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*NERVOUS LAUGHTER* Oh, it's no big deal, y'all! Just meeting Felix, our sweet-seeming blonde, who might be entangled with two menacing figures - oh, and things are not adding up around him visually in the episode - OH, and there could be multiple timelines at play as we're watching - OH, and the show isn't letting up on its grip on our sanity or soul!

Nothing major!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/DRFC6V4wecBNKAwxzoygrJ? 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


LINK CLICK Bridon Arc: Episode 3 Reaction & Discussion! THEM?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/DRFC6V4wecBNKAwxzoygrJ? **GATHERING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** *NERVOUS LAUGHTER* Oh, it's no big deal, y'all! Just meeting Felix, our sweet-seeming blonde, who might be entangled with two menacing figures - oh, and things are not adding up around him visually in the episode - OH, and there could be multiple timelines at play as we're watching - OH, and the show isn't letting up on its grip on our sanity or soul! Nothing major! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #linkclick #linkclickbridonarc #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

I felt your pained laugh at us starting with the Opening 😅 Definitely programmed to be concerned by what an episode is going to hold when it starts with the Opening. Lu Guang's door dream gave me such The Matrix vibes, especially the very start with how the corridor and doors first appeared (alongside the noise played as the construct of his dream was built). Also I don't know a whole lot about dream interpretation (and especially on if Chinese dream interpretation differs and how) but typically dreaming of running down a corridor with many doors symbolises a choice to be made. The fact Lu Guang's being chased as he runs for the exit, and the disembodied arms clawing at him, could be a symbol of all the possible paths he could take (or has taken) in his attempts to change the future but something (or someone) keeps guiding him to a specific exit that takes him right back to Cheng Xiaoshi being dead. Or it could just be Lu Guang's internal fear that anything he does will take him right back to that moment of Cheng Xiaoshi dying taking form. Liu Xiao giving Cheng Xiaoshi a business card with Quede Games on it, especially after him having just told Xiang in the previous episode about not being close with his Dad, has warning bells ringing in my head. Could it be an Easter egg for us the viewers, or is it Liu Xiao's way of trying to gauge a response from Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi when they see the company, Quede Games, that started everything? Or is Liu Xiao actually working with Quede Games, unbeknownst to his brother Liu Min? Yes!!! Xia Fei/Felix reminds me a lot of Kise from Kuroko no Basuke, and not just because they're both models but also they're overall demeanour and way they carry themselves. That moment of Xia Fei kneeling down in the elevator apologising to his boss really reminded me of Kise and Kasamatsu's relationship. Your "He's right there behind them!!!" did make me giggle. Here in the UK we have a type of play that are typically performed around the Christmas and New Year period called a pantomime. One trope from such a play is that the villain (or sometimes various characters) sneaks around behind the characters at different times and the audience cries out to the character at the front of the stage "He's/She's behind you!" Really made me think of that 🤣 But yeah Liu Xiao's presence right there triggered warning bells in my head. What does he know? And was he sitting at that coffee shop specifically so as he could find a way to meet Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang? Or did he set up even the fact Cheng Xiaoshi's phone being stolen? Such a Jack the Ripper vibe to red head. Especially with that trenchcoat cape thing he has draped over his shoulders. He scares me, but I also kind of like him...my feelings for his character are giving me the same kind of feelings I have towards Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen 😅 This entire episode felt very much like it was giving us so much material to prove bisexual headcanons for Cheng Xiaoshi 😆 Your reaction to the football hooligans having a baseball bat did make me laugh. They definitely aren't as bad as when I was a kid in regards to how violent things could get, but the fans whipping out the baseball bat and the glass bottles honestly seemed a little normal to me 🤣 Also giving me Eurotrip vibes when the gang ended up in the Manchester United bar. The only thing that did feel a little out of place is how fancy Bahati is as a bar/bistro in comparison to a typical sports bar that most football fans would frequent. I adored the new addition to the Ending. But of course red head is a smoker, but he smokes using an old-style cigarette holder 🙄 So the Xavier for Liu Xiao I don't know if it has any meaning or, like with Xia Fei being Felix, Cheng Xiaoshi being Charles, Qiao Ling being Jo, and Lu Guang being Lucas, that's just the English name they randomly decided on for him. The meaning behind the name Xavier is definitely intriguing in regards to what we know of Liu Xiao's character already. In most hotels I've stayed in a single bed would typically only have the one bedside table/lamp, double bed however will have one on either side of the bed like it is shown here. I know you've seen Episode 4 by now so you know they tricked us with the "and there was only one bed" but honestly when I've stayed in a room with two twin beds here in the UK the bedside table/lamp is usually between the two beds. When in Japan however, the twin beds are pressed pretty close together and make one bed. So because of the layout of the bedside tables/lamps and the beds being so close together I'm choosing to still accept this as being "there was only one bed" 😝

