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So far, I am certain of three things with this series:

1. The animation is lush and gorgeous!
 2. This show likes talking about sex and playing with tropes!
3. I am already hardcore defending and promoting the pairing of Momo and "Okarun!"

Get that chemistry going, y'all! This episode continues the wild streak from last week and I'm so curious where it will go!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/qCrXPboYMZGr2brrPbKUSU? 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


DanDaDan: Episode 2 Reaction! THAT'S A SPACE ALIEN, ISN'T IT?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/qCrXPboYMZGr2brrPbKUSU? **TRAPPED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** So far, I am certain of three things with this series: 1. The animation is lush and gorgeous! 2. This show likes talking about sex and playing with tropes! 3. I am already hardcore defending and promoting the pairing of Momo and "Okarun!" Get that chemistry going, y'all! This episode continues the wild streak from last week and I'm so curious where it will go! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #dandadan #dandadanreaction #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Kirsten H

It's so interesting to me that your mind went automatically to Okarun possibly being a threat to Momo when Turbo Granny's curse takes over! I might be thinking too gender binary in that moment because I never thought she was in danger because Momo would not have a "weenie" to gobble. (To be clear, I have only seen 2 episodes at this point as well, I just started the series a few days ago haha - so maybe Turbo Granny's intentions with "weenies" will be clearer later.) Also, funnily enough, I have not thought about "bananas" being specifically male either - my mind went to the fact that they are aliens confused as hell about how human bodies work, so they are calling everything bananas lol. I loved these 2 episodes so far though, and you're thoughts have given me a new lens to view possible themes of the series through, so thanks!

Zeekutar The Immortal

seems fitting to have an anatomically absent character named "Ken."


So here is the opening for Ultraman, the one I grew up with. It’s very similar to the opening ( in some areas) as Dan da Dan’s opening! https://youtu.be/pqRKLS-hl98?si=1f7W4oTZ_FZlOA9I there were several openings to Ultraman but I think this is closest to Dan da Dan. Now, my favorite monster from Ultraman is Pigmon! I have stickers of him on my car, a coffee cup, I had a wallet and Husband will build models of him for me when he finds them. So I have a small collection of toys and models. Pigmon is a friendly monster with a pink balloon who got stoned to death. 😅😭 oh well. https://youtu.be/hpHTTtmrCJI?si=2lPG0c3KIHFwXIWe it’s a tragic end but I can’t help but laugh because he is so silly. Loved the reaction as always! Looking forward to episode 3! Edit: found another Pigmon dies video and I just about busted a gut! 🤣 enjoy? https://youtu.be/5SG4ZwKqE54?si=_HcF_EHNSV_xFUW_

Alexandra Q

Episode 2 is here! Gosh, this anime is *weird*, that's for sure; but, hey, I often find those particularly rewarding, Okarun's VA is one of my favorites. His voice is so versatile and fun. It really is a treat to have in this show. The warmer colors for the ghosts, and cooler colors for the aliens are so fun! Very visually gripping, and it makes for very easy identification when watching. Honestly, the dynamic between Okarun and Momo is so fascinating to me. I mean, you would expect Ken to be all shy and sensitive because he *is* presented as shy; and he truly is a lot of the time, but he can be mean and play off of Momo's energy so well as well; I know that I wasn't expecting him to biker with Momo so much. And then you have Momo who is so brash and uncaring, and for all intents and purposes, and in any other show, she would have just been unsensitive, but, well, in Dandadan she is also super sweet and soft; and I actually love how her room encapsulates that; while Momo wears clothes that aren't the most feminine in the world, specially not in Japanese culture, her room is so pink and girly. And the contrast between the two is so energetic and vibrant it keeps me hooked to my screen. I heard someone describe this show as Mob Psycho and Chainsaw Man's love child in Jojo's Bizarre Aventure's font, and I've never been able to stop thinking about it and how fitting that description feels. Though, describing it as Mob Psycho and Jujutsu Kaisen's love child is something I totally see, and now I need to add it into that first statement. I guess the one thing everyone is in agreement is that Mob Psycho inspired this show some way or another. The idea that the "dandadan" from the OP, and name is because of their heartbeats is AMAZING and I love it so much.

Alex Kornejo

Some recent shows have been rough... so it's understandable that guard would be up, specially after what those aliens tried to pull on ep 1. Anyway, something she brought up and I didn't consider is the emasculation angle: Indeed, basically at the same time he lost both his 'masculinity' to turbo grannie and his own name to Momo. So without those anchors what's his identity?


