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I CANNOT believe I'm at the final chapters for Scum Villain! Honestly, though, WHAT a fantastic set of chapters to go out on! These "happily ever after" chapters were so much fun to read and they left me with a very good overall impression for the story!

Time to read, discuss, rank the MXTX series so far, and look at some extra SVSSS goodies - thank you all for joining me on this journey with Scum Villain and MXTX's works so far - I'm sure there will be more down the road, but it's going to feel WEIRD starting a new danmei from an ENTIRELY new author for once!

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Scum Villain's Self-Saving System: Novel Chapters 99-10 Reaction! THE FINAL CHAPTERS!?

**HAPPILY EVER AFTER HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I CANNOT believe I'm at the final chapters for Scum Villain! Honestly, though, WHAT a fantastic set of chapters to go out on! These "happily ever after" chapters were so much fun to read and they left me with a very good overall impression for the story! Time to read, discuss, rank the MXTX series so far, and look at some extra SVSSS goodies - thank you all for joining me on this journey with Scum Villain and MXTX's works so far - I'm sure there will be more down the road, but it's going to feel WEIRD starting a new danmei from an ENTIRELY new author for once! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #svsss #scumvillainsselfsavingsystem #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



First comment to get it off my chest Yes Shang Qinghua has daddy issues! And now I get to elaborate on what I was talking about last week and technically in November! That is the case of LBH being SQH’s self insert! Let’s compare their backstories. SQH grew up in a fractured home his mother a stranger and his father raised him but was distant Both parents remarried and had other children but Shang Qinghua wasn’t close to anyone. Once he became an adult they only talked if he needed money. Now LBH’s story can read as a more fantastical version of SQH’s and maybe we can glimpse more information about Shang Qinghua from it (anything that is speculation will be in parentheses) … LBH came from a fractured home not because his parents didn’t love each other but because others forced them apart, by the mother’s side. (Maybe SQH’s parents were forced apart because of in laws). Then LBH’s mother dies and he’s adopted by another woman. LBH grows up being bullied as a child by various people. Before as an adult amassing a harem and taking revenge in all who wronged him. His “in laws” aka the palace master are very weird towards him. In the original LBH never meets his father. But in the divergent time, they do meet and they’re distant. LBH has no desire to connect to the people who abandoned him. TLJ seems like he can’t connect to LBH because of his trauma regarding SXY and is closer to his other family. (Could this be related to SQH’s own relationship with his family? Were his parents torn apart by their families? Leaving SQH as a “forgotten child”. Could Shang Qinghua distant relationship with his father be reflected in LBH and TLJ’s relationship? Did SQH kill off SXY to symbolize who he felt after his mother left?) Then there’s the little thing SQH loves to eat and the way he gets his position is by sabotaging food. LBH has a love of cooking, a skill he had to learn to survive on the street, and he uses this skill to gain affection. Both LBH and SQH are smarter than we give them credit for… but they smart in a similar way yes LBH has the power and ability to brute force what he wants but he often chooses to be clever and play down his abilities. To act pathetic. They both suffer from anxiety clearly. Especially concerning friends and loved ones. Now let’s talk about how they have the same GENERAL type. We’ll have to be somewhat broad. But the type seems to be Cold, Aloof, and prone to anger. Now you could argue that LBH has no type based on his harem but I would beg to differ the OG LBH just need someone… anyone that would love and accept him. There’s commenters in the novel that like Mobing. Can we draw comparisons between Mobei Jun and Shen Qingqiu… sure but they are very surface level. Both but on a cold and aloof front. Mobei because of his traumatic childhood and SQQ for various reasons. Both are easily angered Mobei-Jun is just the extreme version actually rough housing while SQQ simply swats people with a fan if he’s upset enough. There backstories are different and they are fundamentally different. I still argue that in general terms LBH and SQH are attracted to similar things. what’s the point of speculation? I don’t know but with that throw away line about SQH’s family life the wheels in my mind began turning. I also treat a lot of characters as aspects of myself and I draw on my own experiences while writing them. Wouldn’t it be so cool that in this meta novel there’s an author who reflects the characters?

Amalia Jungclaus

I am glad your discord people told you to read the chapters in this order too. It results in a very satisfying ending for both pairings, including some good communication for everyone involved! ^.^ I will miss getting to see you react to this story. Just like the plot of SVSSS, this has been a wild roller coaster ride! Finishing all of MXTX’s stories, this is truly the end of an era. But I’m also excited to see you tackle a new series and expand your Danmei horizons! It looked like Word of Honor won the poll, so presumably you’ll be doing that one next. I remember watching some of that a while back and enjoying it, and am happy to have an excuse to finally finish it, lol. Plus I believe that the book the series is based off of is written by Priest, who seems to be a pretty prolific writer in the danmei world. So hopefully that will make for a good next author and story for you to explore. Thank you so much for all the fun and discussions so far! Hope we can continue it all next week!


I am really glad that I got to continue the story and read these chapters! They were so worth it! This series was a major roller coaster for sure! It’s so weird that I’ve finished the main MXTX works – at least I have other “adaptations” to hopefully get to as they come out in the future! I’m glad you all joined me on this journey but I’m excited for new Danmei horizons! I am LOVING Word of Honor so far and having SO much fun with it! I can’t wait to get more into the series and I hope you’ll join me! And yes, after the tv series, I will read the novel, too! Thank you for the comment and kind words!! Next week will be fun!


Thank you for the comment! So many MXTX characters with daddy issues! I think that’s an interesting theory with LBH so thank you for sharing it, here! I think you make a lot of good points, throughout! 🙂 Like I said on Discord, I love how MXTX does a venn diagram with so many of her characters; it’s a lot of fun! But that does tie to LBH and SQH being tied to similar traits within both SQQ and MBJ! I love that stories like this get us thinking about all the layers of it, like you did in your comment here! Thanks for the comment and sharing that!

