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A caravan has arrived ahead of a special "envoy" and MaoMao and XiaoLan explore and take in all the "discount goodies!" However, there's some strange coincidences with the items sold and scents being spread around the Rear Pavilion -- and there may be more than one concubine pregnant? AND their pregnancy may be in danger?

Show, we are only two episodes into the second season!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/1C9c5NnwfU7qWXcYpoDfbv?

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The Apothecary Diaries Season 2: Episode 2 Reaction! CARAVAN?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/1C9c5NnwfU7qWXcYpoDfbv? **HERBAL HEADPHONE WARNINGS** A caravan has arrived ahead of a special "envoy" and MaoMao and XiaoLan explore and take in all the "discount goodies!" However, there's some strange coincidences with the items sold and scents being spread around the Rear Pavilion -- and there may be more than one concubine pregnant? AND their pregnancy may be in danger? Show, we are only two episodes into the second season! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #romaniablack #apothecarydiariesreaction #apothecarydiaries Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Edited to remove everything that could be considered a spoiler. I really enjoy your theorizing about Shisui, so I will refrain from commenting on her so as not to influence you. You are the only one of all the Reactors I have seen who has found Shisui worth theorizing about, and that is intriguing.


We have seen Shin before but only briefly in season 1 she’s Lihua’s head lady in waiting and she’s the one in ep 1 who throws Maomao’s note about the poison makeup away NOT the one from ep 4 who hid it when it was banned, that’s just Lihua’s maid mostly in charge of her makeup and she has brown hair, Shin’s is blue like Lihua’s EDIT: I just got to the point in the discussion where you realised they weren’t the same person hahah 👍🏻 ALSO sorry haha I think there are other doctors in the outer palace but there’s the quack doctor at the Rear palace. I think there’s not many in the rear palace because they would have to be a eunuch to be there, if any one knows a little bit better about this correct me if I’m wrong


Edited to remove everything that could be considered a spoiler. The quack is the only doctor in the rear palace for the very reason you mentioned. There is also the clinic, separate from the doctor's office as mentioned by Maomao in episode 25.

Zeekutar The Immortal

Regarding the Blossoming tea balls, I have and can order more of them. If you are interested, I can send you some, or the link to order them. They are a bit gimmicky, but fun a few times none the less. Also, during the episode they mentioned that the tea relaxes you and wakes you up. It seems a bit counterintuitive, but there are multiple chemicals in tea, and in combination, they do exactly that. You get an energy rush like you would with caffeine, but it's tempered so it is steadier and doesn't crash as hard. You get a more focused energy, rather than a more wild energy.


I may order some! I don’t really want food shipped to me, just because of the hazards with shipping and how the products can end up, but I will definitely look for some! I really appreciate you offering, though! ^^ Thank you! And yes, I talked in the discussion about medicine I take that essentially does that as well. Science is wild! Thanks for the comment!

Zeekutar The Immortal

of course. keep in mind they are gimmicky. the tea is usually average. also, you mentioned the go and shogi games in the past few weeks, have ever had the chance to play them?


Sorry Romania, I thought I was careful not to spoil anything. Maybe whoever flags for spoilers could kindly explain what is considered a spoiler in my posts to avoid it in the future. Until then, I will stop commenting altogether, it's not worth the trouble.

L Freya

Episode 2 - feels to me like the show is still laying out a bit more groundwork before really throwing the first big shock at us. Maomao hasn't had a chance yet to show off anything too crazy, but I'm sure it's coming up at some point again! I really feel like you're in your element with this series! Perhaps a combination of recently coming off the first season along with your ability to puzzle through mysteries so well - it all makes for a discussion that was even more enjoyable than the episode itself! It's fun to hear all the theories, and I think maybe you're on to something with Shisui, I have no advance knowledge though - same as Utena, week to week aligned with your reactions, so we'll see! I also enjoyed hearing your take on the Jinshi/Maomao interaction at the end, because I wasn't really sure what to make of it entirely. The talk about the waterways and disease spreading from it reminded me back when I was in school, we had city water, I don't know if well water has similar issues, but a few times I'd go to use the sink and all the water coming out of the faucets would be a dark brown, dirty looking color. It usually lasted just a single day if even that long, I guess it can be caused from fire hydrant usage or a water main break, but as a kid my parents just would say to let the water run a minute until it's clean looking as if it were totally natural haha. But I would just look at those faucets with the same degree of doubt I get from Shisui - can our Maomao have nice things like new friends right in episode 1? Do we trust finding Maomao the cat was really a random encounter? We'll see! So, I'm all ready for some sort of water related mystery now! But I think my biggest hope for our Sherlock and Moriarty actresses is a trial! I'd love to see that one season, and there's definitely precedence for it in other Sherlock stories.

