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I walked into this series with few expectations, but I'm already blown out of the spaceship - so to speak - with the two leads especially! Ken and Momo are my new power couple and I am rooting so hardcore for them!

The zany animation, concept, and subversion of sexual tropes is already reeling me in -- let's do this DanDaDan -- and see what you got for us!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/ziiwZsk5bBf7kJ6b1TNJsQ? 

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


DanDaDan: Episode 1 Reaction! THAT'S HOW LOVE STARTS, YA KNOW?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/ziiwZsk5bBf7kJ6b1TNJsQ? **CURSED AND LINKED UP HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I walked into this series with few expectations, but I'm already blown out of the spaceship - so to speak - with the two leads especially! Ken and Momo are my new power couple and I am rooting so hardcore for them! The zany animation, concept, and subversion of sexual tropes is already reeling me in -- let's do this DanDaDan -- and see what you got for us! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! #dandadan #dandadanreaction #romaniablack Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Pedro Hernández

Ohhhh, you've gotten on this roller coaster of emotions, it won't let you down. 👍👍👍


About the first dialogue between Momo and Ken: The translation team seemed to have messed up here. What Ken says rather means "I know what you like", as he thinks she went to him because she also is a fan of the occult and there is no other reason for her to have spoken to him.


Momo and her friends are Gyaru (English loanword "Gal" - pronounced Gee-yah-roo), a Japanese fashion/culture; how Momo wears her school uniform (skirt worn high on the waist or sewn to be shorter, socks being baggy because they're worn lower than they're meant to, and bright accesories) is the typical image of a Gyaru student, and her friend's dark skin and white facial markings are the deep (likely fake) tan and white makeup of the Ganguro sub-style of Gyaru. Gyaru are stereotyped by the Japanese mainstream as promiscuous, delinquent, and/or sort of the equivalent of English media's "dumb and shallow blonde".

The truck

SOOO excited to have Dandadan finally here!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHHA!!! Since you talked a lot of Momo and her friends, they're all Gyaru's. Which is a fashion subculture in Japan, Momo and her brunette friend are Kogal gyaru's which is usually "gyaru-fied high school uniforms" featuring shortened skirts, loose socks, make-up and many accessories. The blond friend is a ganguro gyaru, usually defined by tanned skin, bleached hair, and heavy amount of white make-up around eyes & lips. The Gyaru style has a long and honestly fascinating history behind it, but to shorten the history for this comment, the fashion subculture is usually considered to be nonconformist and a rebelling against Japanese social and aesthetic standards (which is about "natural", pale and modest beauty) Though the media does often stereotype them with "mean girls" sort of vibe. Turbo-granny is also loosely based on an actual Japanese legend, which was quickly referenced in Mob Psycho as well under the name "dash granny", since you mentioned how the tunnel reminded you of Mob. Also, I love how the first thing Turbo-granny did when coming to the UFO, was to bite off the banana thing from that alien XD At least she takes the weenies from both humans and aliens equally. And I adore how no matter what sort of crazy happened the thing that "got the spotlight" or.. how do I say it... The moment made to be "the impact" of the episode, was the UFO exploding behind Momo during the name reveal. BUT AAAA, I am so excited about this journey. I cannot wait for you to meet all of my favorite characters and see all of my favorite moments, this gonna be a fun spring ahead :DDD!!!


I was wondering how you were going to react to the first episode! The fashion trend that the girl with the “tribal “ makeup is called Ganguro. It is definitely a rebellious trend that goes against the typical “look” girls are supposed to portray. The skin condition you are thinking of is vitiligo. It is an autoimmune condition. Those aliens remind me so much of two Ultraman monsters that are smashed together, alien Dada https://youtu.be/NfOqn_obAjI?si=IqrYjNtWN4zcbukD and Gango. https://youtu.be/xdc_tnFxZxM?si=PEBblDsZywjSEDKY I’d say it’s a pretty strong homage to Ultraman. Well, that is a slice of my childhood right there! I love Ultraman! I was actually disappointed by The Power Rangers when I first saw them because the monsters were not big enough. Or at least they weren’t in the episode I saw as a 20 yr old. Loved your reaction and I’m glad Momo kicked alien butt! Btw, my bunny loves naners! Including the skins! But, he only gets a nibble of the banana! 🍌 🐰 yeah, I need to read the manga.

Zeekutar The Immortal

16:40 I believe the condition is vitiligo pigmentation, however this is not the case. another person her posted in greater detail about Momo's friend's fashion style, Gyaru, which can include tanning the skin while leaving portions lighter with makeup and having lighter or even blond hair.