He is a bit like Kenny from South Park. He has died several times now! It’s a running gag for sure! 😅

The truck

I don't have much to say about this episode, apart from fangirling about Momo and Okarun's relationship XD, but the discussion was very interesting. Especially all the parts regarding Okarun being "emasculated" due to his lack of weenie. You did raise some very interesting points regarding it that I haven't seen anybody else touch before, nor have I thought of such myself. People do joke about the lack of his stick a lot, but as far as I have seen it's always been very good-natured. But no one (and when I say no one I mean almost no one, as I spend way too much time of my days looking for dandadan discussion and commentary to read XD ) has pointed out any negative or "problematic" undertones that it could have, so that was quite fascinating.

L Freya

Love the kyubey : lucky cat reference - you beat me to it for once, haha! I just started watching this week (went through 3 eps and may stop there, it's fun being able to comment week to week without advance knowledge), and know nothing about the validity of your comparison, only that it was funny to hear how much mistrust that damn cat has bestowed on us!


Oh, the guards were definitely up from Berserk, but yeah, I do feel a little bad for Ken because of that loss of identity, but since he's shied or "literally ran" from advancing in the past in terms of relationships and so on, maybe he'll find that out for himself? We shall see!


Yeah, I've been seeing some shows in the last several months on the channel that have featured female sexual assault, unfortunately, so my guard was definitely raised. That is a fair point that maybe they think random parts of the human body are "bananas," though the implication seems...there, but we shall see, right?! Thank you so much for the comment and kind words! I appreciate you joining for the ride! It's been fun so far and full of lots to talk about!


This show is so wild but I appreciate the chaos! Okarun is such a sweetheart! I love the color differences for each of them as well with warm vs. cool! I love the dynamic with Okarun and Momo, too! I love how their outward appearances can be deceiving for how they are once they get to know each other! That combination sounds pretty on the nose (I haven’t seen JoJo’s yet, but from what I know of it anyway), but considering I love MP100 and JJK so much, I really like how this series is a combo of that while being itself! Thank you for the comment!


Ooohhh the Ultraman opening! WOW, I can really see the resemblance and connection with the black outlines and saturated colors! Oh my gosh, the Pigmon death, though! The closeup as it closes its eyes and the pink balloon…it just hits! The description of “friendly monster with a pink balloon WHO GOT STONED TO DEATH” just slams right into you, hahaha! And tiny Pigmon getting killed by his own people!? He really is the Kenny of Ultraman! Thank you for the comment and kind words! Tis a wild series so far!


I really love Okarun and Momo’s relationship already! I definitely feel for Okarun - I have a student on our team that is the only male-presenting member of the team and there have been times I’ve had to step in when a fellow student makes a comment that could question their masculinity, so I feel it’s worth bringing up with Okarun, who seems surrounded (at least as far as episode 3 goes) but mostly women. Thanks for the comment! I’m glad the discussion was fun!


Yessss, honestly, I cannot unsee the connections to Kyubey when I spot them now! Haha! But YES, that cat has bestowed SUCH mistrust to me, that I will be forever skeptical of any anthropomorphic animal mascot/mentor from now on, hahaha!! Thank you for the comment and kind words!

Christopher Pettersson

David Lynch was one of a kind and we will never see another one quite like him, may he rest in peace. Say what you will about the aliens in episode one atleast they somewhat followed established UFO lore as "real" abduction stories often are weirdly sexual (the anal probe thing didn't become a main facet of the lore for nothing) but this alien is highly confusing. It's named after a place in America but looks like a sumo wrestler, it follows "supernatural" rules as its hand disintegrate when touching the ground but it can still cheat that same rule, it's defeted with a spiritual talisman meant for warding against evil spirits all while calling these poor kids the evil ones. In all aspects a confusing entity i must say, not a criticism just an observation. I can say this as i'm sure you've seen the next epsiode at this point, but when you said the grandma seemed "traditional" i chuckled out loud. There are many things about gender roles/stereotypes, emasculation and all those things here one could discuss but i think all that will have to wait to later episodes. Perhaps the one thing that i can say and maybe feel i'm not sure about is that Okarun's missing junk is only treated as a joke and Momo shows no concern for him (well about that, she shows concern in other aspects) . If it was a running gag and this was like the third time he had lost it i could buy it, but here they have no idea if they can ever get it back and i can say that for any man (or teenage boy), losing ones private parts would be a source of great anxiety and horror, so perhaps a word of encouragement or something would have been in order?