoro trying to meet up across town when it comes to seeing ships! Like how you instantly draw the opposing student roles as a ship, that's fun to see things I wasn't aware of! How I made it through Bersek without catching on to the Griffith/Guts ship, which we can probably even call the Titanic, I'll never know after going through your reactions to the anime! I always felt bad for Marcille getting fed the liver because everything else was so much tastier seeming haha, though the liver does have properties to help her health/loss of blood I think, maybe! I felt a little bad for you getting Marcille's dish, but good for you giving it a shot!


Ehhhhh...Berserk's original anime came out in 1997...so was it that early? And the manga stated in the early 90's, so not sure on the timeline there, but it doesn't matter. A reference is a reference! ;) I could see that liking liver when the other kids shied away from it would be empowering! Maybe if I'd grown up on it, I would have had a different reaction to it! Hahaha -- and YES, it's one of those "what has been seen cannot be unseen" moments! :D Thank you for the comment and kind words! At least my dad enjoyed it! XD


Your fourth! That’s so crazy but awesome - I love when a series has a rewatchability factor to it! Thank you for the comment and the kind words! And ooh, the fact that you’ve gotten Trigun’s manga - YAY! That is high praise for me, so I really appreciate it! I would like to think that the reactions folks do help the anime studios in some respect! The humor in this show is so good and the shipping is really starting to ramp up! Ahahaha the Zoro reference! XD Ohhhh, but yes, Guts and Griffith are the TITANIC to a “T” - with Griffith shoving Guts off the floating door! I love a good ship in a show and won’t turn down a tour in the harbor! ;) Poor Marcille - I appreciate she got the liver because of the blood loss, so at least they were thinking of her - it’s the thought that counts, right? :3 And thank you - I’m not opposed to trying…most things…once, and it honestly wasn’t terrible at all, just not something I’d willingly make again, hahaha!! Thank you for the comment and kind words!


My dad loves liver, too; I think that I wasn’t raised around it, though (my mother does NOT like the metallic taste of it) so that could be the reason. I feel that people are either ALL in on parts of animals no matter what, or are “vanilla” about it, haha, and I might be the latter! 😀 My family did raise pigs for years, and I remember pig ears being the most “profitable” part of a pig, surprisingly, for how versatile they were for eating or being used in dog treats, haha! That is interesting about the marinating in Shaoxing wine! Thank you for the liver recipe link, though! I get to use alcohol in Episode 10’s cooking, so that’s exciting! 😀 I would SO agree that grilled pineapple is AMAZING! I love it! Especially, like you said, when it caramelizes! <3 my brother has done several recipes from Food Wars and let me try them and I will say they were all pretty good! And oooh, the Herring Pie from Kiki’s! YES! I love that movie but always wondered how hard it would be to make that pie! And ooh, I would imagine if you didn’t have access to a market with a variety of fresh fish? That would be hard! Falin and Marcille definitely are shippable to me! “Like a photograph develop” - yes! The show is presenting them that way to me and I can’t wait to see when we get to that darn dragon and hopefully rescue her, to see more of her! The Undine definitely gave me Legend Of Zelda OG Nintendo villain vibes! And yes, it’s definitely one of the more fearsome foes we’ve had so far, despite how “simple” it is in appearance! Thank you for the comment and kind words - and my brother’s SPECIALTY is pushing my buttons! Hahaha! I can’t look at a gummy worm the same way again.

Alex Kornejo

Yeah, berserk is way older but by the time they got to the witches in the forest it was the 2010's wasn't it? it's why I'm not sure who was shouting out who.


Oohhhhhhhh, I see what you're talking about now! Yeah, when it's later Berserk, it DOES start to become a question of who is influencing who. That's a good point to make! Thank you for clarifying that!