Alexandra Q

This season really hasn't come to play, and I'm LOVING every second of it all. All the CX and LG moments are doing nothing but give me life in this dire times. What do you mean that LG was about to pet CX's hair on the plane? Such a tease. It's so interesting to me, seeing the western name of Liu Xiao being *Xavier* of all things; at least with Fei Xia, Felix makes sense. As for the use of them, well, it's just easier for westerners to pronounce western names than to have to explain, every time, how your name goes; so many Asian people take western names to give when living abroad and use their native names with their people. Actually, if you're Asian and are born in a western country, it is very likely that you'll get an Asian name if your birth name is a western one. Since my family moved from China to Latin America, they all have their Chinese names and their western names as wells. Gosh, LG noticing the changes on the timeline is NOT GIVING ME GOOD VIBES. What do you mean that right now the changes are small and in details? It just feels like it's going to become something really big and out of control that will explode in LG's face. But, also, didn't LG say that there's no such thing as the butterfly effect in the first episode? Like, I get this is not quite that, as the changes are in details and not causing disasters but... that is only that we know of... does LG not really know how this works more than we do? That's scary. We've seen it a couple of times now, back when CX didn't immediately tell LG about the picture he found (which I believe was a change and that's why LG remembered CX telling him to look it up and was so surprised when the text arrived and made CX not tell him), then with the picture in the add for the festival, and then again when the path of escape was different, and it's worrying me that they seem to be more and more frequent, these small changes to what happened before. Well, here's my wild theory as to why LG seems much more open and affected by CX now contrary to what we had seen before of him, and that is simple because before we had being following the story from CX's POV but ever since the end of Season 2 we've switched to LG's POV. I mean, now we know about LG's secret, the cat is out of the bag, so we can actually get into his head; plus there is that detail with the OP and ED, which previously focused heavily on CX and now LG seems more the protagonist, even if the lyrics have always been more, apparently, from LG than anything else the visuals seem to have caught up to that as well. Which would also mean that LG has always been this affected by CX but we were just never privy to it before and only saw what CX perceived from him. As I said, this is just a wild theory, because with this show I can only make stabs in the dark XD CX sure seems into guys this season *lol* not that I'm complaining, I'm not, but it is kinda funny that he just seems to be constantly admiring the beauty of the men around him ;) Felix seems like a very interesting character to me. He seems nice, genuinely sweet and all, but he is involved with the red head and that CAN'T be good. It's all so convoluted T_T All those little differences happening around Felix, at the elevator and pool, remind me a little of the Live Action's last episode, and how we had these little differences when seeing what was happening between CX and HX's sister - like CX appearing on a different side of the road than he should have when he got out of the car, and she looked back at him through the rear back mirror of her car - and how it all made sense once we saw the complete memory that we didn't know we didn't have. Maybe it's something like that? Like, we're seeing snippets of things that happened to Felix but we aren't seeing everything that happens in those memories. Or maybe he is lying and that's why things don't match. All I do know is that animation is too delicate an art for so many inconsistencies to exist, they have to be intentional for some reason. The red head appearing as a savior to CX when they first meet, only to later on kill him... that is some twisted sense of humor. Same with Liu Xiao helping CX at the airport, and then having him going to talk with Li Tianchen at the end of season 2, so you just know he is involved somehow in all of this. I don't know if LG know Liu Xiao, but I can't imagine him having a good time with the red head saving them.