Anime Annie

Your comment that Consort Gyokuyou's old dress looked like a circus tent did make me laugh, but after having been properly dressed in several layers of clothes and dresses to wear a kimono like a geisha I can say they do have *a lot* of material that just gets expertly wrapped and tucked into place 😆 When Maomao suggests them asking about dresses in Consort Gyokuyou's preferred style and she pets Princess Lingli's hair it always makes my heart clinch. In Season 1 we learned that she was targeted during her pregnancy with Princess Lingli, and that's partly why they're hiding the information about her current pregnancy. Consort Gyokuyou's clutching the child she almost lost (before and after she was born) really helps hit home what the bad outcome to others learning of her pregnancy could be 🥺 I really adore Maomao and Xiaolan's friendship, and how it has continued even with all the changes to Maomao's life whilst Xiaolan remained in the laundry area. It also gives us a chance to see a different side to Maomao; a caring and sweet side alongside behaving almost like a big sister 🥺 Agree with you on the camels, having seen some and ridden one in Gran Canaria. They are loud and drool a lot, but at least they didn't bite me like some other animals I've been around (goats and deer being the two main culprits) 😂 The jasmine being helpful during childbirth fits with it constricting the uterus. In some cases the mother's body can need some outside assistance in getting the contractions to start. With modern medicine we have drugs to help the uterus contract, but jasmine would be considered a natural alternative that may be preferred by some as some modern drugs can have a negative effect on the baby. Gaoshun stated Concubine Jin "of the middle rank" and so far the only concubine we have had any focus on outside of the top four high ranked ones was Concubine Fuyou in Episode 2 of Season 1. I love the comparison you made between Consort Gyokuyou and Princess Diana. Very apt for what we know of Consort Gyokuyou, not just in regards to her being charitable with her old clothes, but also her being a more politically-minded concubine. Princess Diana also got involved with a number of "political issues" and gave her support to a few causes that, at the time, were seen as being political and not something a member of the royal family should partake in. Interesting theories 🤔🤐 The market definitely gives me a mix of North African/Middle Eastern vibes with the colours, designs, and wares for sale. Lady Shin, back in Episode 1, is the one that threw away the note Maomao had left regarding the face powder. But she doesn't appear at all during Maomao's time caring for Consort Lihua at the Emperor's behest. The one who continued using the face powder on Lihua is the lady-in-waiting by Consort Lihua's side when Lady Shin greets her. The waterways, I believe, were Roman in design alongside aqueducts to bring fresh water to numerous towns and cities. But yes it did take some time for people to realise that the sewage water was sometimes mixing with the fresh water, and was the actual reason for several illnesses. Yes Consort Gyokuyou is from the Western provinces. I have some dresses with an empire waist that are so comfortable, but I can get a little bloated after eating and so just the hint of my stomach swelling under it led to so many comments by friends and family on if I was pregnant 😆 There is definitely a lot more jumping to conclusions based on women's fashion than men's. Men it is typically just accepted if they give the reason "it's comfortable". Oh one of my migraine medicines I was given as a child used to knock me out for hours. But my body is also a little strange in that all bar one brand of energy drink I've tried will make me feel drowsy/make me sleep within twenty to thirty minutes of drinking them.

Be Happy

Hello there I am the one that flagged your comment It was because you were talking about how she became one of your fav characters in book 3 and 4 which hints at the importance she might have in the future. You don’t need to stop commenting, i ll just ask you to be careful plz about hints related to future events and characters. Thanks for your understanding


I’m sure we’ll see what the show has in store for us! I love shows that offer mystery and a puzzle to figure it out – I would love to continue theorizing, so thank you! I’m glad you enjoy hearing them! It’s nice to watch with someone else who is week to week as well, so thank you!! I’m STILL not entirely sure what to make with Jinshi and MaoMao’s interaction, so I definitely need to see them together more to know what else to make of it. Yesss, okay, so the water being cloudy? That’s actually a “lake turning” sometimes - my mother works for area water district and says a lot of cities get water from lakes in our area and when the lake “turns,” it causes air or debris to get in the lines and does that for a brief period! But yes, it would be nice if our girl could have nice things! Thank you for the comment! A trial would e neat, but I don’t know if we’ll get that or not! I don’t remember too many Sherlock stories with “trials” that were official, but my brain could be fuzzy on that one.


I cannot imagine how long it takes Gyokuyou to get dressed all the time! Yeah, Gyokuyou knowing what’s at stake with her child is terrifying - I really feel for her, too! Also, yes to her being like Princess Diana! MaoMao and Xialan are so adorable - I love how soft she is around her! But yeah, camels? Nahhh, I’m good! ;) And YES, goats are notorious for nibbling…or biting! Can attest to that! I love learning about herbs as we go in this series! That’s a good note about Jin and Fuyou being the same “rank” so far. And oooohhh, that’s good to note about Lady Shin! And that is important to know about her not being there – I did note later in the discussion that I figured out the face powder situation and who was the one MaoMao confronted - I talked about that towards the end of the discussion. Yeah, I remember studying the Roman aqueducts way back in junior high, but the book I just read was fresher in my mind, haha! Also, so true on the fashion world for both genders! That’s interesting about your reactions to energy drinks too! It’s wild how the human body reacts to things differently! Thank you for the comment!!


I didn’t know Jasmine tea could constrict the uterus


I have not - I've watched March Come in Like a Lion that features Shogi, so that's where I get that info from.

William Pina

Shisui and Loulan look so much alike that it would be too obvious if they were the same person... but I really want them to be!