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We are BACK y'all and MaoMao and Jinshi might just be unwilling parents...of a calico cat!

This episode was so much fun to dive back into this world with these characters! The Banter! The Humor! The Charm! It feels good to be back and I can't wait to see what antics our Apothecary and her fellow "Eunuch" get up to this season!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/KAQKgHCkg86Mwf3ngMMErW?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


The Apothecary Diaries - Season 2: Episode 1 Reaction & Discussion! Maomao AND Maomao!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/KAQKgHCkg86Mwf3ngMMErW? **CAT-SCRATCHED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** We are BACK y'all and MaoMao and Jinshi might just be unwilling parents...of a calico cat! This episode was so much fun to dive back into this world with these characters! The Banter! The Humor! The Charm! It feels good to be back and I can't wait to see what antics our Apothecary and her fellow "Eunuch" get up to this season! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #apothecarydiaries #apothecarydiariesreaction #apothecarydiariesseason2 #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

I do have to say from my own personal experience more men than women make assumptions about a person's alcohol tolerance 🤣 And nearly always such assumptions (whether by men or women) are made based on my size. A heterosexual couple in a story not ending up having kids by the end of it would also make a lot of sense considering the way society is right now in multiple countries with so many people just not wanting to have kids. Consort Gyokuyou mentioning Spring after giggling over Jinshi's behaviour is a nod to another translation of the word "haru": the prime of one's life. Also could be a nod to the romance trope of love being in the air when Springtime is here. I just adore Gaoshun being fed up of Jinshi being unable to be honest about wanting to see Maomao, but also he is very much a neutral party so calls out Maomao on her lie about the delivery! 😆 Gaoshun intently browsing the books and talking about their quality really ramped him up my list of husbandos. I can definitely appreciate that way of thinking as there are some NSFW fanarts that I've been amazed at the style and quality over the actual deed(s) happening in it. But best part was definitely him suggesting Jinshi keep the one he was intently browsing (really shows off their close relationship, and in a way JInshi's actual young age). I did feel a little let down by the idea of censoring some of the more explicit material, but at least Gaoshun didn't feel that way because it would be young ladies looking at such things (the way he shut down Maomao suggested to me that he was unwilling to even let the emperor see them in their current uncensored form) 🤣 Simply because the novels were a "gift from the emperor" elevates those books to having a higher status and meaning. If the book became lost or was defaced in some manner it could be seen as a form of disrespect towards the emperor (or even trumped up to treason in some cases). I just adore Xiaolan. She's a great friend for Maomao to have in the palace. But I also love her determination to show respect to the girl who made a copy of the book for her. Though the first lesson did make me giggle, especially the sweet way Xiaolan called out Maomao for her choice of first words to learn 😂 Princess Lingli is adorable and the anime have done an excellent job of showing her growth as well as how she acts in such a realistic way. My heart did hurt at Maomao's words that when she's older Princess Lingli will notice and understand the meaning behind the different looks she receives 😢 I do like that we get to see the emperor as a parent to Princess Lingli. As you said, she's a girl so unlikely to end up as his heir, and yet he still dotes upon her and cares for her 🥰 Princess Lingli has spoken and so the kitten must be kept! I have to say I love that Maomao doesn't think twice about talking about sausages around the doctor, but cuts herself off when discussing castration and finds some other kind of snack so as not to touch on that subject with Jinshi. Gaoshun and the doctor being such cat lovers though is absolutely adorable. Gaoshun's care (and wanting to spoil the kitten with fish) definitely gets him some extra husbando points. Jinshi's flashback moment as the realisation hits him that maybe he is a cat lover made me laugh. Only to get Maomao's disgusted look (which is one of the things which first attracted Jinshi to Maomao), but Jinshi doesn't see because he's cuddling the kitten in a way he couldn't with the other cat in his life (Maomao) 😆 The Opening and Ending are both gorgeous. You have some interesting theories for them 🤐 Maomao really all about making that money! 🤑 So vulgar Romania! 😝 But yes, I reckon Gaoshun's wife is a very lucky woman! Sounds like an interesting read! It did make me think of one historical period drama that covered cholera in London in the late 1800s in one of their episodes, Ripper Street. It's definitely a period of British history that I find so intriguing. Though your mentioning of John Snow and George R. R. Martin potentially taking naming inspiration from him did make me think of another Jon Snow I first think of outside of Game of Thrones. He's a British journalist and television present 😆


