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Peco has the blues from his defeat from Kong, but Smile is being oh so mysterious and stubborn when the coach tells him he needs to up his training to prepare for the Inter-High Preliminaries!

There are two robots waging war inside of Smile...and I just want our boy to find his self-worth and passion as a player...but dang, this coach isn't going to let up on him, is he?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/VqWw3GkDAYd1ajb3s6qdp7? 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


PING PONG: The Animation! Episode 2 Reaction! SMILE IS A ROBOT?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/VqWw3GkDAYd1ajb3s6qdp7? **ROBOTIC HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Peco has the blues from his defeat from Kong, but Smile is being oh so mysterious and stubborn when the coach tells him he needs to up his training to prepare for the Inter-High Preliminaries! There are two robots waging war inside of Smile...and I just want our boy to find his self-worth and passion as a player...but dang, this coach isn't going to let up on him, is he?! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #romaniablack #pingpong #pingponganime #pingpongreaction Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



William Pina

it's not an alternative OP, I think you are referring to the one we see starting on episode 3? regardless, I also love this anime series, one of the best short form original series I have ever seen. It's up there with A Place Further Than the Universe.

Generation Wumbo

Fun fact, hawks stealing your food happens pretty frequently near the beach in Japan. Also, can't reply to the people above so I'll put this here. IIRC, the deal is that the show is supposed to use the later OP throughout, but they didn't finish it in time during the initial airing. So if you are watching the "final" version be it on a disc or streaming service, you have the later OP. If you are watching the "airing" version, you get a switch a few episodes in when they actually finished the thing.


That is so wild that hawks or kites (as Shimoyama in the Discord noted) steal your food on the beach! NOTED if I go there, haha!! I was given some info about the OP that I'll address in a future episode but I really enjoy the OP song; it's so addictive! And I've watched Episode 3 at this point, so I've noted that about it, but thank you for the comment and clarifying - I appreciate it! :D

Alexandra Q

Oh, this is only the second episode of the show, but it was SO INCREDIBLY GOOD. I am, officially, obsessed with it. I mean, everything from the plot to the stylistic choices made for the storytelling were incredible, and I liked it so much. The coach's technique to get Smile to practice with him, to break him out of his shell, was HILARIOUS but so effective. He looks like a laid-back guy, but he is actually quite good at his job, huh? Peco is an interesting character to me in this episode. He seems to, both, be aware of Smile holding himself back and his potential, and to also be surprised by it. And I can't tell whether he's pleased by his friend besting the coach or not. As emotional as he is, he also seems to be cryptic, which is a fun combination for us, viewers. I actually adore seeing how everyone can see Smile's potential, recognize him as the biggest threat between him and Peco, except Smile himself and Peco. To me, the Hero that Smile is always looking for and that we see at first, it's Peco. Whether Peco actually helped him fight bullies who would harass Smile to the point he was locked in lockers, or simply saved him from being alone and scared of the world by giving him a friend, I think it impacted Smile tremendously and became a light in Smile's life, and thus he is incapable of besting him, or taking his dream away from him, as we see Peco say he wants to be the best in the world. And then, we see the robot, Smile, decide that he can't stifle his ambition and own dreams just for Peco's sake anymore, and thus we have him ruthlessly winning against the coach. I love your take on it a lot, though! With Smile being both the hero and the robot, it is a fascinating idea. Ping-Pong the Animation is turning out to be something completely different from what I thought it would be, in all the best ways possible.


I honestly was loving this series by episode 2, but episode 3 is when I really got obsessed! I have really latched onto the characters and the style has grown on me as well - it fits this series SO WONDERFULLY! I love the coach’s strategies and how he’s trying to work with Smile! He’s a great character; Peco is interesting and I will be curious where they go with him - but yeah, it’s hard to tell how he feels about Smile holding back and he’s surprisingly emotional but also hard to read as well! That’s a great point! And yes, hindsight is 20/20, right? Or, at least it’s interesting to note what we don’t see about ourselves but that others notice. Oohhhh, that note about Peco as the Hero to Smile is interesting and I will have to note that in a later episode! I still think that Smile could be both robots, but now that you’ve pointed this out, I do feel I’ve let folks down by not getting the symbolism correctly. So hopefully you all don’t think less of me for not “figuring” out the symbolism. -_- Thanks for the comment!

Alexandra Q

Oh my goodness, never! I apologize if my comment came off as me trying to say something anywhere near those lines, but that was never my intention! I ADORE hearing your takes on the different shows you watch and they are seriously so eye-opening all the time and filled with things I never could have seen - case in point, I didn’t get Smile losing purposefully to Wenge in the next episode; that’s just me trying to share something that makes me excited because that’s fun (think of it as an overexcited puppy just happily barking around) but NEVER to make you feel as if you couldn’t have caught that 😖 Seriously, I’m so sorry if it came off as me trying to make you feel bad; you have incredibly insightful and thoughtful discussions and never let anyone tell you otherwise, please <333


No, no, I need to be the one apologizing - you are seriously so smart and connected something that is going to make the future episodes make even MORE sense, and I felt like such a fool for not seeing it so clearly like you pointed out in the comment! Thank you for the kind words! I am always wanting to make sure I give the best reactions I can, and missing that detail with Smile and Peco and the “hero” made me feel I’d let y’all down, so I’m glad that isn’t the case! Thank you for the kindness and support, regardless!

Alexandra Q

You’re fine, seriously. I have never been in the position you are, and I know social media can be ruthless, so I understand <3 I can’t wait to see this week’s reaction and discussion! :D <3