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I really love a mystery that gets a full episode devoted to it, and it's "murder she wrote" this week, as MaoMao is tasked to track down the cause of a concubine's murder, but it leads to some very interesting discoveries!

Meanwhile, Jinshi is being more and more comfortable around Maomao and letting her know what he thinks! Well, sir!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/JRmUL4AMtY24hoAweBUGR3?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


The Apothecary Diaries Season 2: episode 3 Reaction! CORPSE FUNGUS?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/JRmUL4AMtY24hoAweBUGR3? **SPORATIOUS HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I really love a mystery that gets a full episode devoted to it, and it's "murder she wrote" this week, as MaoMao is tasked to track down the cause of a concubine's murder, but it leads to some very interesting discoveries! Meanwhile, Jinshi is being more and more comfortable around Maomao and letting her know what he thinks! Well, sir! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #apothecarydiariesreaction #apothecarydiaries #apothecarydiariesseason2 #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


L Freya

This was a fun and entertaining episode for me, I ended up watching it last night, and rewatched with your reaction tonight! It definitely is nice to have a self-contained episode I agree! I am also going through your Vinland Saga reactions, midway into the second season, which are so great - the Canute and Thorfinn asexual ship is glorious, and I love hearing the others, ships find a way, but there's some pretty brutal cliff hangers in there haha! Maomao and I am alike with cats! The more I ignore my cat the more it seeks out my attention. It was nice to see you call out so early on the digging for a dead body when she noticed mushrooms growing in a patch on the ground around 9 minutes in. I got so excited this episode ahead of your reaction when Maomao FINALLY reveals to Jinshi her bandaged arm/injuries. Probably not the way you had envisioned it going down but still was great to have him aware of it, and hopefully he can help continue to restrain her more extreme attempts of experimentation on her body! Not that she needs someone (though maybe she kinda does), but a little well-intended help is always nice, I think! The blue corpse mushrooms Maomao envisions at the end of the episode looked pretty neat, other-worldly perhaps, or something you'd find deep, deep down under the sea on the ocean floor. I also loved seeing the interactions at the end with Jinshi confiscating the corpse mushrooms in chibi form, they were so great, all the expressions! I wonder where we will go from here? Perhaps blame needs to be placed for covering up things, I'm curious to see the fallout and more next week!

Amalia Jungclaus

I think your Shisui is Lolan theory is really cool! I was so caught up in the excitement of MaoMao getting more friends that I didn’t even think about how Shisui might be manipulating things the same way Lakan did. I also feel like this particular mystery adds credit to it too. Part of how Tao disguised herself as Jin was by pretending to be barely able to talk, and we’ve never heard Lolan talk at all! This case’s entire course of events could be foreshadowing! Also, someone around Lolan must have top tier make up artist abilities if they’re disguising her so well. Makes me think of that one meme video where the woman is applying make up and says ‘if the men find out we can shape shift they’re going to tell the church!’ XD Thanks for the video!


Yeah, there is a lot of mystery with LouLan and Shisui, but I like that connection to Tao this episode! And that’s a good point about the makeup (or lack there of as well)! AND OH MY GOD - I LOVED THAT WOMAN’S MAKEUP VIDEOS!! I remember binging them when she was really active on YouTube - she’s fantastic! Hahaha! Thank you for this comment and the kind words!


Ahhh, Vinland Saga is INSANELY GOOD! HONESTLY, the Canute and Thorfinn asexual ship is so amazing to me! <3 That series doesn’t have a lot of ships for me (which is ironic considering the subject matter hahaha), but it’s still so good! I blame my farm upbringing for noticing the shrooms with decaying matter but considering Huckleberry can be cat-like, maybe I need to try that strategy with him (though he’ll probably still demand attention Corgi-style)! 😛 FINALLY we get those bandages revealed! YES! I am glad that he and Gaoshun know now - I have a feeling we’re going to go back to it at some point, so we shall see! I think that while MaoMao’s independence is important, Jinshi caring about her and letting her know that hurting herself isn’t cool is very important as well! Oooh, I like that comparison of the mushrooms to the ocean, especially considering how MaoMao has been associated with ‘drowing’ in water in the past season! The Mushroom Confiscation Scene is my favorite in the episode! SO FUNNY! And it’s nice to see the two of them bantering and being themselves again! I’m so excited with what Episode 4 will give us! Thank you for the comment and kind words!

Anime Annie

I never trust my memory so I always do a quick flick through the episodes (of any series) to check what was said when or who was present etc. [for example I double checked that I did remember right that Lady Shin appeared in Episode 1 but not Episode 4 of Season 1]. My memory is strangely good at times, such as remembering voices and seiyuu, but other times like specific pieces of dialogue I have a vague recollection of though I do (usually) know which episode I think it appeared in, which does make double-checking that little bit easier. Xiaolan trying her best with her studies and in turn teaching the other girls makes me love her so much more. She deserves all the good things in life! 🥺 Maomao ignoring the kitty is honestly a great way to reinforce the idea that Maomao, despite her name, doesn't really care for cats as she told Jinshi after they first discovered Maomao, Admonisher of Thieves 😂 Is it any wonder Maomao has the opinion of Jinshi that she does (i.e. he's a masochist) when he freaks out at her soft smile and happiness at his plans, but feels all is well with the world again after she glares at him 🤣 I gotta say I love that the sound team thought to have their voices be muffled whilst they were wearing the masks to protect them from the poisonous mushroom. Nice little attention to detail that is appreciated. I laughed at your comment that eunuchs who can keep a secret would be the hardest part. It really would! They're all such gossips 🤣 I had to pause after you made me imagine Maomao as Horatio Caine from CSI: Miami 😆 It's also kinda making me want to do a crack video of The Apothecary Diaries to the theme song, Won't Get Fooled Again 🤣 I love Maomao gives us her personal conjectures, but she doesn't speak them aloud because she's still following her father's (Luomen's) teachings 🥺 Seeing Maomao geek out over the mushrooms gives me life! Also makes me amazed at how calm she was able to present herself when Jinshi first asked about her knowledge of mushrooms 😆 With shows, like The Apothecary Diaries, I do definitely appreciate when there isn't a cliffhanger because I'm watching week-to-week. In others that have completely aired I mostly don't mind them as I binge watch, but it can become an issue if there's multiple cliffhangers and you just want to watch one more episode and then it's suddenly 3am 😂 Similar to reading a really good fic on AO3 or a really good book. Just one more chapter won't do any harm 😆 It's for that reason I am in awe at your willpower to not binge watch shows that you're able to. Every time last season when you'd mention Maomao's arm and Jinshi not knowing what was beneath it I admit to evilly giggling because I knew it was coming, just Jinshi let Maomao open up the dialogue first by showing him the scar from the mushroom 🥺 I do love the way he further approached the topic of what was beneath her bandages. If Maomao felt uncomfortable talking about it she could easily have responded in a way that shut down any further enquiry. Christina Aguilera's Dirty would suit Maomao as a theme song 😆 Jinshi and Gaoshun not knowing about Lady Tao is very saddening and shows how easy women can slip through the cracks. But it also feels very similar to Jinshi's lack of awareness for the place he picked out to be the servant girls' school being potentially unsuitable. Also yay for the shorts once the season ends again!