Anime Annie

My laptop died as I was writing my comment so a somewhat shorter one for this last chapter set. I laughed that you and I have very different images to Shang Qinghua shimmying up the pillar. You thought of a cockroach whilst my mind went to Disney's Mulan and both the pillar they had to climb in training (with the weights representing strength and discipline) and then when Yao, Ling, and Chien-Po dressed in drag and climbed the pillars to try to infiltrate the palace 🤣 I really adored that Shang Qinghua was able to help Mobei-Jun, in his own way. But their bickering afterwards was the cherry on the top for me. I'd definitely agree that Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky has some unresolved daddy issues with how prevalent that trope is within Proud Immortal Demon Way, but even more so after him telling Mobei-Jun to call him Daddy 🤣 I love Shang Qinghua's way of describing things. But especially love him calling Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe's little escape life as "cottage-core" and his envy for the homemade noodles 🤣 At least Mobei-Jun offered to cook for him 🥺 Shen Qingqiu's socks still being on made me laugh out loud too! Even though his were white it did make me think of On/Off and Kang Daehyung's black socks with the sock garters 😆 Great chapters to end on, but it does make me wish we got more of Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe like this. The end to Shang Qinghua's story also feels very final, which adds more to the feeling that his story with Mobei-Jun was with them as the protagonists. Completely agree that MDZS feels like it's in the middle for catering to people who like SVSSS or TGCF. I have seen a lot of die-hard SVSSS fans straight up disliking TGCF, and vice versa. But I don't believe I've seen any negative discourse from either fandoms in regards to MDZS (with the exception of the fans wishing their series was the treasured child with all the media forms like MDZS is 🤣) I do have to laugh at Mo Xiang Tong Xiu saying she doesn't think it's realistic to have so many homosexual people in a small group. My two best friends, both of whom I've known for over 15 years with one being a school friend and one being an internet friend, main circle of separate friends are both made up of people within the LGBTQ+ community. At the same time I can completely understand where she's coming from as there are some BL stories I've read that either don't have any women at all or everyone is gay or a lesbian (at times this even results in bisexual erasure). But, potentially because of how strong my shipper goggles are, I do find it hard to look at some of the characters Mo Xiang Tong Xiu has created and not ship them with other characters because of the dynamic they have with one another. Agree with you for the sexy times. For me it's the communication between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji that puts them above the others. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian's is quite romantic retelling for their moments like that, but Wangxian I love their exploration of their own sexual desires. Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu just don't have enough honest adult communication (that is listened to and followed) for them to be anything but number 3 for me. Extras for me MDZS would still be my number 1, SVSSS number 2, and TGCF number 3. I completely get you for feeling let down about keeping track of things for this series. But I do think it makes me appreciate Link Click all the more because it truly drags you in to being a detective piecing everything together. There are plenty of times I want to watch or read something I don't have to use a lot of brain power for; that I can just switch off and enjoy it without analysing, but I think because I'd experienced MDZS and TGCF first I didn't go into reading SVSSS with the mindset that it could be that kind of story. Like MDZS with the reveal of Nie Huaisang it brings back moments from the beginning of the story (when Mo Xuanyu brings back Wei Wuxian), and there are a bunch of other little breadcrumbs to keep track of throughout the story too. Same for TGCF and some of the reveals in it. Mo Xiang Tong Xiu just teases us enough with the potential of Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua and then leaves us fans to our own rabid desire 🤣 This has been quite the journey. But I'm still looking forward to more danmei Mondays, especially with you starting Word of Honor 🥳


Oh noooo, that sucks about your laptop dying! 🙁I hate when that happens! Hahah, the relationship with Mulan is great! I can see that comparison, too! Airplane for sure has daddy issues! But man, him telling MBJ to call HIM daddy?! Oof. I love the POV the MXTX uses with Airplane as well! And cottage-core ahahahaa - I do appreciate that BingQiu has reached that “peaceful” level in comparison to where they were before. I do love that MBJ agreed to cook noodles for SQH - now I want a cookoff between LBH, MBJ, WWX, and XL! 😛 Ooohhhhhhh, the comparison to Kang Daehyung’s black socks on?! I would think more of Hua Cheng being in that “position,” but SQQ is the dorkier version of it, haha! Okay, I loved the ending chapters we got, but YES, I really wish MXTX had given us more of Chapter 100 BingQiu! Yeah, SVSSS and TGCF are very polar opposite on the spectrum to me and MDZS is the middle man. But yeah, MDZS gets it all, don’t they? Rare for the middle child! 😀 I have a lot of friends in the LGBTQA+ community - maybe it’s because MXTX is in China? I’m not sure. But I do get that there are a LOT of BL stories where there are no heterosexual folks around or women - maybe it’s just showing how categorized or isolated groups of people like that are? There should be studies done on that! I do love the communication most between WangXian and HuaLian is the most romantic to me – I think because BingQiu was the first couple she wrote; she just didn’t have that honest communication and development built in – I respect the Extra ranking, though, for sure! I really appreciate Link Click all the more thanks to this series, hahaha!! I definitely wish SVSSS could have felt more “complete,” but I appreciate all MXTX gave with it! There’s so much “teased” in this episode and I look forward to her eventually getting to more stories, because I love her writing and will always respect her as an author! But YES, thank you for following through SVSSS with me and I CANNOT WAIT TO GET INTO WORD OF HONOR WITH YOU ALLLLLLL! Cannot wait! Thank you for the comment, support, and kind words as always!