Alexandra Q

It's here!!!!!!! I'm so excited to see you react to this one, definitely one of the best surprises of 2024. This first episode is WILD and really good at setting the tone for the series, which I like a ton. You can see from it that the show won't be scared to be bold and weird, which I like in anime, but it also has a lot of heart and very sensitive characters; something that surprised me as I thought Momo would just be a badass girl and not also have the tact to apologize to Ken when she went a little too far, or how Ken laughs the existence of ghost while firmly believing in aliens because of his solitude. I don't know, it's all a very nice combination of little twists already. Momo having such a crush in an old actor, an actor not from her time, is such a teenage thing to give as a character and I love it. I like that we see both Ken and Momo getting in each other's cases/nerves and Ken, who seems really shy, being so natural with Momo; they immediately started arguing, intensely, about the existence of ghosts and aliens, something that I don't think Ken would have done before. As much as I like this show, it is not one that I can just watch anywhere for sure XD I didn't feel as if the sexuality of it were ever used crassly, more as to showcase the monstrosity of these beings, but it is very present in this episode. So, I take it, that since the alien dudes do not need females in their species to reproduce, ergo they are not in danger of going extinct, and it seems that their reason for wanting Momo's "banana" is to be able to evolve... does that mean that the dudes we met are the crazies of their species? *lol* You know, usually aliens are invading earth for resources vital to their survival or because they can't reproduce anymore or something like that, and this is very much not it. It's interesting. Overall, this was just a really fun pilot episode, and it really makes you excited to what else this show has in store.

Alex Kornejo

In the beginning, God said "Let there be Furi Kuri" and God saw that it was good, but a new generation came along so he said "Let there be DanDaDan" and he saw that it was also good, so everyone rejoiced. Ghosts, Gyarus, Aliens, Old school actors, and a buttload of kinetic energy in animation form, I might not be the target audience for this kind of coming of age show anymore, but it mirrors the vibe and energy of one of my all time faves, so I love it so much: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sm2YLvuXx7I The chemistry between 'Occult-kun' (Let's not call him Ken for Momo's sake) and Momo is fantastic , and kind of rare to see in a medium that doesn't have the immediacy of live-acting, I don't know how it is in the manga, but you get the sense these two voice actors are having a blast. How many shounen shows are out there even great ones where the worst thing about them is how stilted the 'official main couple' is, but not here, they're the best thing about the show form the get go. The Mob/DanDaDan connection is definitely strong some tweaking and it could have been called MobPsycho: the High School Years... Tsubomi-chan exits stage left, Momo enters stage right. Which reminds me, even Mob, powerful as he was was scared to death of Turbo Granny, so those aliens never stood a chance. P.S. Skinwalker Ranch is a real place in Utah... I guess in the show's take skinwalkers are aliens disguising themselves into those creepy human-like things.

Christopher Pettersson

Now that is how you make a first episode to really grab your attention. Really makes you feel like you're in for a ride not quite like any other. I love Momo's friends, being all for her going after the "otaku", he can't be worse than her first boyfriend anyway. Although one might wonder how they even got that far into that relationship, seems to me Momo doesn't take shit from anyone and would have kicked him to the curb straight away, guess those Ken Takakura looks was just to enticing. Technically the OP contains spoilers, but if you are fine with seeing stylized versions of foes coming up (and some characters not yet introduced) it should be fine waching after epsiode 2. I doubt anyone could infer any plot points from it. And if nothing else, the OP i such a bop it would be a real shame not to experience it. I'm not sure when this is supposed to take place but the "renaming" UFOs to UAPs feels like it happend a few years ago, the Space Force was established in 2019 and seems a new thing here, so feels quite contemporary? But we also see people in the show use flip phones so it might actually be somewhat in the past (well not earlier then 2019 i guess, if this is supposed to be our world). Oh and yeah, all things in Ken's magazine and other stuff mentioned are "real" things, like some other comments mentioned, with Skinwalker Ranch, Nessie, Turbo Granny, Project Pegasus, Lizard People, Colonel Jim Channon and more. So if you know your UFO lore, conspiracy theories and cryptids you might already be as spoiled as the OP could ever manage. :P

Alex Kornejo

Japan did stick with flip-phones well into the smartphone era from what I understand, but I could see it being a bit of accidental anachronism. If you're making a story in a school setting you're bound to take from your experience and not realize things have changed; I mean, are ganguro and loose socks still a thing? Maybe we've circled back into 'yes'.

Christopher Pettersson

And not that a show like DanDaDan need to synch up with the real world in any way... anyway, keeping it a bit vague they can be as anachronistic as they like. When was the manga first released? Maybe we just place it there.

The truck

the term UAP has been a thing for a while, but UFO is still wastly more used one still. Especially within the "normies" (or "non-conspirary") circles, many people don't even know what UAP even is. Especially as this is also an english term used in japan. You see it from how, despite Ken saying "UAP" in English, he still explains it's meaning in Japanese. second thing, about the flip phones, they're still very popular in japan, in fact I have heard that they're even rising in popularity with these recent years, though I got no credible source for that at the moment. Also while Ken does have a flip phone, Momo has a smartphone.

Christopher Pettersson

Is UAP from conspiracy circles or the term used in government documents? All i know is that it started to show up more and more in the mainstream a few years ago... or i was just hit with the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. Flip phones might still be popular in Japan but they probably don't scream future tech atleast, not that i can say much myself, i still use an old Nokia 3110.