I am in the Gaoshun harem. I hope his wife would be willing to share his company. I know I was not the only one who squealed with Gaoshun reaction to the books ( I mean he has kids given that Basen is the youngest.) I really squealed when Jinshi put the cat on his face thinking about MaoMao. My mind went immediately into the gutter.

w/smallscreen Computer

FYI, Apothecary "MaoMao" = CatCat/猫猫. Cat "MaoMao" = FurFur/毛毛.

L Freya

Hooray! Season 2! The talk about getting couples not wanting to have children as end goals just had my mind hunting through old TV shows, and it went to X-Files. Good ol' Scully and Mulder, about the last two you'd expect to see having kids! And you don't need to worry about which language it's going to play in any longer either, no dubs when you're current on a show - usually there's a month or more before dubs start releasing! The "paper is high quality" sounds like such an I read Playboy for the articles reference, no really, haha. Loved Jinshi going through his mind as MaoMao describes cats/herself to him. There's no hope for Jinshi at times haha! Thank god MaoMao ain't no Nanami, this cat isn't getting sent down a waterfall! Also the cat getting named MaoMao reminds me of Utena - Anthy giving all her pets the name Nanami, haha!


I would absolutely join the Gaoshun harem in a heartbeat! And yes, will his wife share? That’d be great! 😛I agree, I didn’t want to point out that “cat on face” moment, but uhm….yeah…. #MXTXGUTTERMIND moments! Thank you for the comment!


Yes, season 2! And oohhhh, yes, Scully and Mulder! :3 That’s a great example! And yesss, the fact that I know the language will be okay when I start the video, haha!! Hahah, oh Jinshi…sweet, innocent Jinshi. But he really goes through it in this series, doesn’t he? And ahahahaha, Jinshi and MaoMao INSTANTLY better cat parents than Nanami! SO TRUE. XD And that’s really interesting – hopefully our MaoMao the cat here will have a brighter future! Thank you for the comment!


Very fair! My best friend is very short and people used to underestimate her alcohol tolerance as well! And yes, I agree about not wanting kids in a society where it’s so expensive and hard to raise them! I love Gaoshun this episode! And yes, Gaoshun is the neutral party, but I love that he’s giving them both grief! Gaoshun at this point is THE husbando of the show! Sorry, Jinshi, but Gaoshun has LITERAL daddy energy! I hope he can help Jinshi to….navigate…himself romantically. That’s a good point about the treason, though…protect the smut! Xiaolan is so sweet and love her friendship with MaoMao! But also that she wants to learn herself. It was really sad to think of LingLi’s future and it makes me want the best for her! But at least the Emperor is showing himself as a good father, here! And the doctor and Gaoshun loving this little kitten was adorable - also good to know that MaoMao doesn’t want to make Jinshi feel bad about his “castration.” It IS a shame that Jinshi didn’t see MaoMao’s disgusting face! Nooooo…. I love the opening and ending so much and I have a feeling it’s going to be a FUN season for sure! But yes, make that money MaoMao! Start that MLM, hahahahaha (but don’t, really). 😛 I feel like clutching my pearls when I get vulgar, haha – the BL and Danmei have made me this way…(not really but it’s a great excuse). 😀 Oohhh, that’s interesting about the drama as well! And that’s interesting about multiple Jon Snow’s! Thank you for the comment!


I’m sure you don’t remember because this was a while ago but in season one the emperor got mad because he mistook a servant for loulan, I bet this is that servant. (Edit to clarify this is just a theory I should have started this post of with “here’s my theory”)


I know you are trying to help, but I had a huge theory about this in episode 2 and I would have liked the show to have played out and let me find out naturally. That's just how I do as a content creator. But thanks.


Hi Romania I saw you thought I was debunking your theory. No I was just stating my own theory based on what I remember from season one. I phrased it really badly and I’m sorry that it came across as my debunking your theory.