Anime Annie

Totally understand the amount of planning that can come into the cooking segments. Mostly to save money, but also to make it easier on me, I plan our dinners two weeks in advance. I have to come up with different dinners so as we're not eating the same thing constantly, as well as work around my own and my Mum's partner's dietary issues (no poultry or seafood for me, and only potato or bread products as a side for her partner [he doesn't eat rice, pasta, or noodles]). On top of that I work around what I'll be doing each day so that I'm not having to make something that has a lot of prep/is tiring to make on a day that I'm already doing a number of things. And then I can get frustrated because sometimes the day before (or even the day of) I'm suddenly told of a change in plans and have to re-work the menu for that night or re-organise what I'd planned to do during that day 🤬😂 I am glad for the warnings now for strobe light/flashing light episodes, as certain types and at certain times it can trigger my migraines. The release of the spirits in the jar sent me back to my childhood with Sea Monkeys 🤣 Was waiting for you to get to this episode and see all the tropes our Marcille and Falin ship cross off 😆 Falin is definitely a bit of a delinquent going into the dungeon when still at school. Also, the more you learn about Falin the more you adore her 🥺 She really is such a sweetheart. I have one issue with this episode: every time I watch it makes me crave raspberries and yakiniku! 🤣 Falin's introduction to Marcille gives me all the feelings. All the other girls knew exactly who Marcille was, except Falin 🥺 I love how expressive Senshi is shown with just his eyes 🤣 Big glowy things are never good. But I adore the way this show depicts an Undine. It's definitely terrifying having Marcille on the water and the Undine being able to hide within the water and attack her. Liver is a very good source of iron and so is supposed to be a good food to eat to help people with anaemia. But it was definitely mean of the other three to just munch on all the good parts of the kelpie and leave the liver for Marcille 😆 The Scuttle comparison with Marcille made me laugh so hard! But I did appreciate Chilchuck pointing out Laios' armour was in the way. I have seen/read other fantasy stories that just waive the idea of plate armour getting in the way of properly treating and diagnosing a patient. I do love the way this series incorporates magic, and builds in the limitations it has, whilst giving us this knowledge in a way that keeps us present within the story and it doesn't feel like a bunch of lore-dumping. Though Laios not remembering any healing spells, but is able to ramble off so many factoids about dungeon critters, did remind me a lot of Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan and his memory for details on plants and monsters, but not other events he skipped passed when reading Proud Immortal Demon Way 🤣 Yakiniku is definitely one of those meals that looks deceptively easy but in practice can be hard to time right and keep everything warm. You almost got it right. If I remember correctly frambuesa is Spanish for raspberry, framboise is French. Okay I did have to pause to laugh at you mixing the flour and seasoning with a knife 🤣 It does work, but a spoon or fork is definitely easier to work it all through. I think because of the meaty flavour of liver you don't need as much seasoning as you might for a steak. Also you started a whole bunch of Shrek lines to start playing in my head "Not the gumdrop buttons!" being the first one to pop into it 😂 Completely agree that the Holding Out For A Hero moment in Shrek 2 is one of the best scenes. "Dredge", at least as far as I know, does mean to drag it through the flour so that both sides are liberally coated. Typically when I'm cooking meat with a flour and seasoning coating it's just a light dusting needed. Flour really does get everywhere, cornflour though is much worse. A tip for the onions to help make it easier to separate them: put the sliced onions in a bowl and cover with cold water for around 5-8 minutes, then drain, and separate them into rings. For the flour mixture personally I'd use some to dust the onions, then add enough water to make it a creamy consistency, and then add the dusted onion rings to the batter mix and liberally coat. If you want breaded onion rings instead of battered onion rings then you just need to roll them in the dry flour. If you don't have a deep fat fryer, then a saucepan or wok with vegetable oil will work to fry them in. I usually cook them at about 180°C (~350°F) until the batter has become golden and the rings are bobbing on the surface. Loved both Huckleberry and Ruby being little scavengers for the liver. Tara is the exact same. And if we leave any meat on a chopping board to come to room temperature, even if she wasn't in the kitchen when we did it, her nose directs her immediately to where the food is and she just stands there glancing up at it and then over to me or my Dad 🤣 Your reaction said everything for the liver. Yeaaaah, not for me either. Raspberries I'd say would go really nice with a piece of venison. Any organs we get go to Tara though.


Thank you for noting the planning process of cooking! With reactions, it’s a little hard to do in that I don’t know the options for cooking until I watch the episode, haha! That is good to know about the strobe lights, too! Sea Monkeys, haha!! I am living for the Marcille and Falin relationship developing, though! I love them both so much already! Senshi is so expressive and I love it! The Undines are definitely scary! It’s crazy how something with such a simple design is so threatening! That makes sense about the liver helping with anemia! I did feel bad that she didn’t get to have the good stuff with Senshi and Laios! :3 I also like that Marcille’s magic DOES have limitations - it does add to the stakes that way! Ahahahaha, Laios being remotely connected to SQQ is so wild to me! XD Chilchuck’s appearance does give me SQH vibes - especially with his “hamster” comparison! ;) OH, of course I’m mixing up Spanish for French. 😛 My brain: “This thing closest to me will work!” My brother: *face palm* I honestly need to watch Shrek because I’ve been craving it! Hahaha!! And yessss, corn flour is the worst at just being EVERYWHERE! Good to know about dredging, though! And I will have to try the onion hack in the future! Huckleberry and Ruby are scavengers! They are always around me in the kitchen scrambling for crumbs! 😛My father ended up loving the livers, but yeah, not for me - venison and raspberries sound intriguing, though! Thank you for the comment!