Right?!?! Ken is so cute! I literally went "aww" when I first saw his face, but barely anyone seems to think so😖


Well, I don't really want to know general receptions of characters if it's cool until end of the season (going in blind and all - which means I don't want audience reception information yet) but I'm excited to see where the season takes our sweetie! Thanks for the comment!


Thank you for the comment! The mods cut out your comment after “more” for possible spoilers or hints/clues in the last paragraph, but I’m happy I could read the rest! JUST FYI for the future! I definitely am excited for this bizarre ride! It feels like a cross of two shows I’ve watched already, but in a good way! I agree - Ken can in no way be as bad as that jerk she was originally trying to date. Maybe Momo was just trying to convince herself that he was “tough” like the movie star Ken she likes, but it was all surface level. I have already watched Episode 2 - like I said in the intro, reaction, and discussion - I will get to the OP when I feel I want to and I don’t want to know anything about it. I appreciate people having faith that I will get to things in my own time, thank you. 🙂 I think the UFO to UAP has happened in the past - I know flip phones are “retro” and in Japan popular, so the timeline of the show could be a range of modern to some time ago. It’s not a major thing that matters in the long run, at least for now! Thanks for the comment! I’m excited to dive into this show!


From my (distant and fuzzy) memory of FLCL, I can see the semblance! Hahaha, with the “rejoice,” I just think of the Monty Python minstrels. “Yaaaaaaaay.” I really like the energy in this series so far – and I’m enjoying the characters! The connection to Mob is definitely there! 🙂Tsubomi would have been in awe of this episode! And interesting about the Skinwalker Ranch! Hmmm…definitely interesting! Thank you for the comment and info!


Yes, I look this up in a future episode so I will talk about it there! Thanks for the info and comment, though!


Yes, I ended up looking up Gyaru style in a future episode because Momo mentions the actual term - don't worry, if the show mentions it and gets my curiosity, I will look it up on my own. ^^ But thank you for the information on the pigment and the comment!


Very excited about this series so far! And yes, Momo actually mentions this later and I looked it up for the discussion so I will talk about it there! Thanks for explaining here, too, though! DASH GRANNY YES - I knew this seemed like an episode of Mob, and there’s the reference! And YES, I at least appreciate the consistency of Turbo Granny living up to her name and marking her words right off the bat! Also, the timing of the reveal of Ken’s name was *chef’s kiss* timing! Loved it! I’m excited to see this series and hope you all enjoy it with me! Thanks for the comment, co-mod!


Thank you for the information on Ganguro! I’ll have to look that up! That’s interesting about the reference to Ultraman! And ah, The Power Rangers were around when I was very young, so they were probably the first piece of Japanese Media, other than Unico, that I consumed at an early age. That’s funny how your generation had the OG Ultraman, though! I love Momo’s kick ass mentality! And that’s amazing that rabbits can eat bananas - who knew?! I mean…MDZS should have tipped me off to that! ;) But thank you for the comment and kind words!


I’m really excited to see this series as well! The premise is a lot of fun so far! And I really love how badass Momo is and how Ken bounces off of her. They are a fantastic combination so far! And yes, agree on the older teenage actor crush! I love the chemistry with Ken and Momo right off the bat – the sexuality is definitely in our faces, and that’s not a bad thing necessarily - it definitely toes the tasteful line. I’m okay with it used to highlight, but it needs to be appropriate to a degree and this gets right on the edge before I take issue, but that’s fine. If you watched my Berserk manga reactions, y’all know how I felt about that series with it. Lordy, if we ended up with the hillbilly redneck aliens in this series…I guess that wouldn’t surprise me! XD Anyway, we shall see! But I did enjoy this episode a lot! Thank you for the comment!


Oh, sorry! I didn't realize that counted as a spoiler😣


Thanks! Yeah, just don't let me know yet about what folks think of the characters so I can develop my own opinions on them and we'll be great! Thanks!

Christopher Pettersson

The thing after "more" was a joke and i can't see how it could be considered a spoiler, hint or clue. I know you really want to err on the side of caution and i don't want to write anything you would consider a spoiler so no worries here. But if you later could tell me if you think this really was "inappropriate" so i can be more cautious in the future. I've had a few comments in recent time being flagged, like saying i thought Vi and Cait would end up together again when i hadn't seen the episode where that infact did happen, guess i'm wondering how careful i should be with writing my own theories and speculations for things i haven't seen? Although i guess that one could be that someone assumed i had watched the whole show at that point. There was something else but can't remember right what it was, but my point is that i wouldn't want to write things i thought would lessen your enjoyment of show and i don't mind the mods being cautious (as you can't decide after the fact if something went to far as you would already be spoiled at that point) i just feel a bit bad when i've apparently overstepped several times the last couple of weeks/months. Agreed, the exact time probably doesn't matter much just a bit of fun trying to piece together the different things we see. Especially with all the winks/references that are littered throughout this show heavily skewing... older. It can feel a bit anachronistic, you maybe don't expect a teenager today thirsting after an actor born in... quick googling... 1931. Can't wait for you to continue this show and i'm sure it will take a few turns you wouldn't expect, i know it did for me atleast. :)