Amalia Jungclaus

I will never not be amused by the fact that, despite this not being defined as a BL, the presentation of CX and LG’s has been practically scientifically calculated to make them shipable 😊 Dang, i didn’t notice the changes in the pool! With the way the red head ends up saving Felix it almost makes me think he changed things to make that attack happen so he could come to Felix’s rescue and ensure loyalty to him 🫢 I also think your theory on how this time works and how LG got here is a good one Thanks for the video! Your commentary helps me notice things I would have missed and makes the series all the more enjoyable


I feel I will be laughing with pain the rest of this arc, haha! Very Matrix and Inception with the doors! And yeah, the doors definitely give off the vibe of “choice” to be made. I’m REALLY curious about why LX would be connected to a company when he doesn’t like his father…yeah…warning bells, for sure! I wonder if he intentionally was working to sabotage his family from within the company? So many questions! The blonde hair and model vibes will not let Xia Fei beat the Kise allegations! But his personality really connects to that character, too! Oohh! Okay, from watching UK Drag Race, I know there has been pantomime “categories” on the runway, that I’m assuming are tied to this! That’s interesting! And yeah, there are so many possibilities as to why he was at that darn airport! Vein (whose name is known by episode 4) is definitely having Jack the Ripper vibes! I love his design and his personality is intriguing, but yeah, he scares me too! The comparison to Sukuna is ON POINT! Let’s hope he’s not that powerful! *nervous laugh* Bisexual Cheng Xiaoshi is canon to me at this point! I’m still not used to British Sports fans! I mean, sports fans in the US (mainly American football and baseball) can get that rowdy, but I’ve never seen it in person, haha!! Mainly the people where I live just yell at the tv screen or at games and possibly get kicked out for yelling, haha! The eye-rolling emoji at vein’s old-style cigarette holder! AHAHA!! He’s just classy, right?! I think the “new house” meaning with Lu Guang’s dream in conjunction with LX’s “chosen” seeming English name is….noteworthy, to me at least! The way that they pushed the two beds together in a way I’ve never seen, though…I mean…it’s practically them FORCING the “there was only one bed” trope without having to worry about the censors! ;) Thank you for the comment!!


CX and LG are so shippable and the show does all in its power to get around censorship with their interactions, that’s for sure! Ooohhh, I hadn’t thought about the red head making the attack happen, but…there’s a possibility? With this show, all things are on the table! Thank you for the comment and kind words! This series is WILD and I love all the theories and ideas around it and I can’t wait to see what the show throws at us next!


I am LIVING for this season, that’s for sure! And the LG and CX adorableness? The censors cannot CONTAIN the intimacy between these two! That’s SO interesting about moving to another country and having that name be different as well - wild! Thank you for that information! And yeah, I do NOT get good vibes from the changes in the timeline. I definitely think that it’s all going to spiral and have a domino effect as well, and it’s a question of if LG has a plan for when that happens or what?! And yeah, if he knows more than we do, then that is very scary as well! And there’s the question of what LX and the others know about LG and his time travel, so that makes me worried as well! Oh no, I think my discussions have been on par with your theory so far from season 2 to now, haha! CX is also an instant labrador of a man and wants to be friends with ALL the people and of course, now it’s just the WORST people he wants to befriend! I felt all his dialogue with Felix this episode was just cementing the bisexual agenda, though! I really am intrigued by Felix and he seems so sweet, but I have no clue how to read his relationship with the redhead, either, though. And YES!!! The differences in this reminded me of the live action as well! I love that series is tying back to this one at least! I really don’t like the vibes of the red head being CX and LG’s saviors here only to try and kill them later on - that leaves a lot of space in between and I’m curious where we’re going to go with it! Thank you for the comment and kind words! I’m so excited and nervous for the episodes to come!