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It is official, has been for the last months, 6 TB of external drive are not enough to store the Bramley Apple project any more.
Between the various stages of work on stills and videos, from raw data to finished product, I'm now unable to fit everything inside a 6TB storage, and I need to split the amount of data between 2 external drive.
The previous 4 copies of my work on 6TB units quickly became 2, so I had to add a new 8TB drive unit to make at least a third copy, to live on the safe side with constantly updated hardware.

My main concern at this point, is to preserve my huge Archives at all cost, and grant the future expansion as well, or photos like this one of Martina (from Feb 2020) may get lost forever!
Fortunately, I take this responsibility very seriously.

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project, or Archives, or DA subscriptions, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com



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